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So, Psychonauts


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lynks playgrounds are near the colemine his father works at. :xp:




i'm a girl trapped in a boys mind/body. which is a boy trapped in a girls mind/body. and then again to everyones surprise.. which is trapped in a boys mind/body. so IT maybe true in a sense concerning certain details of my anatomy.. :D:D:D and after all .. i like pantees. ;)


errr.. i said this before i think .. :p


Redwing: HUSH, Ray


Ray: RUSH, Hedwing



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Originally posted by Redwing


Lynk, take out some of those damn waste-of-space rules ..


i'm not sure.. which one?


are we through with the milk offering thing yet?

take this one off the list.. we dont need it anymore.. :)




lynk, redwing and aaaaall the others want to take you off the rules list. i tried to stop them but they wont listen to me.

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

*stands up*


My hair is black... *grabs katana* ...my skin is dark... *looks up slightly at them all* ...and NO ONE owns me... *unsheaths Katana* ....Any questions? *Mr. Weasel who is sitting on Lynky's shoulder, growls at everyone* :evil2:


my my mr lynk, that's quite a tan you've got there XD



oh, and hi yufster!

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Originally posted by Yufster

Okay, firstly, I'm not going to say I was dared to do this because that would be totally breaking the code of a dare. But anyway.


Oh, by the way, I didn't read the rules.


Now, I know you guys like to play Star Wars. Or maybe you hate Star Wars, and you only come here because you've been dared to. But even though this is a Star Wars discussion, doesn't Tim Schafer deserve a thread of his own? I mean, I know he had nothing to do with Star Wars. He hasn't ever worked on a Star Wars game, or mentioned Star Wars, or even contributed anything to any Star Wars community, ever... but he created other games, which were arguably better.


Now I know that's the wrong thing to be saying in a Star Wars forum. Clearly, I'm not a very diplomatic person. Some people may even argue that I am dumb.


But my point here is, sometimes we have to let go of things and move on to other, possibly better things. I let go of the PS2 (With a resounding smash as it hit the floor) and moved on to the Xbox. Well, true, I only smashed the PS2 which was already broken, and I still frequently use the other one, but oh MAN, was it symbolic. Anyway, perhaps it is time for you -- Loyal Star Wars Fans -- to let go of Star Wars and move on to Psychonauts.


Or not. Perhaps you could love them both equally.


So you know, post your comments and thoughts and love poems for Tim Schafer here, and all your hate spam for me. I'm blind in one eye, so I'll only see what I want to anyway.


Yufster. :dozey: It's never been definitively proven that Tit Shaver doesn't lurk these forums, has it? Welcome to Aresen, where the grass is longer, smells faintly of lavender...but isn't much greener when you get up close to it.


Anyone notice that she posted once, then not again? Lurking human, I challenge thee to *unlurk* and post again!


Say, who likes cheesecake?

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She saw the true Redwing. Sherhim revealed hershis self to her and she left out of dire shock!!!


Of course the ONE who knows the TRUTH leaves us!!!



it is reaaaaallly early and I'm reeeeeaaallly tired and I just want to go home! please god make it 630,so i can go home and start this hell all over again!

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