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Christmas, Christmas...

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*Looks at the politically incorrect title*


...add your own holiday...yeah...


Every Christmas I wish for world peace.





:rolleyes: but immaturely, now. I get cool stuff for Christmas, i shouldn't complain, but i never get what i specifically asked for unless i pound it into people's heads for a year and a half.


This Christmas, I want:



go play the demo. Go!!! GO NOW AND LEAVE ME!!


Tickets to see Phantom of the Opera....third time

nuff said.


A new CD player

need i explain?




A wanker detector



oh, and CMI...third Xmas asking for it:(


Post your Xmas wishes. My dad wants me off the box of joy.

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Originally posted by Orca Wail

A wanker detector



I asked Santa if he could get you a *wanker detector,* and he said no. :dozey: It turns out they're very popular this year, and there's a three-year-long waiting list. Sorry.


However, I did some research on the web, and found simple instructions for how to make a *wanker detector* at home. Merry Christmas.


(Can I say that before Thanksgiving?)




How to make a Wanker Detector:


1. Take an old wooden baseball bat, and cut 18 inches off the end with a saw.


2. Hollow out the bat's core with a drill, about a quarter ($.25 US) width in diameter.


3. Stuff hollow core with old wine corks, until you've filled it up to the end.


4. Saw the cap off the discarded end of the bat and glue it onto the end of your shortened, corked bat with Elmer's glue. Allow to dry thoroughly.


5. It's finished. :max: To use, walk up to suspected wanker and ask him, 'Are you a wanker?' When he says no, scream 'LIAR!!!' and smack him upside the head with your *wanker detector.*

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I want a newsnowboarding jacket .


And a wanker detector. (not one of the cheapo home made ones)


And replacements for the stuff that was in my car when it got stealed.

(Cd's and a down vest)


And for my sister to get home from Chile safe and sound casue evil as she is I miss her.


And of course, a tentacle. More than anything else. A tentacle. Please Santa. A tentacle. Otherwise you might find yourself in a little pain.

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Originally posted by Shivermetimbers

It's ALMOST thanksgiving. And anyway, lots of people here aren't form the U.S. Meaning Thanksgiving has no signifigance to them and their next big holiday is Christmas or another signifigent winter holiday.


Lots of people arent Christian, either.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Lots of people arent Christian, either.


Sorry dude.


How about we rephase this...






oh, and...


Orginally posted by ShiverShivshivy

And of course, a tentacle. More than anything else. A tentacle. Please Santa. A tentacle. Otherwise you might find yourself in a little pain.


Lets just whip something up in our lab. They make good pets, actually. Have to tie the little wankers up in the basement before they try to take over the world.


Unless, what you want for Chri...er, winter season is a partener in crime...;)

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I want



Blue Fog Lights for my Rolla




Altezza Tails but in Gunmetal



An Intake System for my Rolla





So far I've just "almost" completed my mod's on my stereo


I have



This is my head unit - it is very cool




10 inch sub in back with its own Amp


Alpine 6x9's in the back and component set in the front (tweeters and 61/2's.


I got my windows tinted to Dark in back and medium light in the front.

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I want a female type SX-69 pleasure robot. :max: Made out of legos.


No, seriously. ;) I want a wakizashi--a REAL one, dammit! I want a real, hand-made samurai short sword to show up in one of the local pawn shops (I'll buy it myself...I just want it to show up.) They turn up here in the US on occasion, antiques from WW2, and it seems every serious samurai sword collector but me has at least one.


So, Santa...as you can see, my demands are simple. I'll buy the thing even, and promise not you come after you with it in vengeance for the Christmas 1975 coal-in-the-stocking affair. :) Honest.

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Basically its like this, what sort of gift idea you'd like to give to another person this "WINTER SEASON" :D



1) Lynk would get a Reverse Blade Sword. I know Lynk would like that very much :D


2) Zoomie's getting some Fluffy Bunny action (not from me of course :p (you all wish dont you!))


3) Cracken's getting one of these. Can't really say what it is, but its too funny to give it away. :D


4) Ike, a shirt.

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Originally posted by SuicidalXWing

Man, you people are spoiled. Otherwise, most of these gifts aren't serious (the realistic ones).

Yeah, I'm a spoilt brat...*cries*


@Shivers : A red and black tentacle. With real arms.


@Zoom : I forgot to thank you for the wanker decetor.

I tried it out, and it works GREAT!:D

OooOOooh, pretty sword!

I wanted to buy one in SanFran when I visited there last

summer, but my mom was all like NO. She doesn't trust me...;)


@Siv : that would be I. *Burns family's copy of Chipmunk Xmas*

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