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Paragon Leon's Birthday Too!

Boba Rhett

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Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Leon, happy birthday to you!


Yep, He turns the big 30 today! We're going to have to start mocking the old man for this, of course. ;)



hands Leon an elf and a birthday gift basket*



The elf's name is Eaks and he likes to eat nickels. Have fun! :rhett:

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thank you, thank you, thank you.

Yes, it is true.

I turned 30 today; to be precise: at 21:40 PM dutch time.


Had a wonderful day - even did some wedding-planning related stuff - and thought i'd check the occasional mail / posting before i turned in.. Rhett was waaaay ahead of me...


It hasn't sunk in yet, but i probably had about 900 people singing Happy Birthday for me at a concert where one of my magazines was plugged - the mc was going to give a shout about it..

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