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hhmm....is it just me? ("n00bs", "lamers" etc)


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Look here... I'm sure that If I went out with some of those whinners and have a pint of cider we'd all have a great time and all... but in a JA MP game i get criticized for using grip?


The map has pits... grip is not a cheat... the server is FF and there's nothing in the rules that say i can't use it...i want to win... sooooo... if it means a frag point for me i'll make you kiss the bottom or swim in lava.


The guy just said "omg gripper"...and I asked "So?" to which he replied "lammer noob"... 2 minutes afterwards I killed him with my saber and no force powers... so i asked him "go ahead....call me noob again" to which he replied "do you want me to play 4 seriously?" and I said "yeah...same place...meet me here... if you win i'll give you the credit you deserve for doing so!"... I fought him afterwards and he never beat me... nor did he beat anyone else either btw.


It's not about the made up honor rules or any of the chatting... since people pay for the servers i can live with it and i even abide by the rules even though i wanna frag non stop... it's simply the sore loser attitude and a total lack of respect for other players, being them worse, equal or better players.


I have nothing against those people has human beings, nor am I gonna speculate about their gender, age or ethnicity or any such thing. But as JA players "I can't abide those Whinners... disgusting creatures".

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Originally posted by Akshara

I'm as, if not more "mature" than most of the supposed "adults" in this thread whining about how hard real life is. Yet I don't feel the need to go online and take out pent up rage slapping around 13 year olds for being who they are.


Nobody says real life is THAT hard, at least not me. I say that real life is so much INTERESTING and it should be taken seriously, not like games.


Originally posted by Me

I love you all, whiners included. Whiners are not bad ppl, just unexperienced inmature ppl. Heck, I used to bend keyboards like if they were candy sticks in the middle of an online game rage when I was like 16 years old.


If you take a minute to read, you'll se that I'm recognizing that I used to fall in rage bcuz of games, but I didn't blame the others, I always blamed me.


Atmof my life has been real easy and smooth so far, yet I always had to respond for my own acts, and pay for my own stupidity, even when I was a dumb, pubic hair less boy.

Now I'm still a BOY (22 years old), but at least I never got the nasty habit of blaming the others for my weaknesses and my failures.


Since games are not "real life", they should not be taken so seriously, and if you can't get a frag don't get mad, save it for other IMPORTANT things. Like having the life you have Akshara.


Age at this level has nothing to do with maturity. If you are a "the-others-are-always-wrong" kid at 13 you'll keep being that at 22 and at 30, and perhaps you'll realize how fool you have been at 80.


Even though, I was not referring to young kids, I bet most of this "don't-blame-me", "you-suck" players have my age or are even older. That's why I keep pushing with a "get-a-life" subject, cuz I asume the retards are at least as retards as me, but too nerds to go out a try life in the flesh. I would never say to a 13 years old kid to get a job, that's crazy.


Rounding up, 3.55 equals 3.6.


- Ego coito ergo sum. - Me.

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BloodRiot - you and I have the COOLEST avatars of all !!


If you really want to flame people who complain on the forum, call them whiners not whinners(winners!) ! It makes old people like myself confused.... !


With regards to MP in general -

It IS fun you know


Really ! You wouldn't think so reading this forum !!! I only play MP at Lan get- togethers, so I can literally punch a "lamer" in the guts if he stabs me with saber down !


I am still waiting for someone to start a thread

"I really love MP, you meet a lot of different people, you can fight, chat, and even if we dont agree on the rules it doesnt matter because it is just a game and we are all brothers and sisters on this beautiful earth..."


...waiting ...waiting :p


Also, Ashkara

to those with New Hope bootlegs that have the Biggs scene in them


Wow ! I only saw it in that CD-rom, as well as the anchorhead scene, plus han's girlfriend in the cantina. Would have loved to have seen the footage of 3po driving the speeder through the canyons.....



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Doh!... My mistake... just pretend I wrote Whiners so that i dont have to edit all that stuff ;P.


Anyway like I said... I dont kill people saber down unless they do it to me first cuz in that case it's clear to me they dont follow rulesand therefore can't complain if i do the same.


Like i said.. it's not exactly the rules... but the atitude.


And for that love song thread... someone grab a guitar, I'll build a fire and we can all go on a campong trip while we are at it ;P.

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Akshara, as a thirty-something year-old fan I too saw "A New Hope" my fair share during the summer of '77. I'm also unmarried (hi ladies!!), pay taxes, etc. etc. etc.


That said, I can't begin to suggest that I have deeper insights as to how this game should be played anymore than anyone else. (Nor am I trying to imply that's what your post suggests either.) I don't bear any ill-will towards those who want to role-play, observe an honor code, etc. etc. etc.


My only point is that it's damn frustrating to jump on a server, in particular MY server - the one I'm paying a monthly fee to maintain and make available to the community at large - and have to deal with ill-tempered, immature, ungrateful, poor sports.


Yes I appreciate the intended audience of this video game. Furthermore I understand that by their very nature, video games appeal to a younger portion of our population.


Nevertheless, it's still damn annoying to have my fun time interrupted by some foul-mouthed individual(s) who can't stand the notion that their "virtual jedi" just got his/her ass whooped. And yes, perhaps it's my own misfortune, but in my personal experience there are a quite a few of them populating the servers.


Instead of appreciating the fact that this is a GAME, and at its heart a COMBAT game (no matter what additional codes of honor or so forth people want to add to it), there are those who falsely hold the belief that if they lose, they are ENTITLED to accuse anyone and everyone of being a "n00b" or "lamer," generally along with a host of other insulting names that don't bear repeating.


Where I come from that's simply called being a sore loser.


P.S. Someone stop pulling Corto's finger.

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My only point is that it's damn frustrating to jump on a server, in particular MY server - the one I'm paying a monthly fee to maintain and make available to the community at large - and have to deal with ill-tempered, immature, ungrateful, poor sports.


I can appreciate that, and I'm sure I'd feel the exact same way if I were in your position. It appears that I've been fortunate enough to avoid encountering these people very often. Of course I rarely get to play during the peak hours of the day (afternoons/evenings) since that's when everything happens in real life. Generally when I do go on it will be after midnight where I live, or in the early to mid mornings. So maybe that has something to do with it. However, I do feel for you guys and hope that this whole mess chills out eventually.


I'll stop by your server sometime and say hi.




Amidala, if you actually read this far... stopped by ChopShop in the wee hours this morning and had a great time. Server 2 was pretty choppy even though my ping was like 65; but Server 1 was really nice and clean. I'd been practicing, so using the saber wasn't so difficult this time. Especially enjoyed the saber only CTF...

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Yeah, last night this guy had is saber down and only using force light. Everyone was whinning that saber down=peace. He would attack with the light, then when you attacked/killed him with your saber, he cried lamer. It was a FFA server, with no rules listed, so to me everyone was fair game. If they wanted to duel, they should have went to a duel server, and if they wanted to chat, they should not have respawned till they was ready to fight.

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Personally I don't see a reason not to use force powers in a server where...force powers are enabled :p


If you don't know how to evade throws and you don't want to use absorb against people pulling/pushing/gripping you then go play on a NF server! What's the problem?


Also, people should drop all their babblings about "Honor". Dudes it's a multiplayer game!!!!


Like Unnamed said before it's just





blow **** up


blow **** up


blow more **** up



And if you don't like how people play in a server just pick another server or play bots instead to whine all the time. It makes your life easier and the game more enjoyable IMO



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Originally posted by Luc Solar

i went on there but some lamer named plazz or whatever drained me while i was sab0r down so like WTF!? :mad: just wanted to let u know this rumor, plz ban him we dont need that kind of no skillz poeples on the server ruining the game for me. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


done. i also banned him from my bedroom so no more secks for him.

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Age: 27 , married 7 years, 2 children.


I was roasting G.I. Joes over the Ewok Village campfire when most of you weren't so much as an idea.



Just play the freakin game people or pinch peoples butts, quit arguing, it's "lame".(oops i said the word, I'm cursed as a newbie forever, what should I do, help me please I want to be as good as you all)


As a famous president once said "Can't we all just get along"

(sorry that was just to good to pass up, :p )



*Goes back to fragging Nazi's in Wolf*


*Goes back to trying to defeat Nemesis*




*edited*-oops forgot to check my dictionary to see if this was satire, hope my post wasn't off topic, if so I appologize almighty LucasForum gurus and vetrans, can I be your frinds too?


P.S. I don't come into your forum and spam it up with useless posts and meaningless trash that's not worthy for the bottom of my steel toe'd shanks, the only people I see doing that are the ones with the almighty "glow", so why do you do it to servers set up by people's personal money, time, etc.(Kurgan excluded, great FAQ's, thumbs up)

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Here's one for ya, and tell me if any of you think it's okay...


In CTF over on the Void, some guy joins the blue team and starts running around killing all his teammates. We were in a neck and neck game, close score for almost 20 minutes, then boom... ruined. Tried to ask him to stop... didn't even care. Looked exactly like several other reborn teammates, so it was impossible to see him coming. Next game starts, and suggested he simply switch sides or leave/be kicked. But no, starts fragging all the blue guys and thowing curses all over the place.


Hmmm... I guess that would actually classify as being lame.


There wasn't any honorz, chatting, roleplaying, dueling, whining or nothing.... just 10 people trying to play a good round of CTF. This was at around 4am on a school night, so it's doubtful it was some teenage kid.



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C'Mon ppl!!! It's love time! Love is in the air!


Go post funny stuff, don't you ever get bored of posting sad things and flaming the others?... Well I don't, so let's carry on flaming each other, evil is good!


Sadly for me I have been encountering really cool ppl at the server I always play, except for someone who called me "f|_|cktard", so I don't any excuse to be mad.


Though, there are some ppl who uses really colorfull ways to insult, are you sure you're not gay? :rolleyes: Cuz, you know, there's nothing wrong with it, you just like the caulk more than the girl next to you.


What I see is that there's a new kind of online flamer, cze QUITTER, they come in, mess things up, insult here and there, and then quit when they get their ass pinched, lol.


Why don't these ppl come in here and post crap like I do, instead of ruining other's online match.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

lol...I got to check out your server sometime. So what does this supern00b do exactly??


Actually I was just teasing crow_nest. My server doesn't have any rules against "laming" but we have this ongoing joke thing about it.


; )

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I personally cant wait to play Galaxies, when I get ADSL early next year :p


Too much FPS is like wearing tight underwear. Feels OK for a while, then it just becomes hot, sweaty and annoying, and makes you behave violently towards others.......


I wonder if you get "n00bs and lamers" messin life up for you there too....



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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

When will these threads ever end?


The other day I was playing a map and this guy cried lamer every time anyone killed him... It was the sadist thing.. He had the "I can kill you, but you can't kill me rule going on.".. Someone called him out as a "cry baby" and he threatened to hack their computer. lol he was so restarted...


I guess the sad thing is for a little kid a game is their way of showing they have balls or playing grown up. They have never proven anything in real life. So they have to show they have balls in a computer game. Chat killing them is like walking up to a coworker and slapping them in the face except that is real the game is not...


For an adult they have proven themselves in life and just want to play the dam game. I have enough respect crap to deal with in life. I don't have the need to come home and do it in a freaking computer game. When I should be relieving stress I'm getting stressed by the punk crying "you lamed me" ShuT The F@CK UP. "It's game kids get a life."


A lame in real life is when you get your @ss beat by a mugger or I take your promotion at the job.


I have nothing to prove to any little kid playing this game. If you don't have the balls to take a beating in a computer game than you might as well "Kill Your Self," because real life is allot harder...


I say all the mature people in the game community just ignore this "cry baby crap." Let them post what they want and cry as much as they want and just kick their buts as much as we want... They are never going to stop. They are as annoying as a news break in the middle of your favorite TV show you waited a week to tape...


Yes, that is very good said...

I, myself, looks in some eyes like a kiddo...

But, I have to proven myself, I stand for what I am saying, I have laughed the death, or in this case, the school, in his face, and I have grown in my mind... Actually, you can't see by this post if I am grownup or not, but please, take me for my word...


All lamers is 12-13 years kid who don't understand the meaning of theese gamse, they see it as a cult, something holy, something you can build a whole lifestyle on! I am but 14, but I don't wanna be a looser who hangs in front of the computer screaming "Lamer!" all the day.


I wanna be a journalist.


Not a nerd from an universe far far away...


So, by this young age, I studie hard to be a good one.


Young people out there, do something with you lifes! It is to much worth to play games all the time!

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Originally posted by ManaMana

Yes, that is very good said...

I, myself, looks in some eyes like a kiddo...

But, I have to proven myself, I stand for what I am saying, I have laughed the death, or in this case, the school, in his face, and I have grown in my mind... Actually, you can't see by this post if I am grownup or not, but please, take me for my word...


All lamers is 12-13 years kid who don't understand the meaning of theese gamse, they see it as a cult, something holy, something you can build a whole lifestyle on! I am but 14, but I don't wanna be a looser who hangs in front of the computer screaming "Lamer!" all the day.


I wanna be a journalist.


Not a nerd from an universe far far away...


So, by this young age, I studie hard to be a good one.


Young people out there, do something with you lifes! It is to much worth to play games all the time!


Well said, Having a 5 year old it's good to hear some kids(young adults) still have values and goals with respect for there elders and have a positive outlook on things and not out there causing anarchy.



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