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force-temple.com vs. pcgamemods


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Force-temple.com is a very cool site for JA mods much better than pcgamemods, i found that they dont care about racey files and that they WILL post your mods, and the guidelines are very lean and will post 99 out of 100 mods, i know this because i am a staff member so if you have a file that wont get posted on pc gamemods for some stupid reason and you think its really cool send it to force-temple.com or if you want it posted right away send it to me at sircomvent@hotmail.com make sure you include a description and i will post it right away for you. Im doing this because im just tired of pcgamemods actions. Force-temple gets just as many hits as pcgamemods.

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a. bad set up

2. have to go to another site to dl

c. not as many files as pcgamemods

4. you make a bold statement,specialy being from the site yourself



i will stick with pcgamemods, they still get more, and i love the steup/download with the site. and all of monsoontides files go there first, so, i am sticking with it. but this site aint bad at all, dont get me wrong :edit: just noticed who you are, you submitted some bogus files i dled, files like cloacked maul for sp, all it was was the emperors cloak{not yours} and some ones maul {not yours} and i dont believ you ghave credit to the original authers, thast why they were deleted

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A. A way better setup and much more including, forums, news, chat, help support and alot more. I believe that im speaking for a good portion of the community


B. Most sites have to do that


C. Same exact files as pcgamemods i will see to that


D. Not a bold statement but a true statement

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You're doing this because PCGM took down some of your files right, because they were dodgy?


You want to let everyone know what that text file you posted as a file on PCGM about Eldritch, the admin who took off your files, was called? I'm afraid I can't repeat it on these servers without getting banned, but as you were willing to post it up on a file site visited by kids, maybe you'll be willing to do the same on these forums.


Another abuse of the system there:



Originally posted by kmd

just noticed who you are, you submitted some bogus files i dled, files like cloacked maul for sp, all it was was the emperors cloak{not yours} and some ones maul {not yours} and i dont believ you ghave credit to the original authers, thast why they were deleted


Exactly right.


And here is one of the files that Eldritch left up to try to tell you to stop posting them in the comment section. This is an example of the kind of files of yours he was deleting, fair? It contains models from other authors who are not properly credited, and whom you didn't get permission to use their stuff from.



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I like PCGAMEMODS most mainly because the site layout is very simple, easy to find a file you want, there isn't many discriptions , but if you're looking for a file you want and have heared about, you wont need a discription. There upload system is very easy to use, but people can upload files wuthout making screenshots, i think pcgamemods could of done this so you have to add screenshots first, then atleast you have pictures of the file so the people what they are downloading downloading. Aryyn, this topic is more an attack on pcgm than an advert for your own site, this is childish, and im sure many people will read the above and see what your like, and will not trust the site for downloading, im sure force-temple wont appreciate you making them look bad.

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To have certain standards on file submissions is certainly understandable. However, if the admins/file posters at any site do have standards on content and/or quality, they should screen all submissions before posting them.


pcgamemods uses an automatic upload system. So anyone can upload anything they want, regardless of its content, without it being screened. So they are creating their own problems, IMHO.

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Originally posted by Aryyn

i found that they dont care about racey files and that they WILL post your mods, and the guidelines are very lean and will post 99 out of 100 mods

Since this is your site, that is your perogative. I however disagree with posting "racey" files on a site that is more often than not visited by minors. I support pcgamemods' policy of removing such material. At the very least you should have some warning or protection for kids who are too young.


Not only that, but I prefer sites with at least some discression about what should be posted. I really don't want to search through tons of crap mods to find stuff I like. It is too bad that pcgamemods lets anyone upload.


Originally posted by Aryyn

i know this because i am a staff member so if you have a file that wont get posted on pc gamemods for some stupid reason and you think its really cool send it to force-temple.com

You are welcome to post it, of course, but from what I have seen pcgamemods reasons for not hosting mods are hardly "stupid".


Originally posted by Aryyn

Im doing this because im just tired of pcgamemods actions.

Or bitter that they took your stuff off? And then you go and bash their site using their submission system. Classy.


Originally posted by Aryyn

Force-temple gets just as many hits as pcgamemods.

Does that matter one way or another? That doesn't matter to me anyway. If you only have the files that pcgamemods has, apart from racey ones, why should I switch? What will draw me to your site (a sincere question)?


Originally posted by Aryyn

A. A way better setup and much more including, forums, news, chat, help support and alot more. I believe that im speaking for a good portion of the community

It is just a personal preference, but I prefer pcgamemods setup. Perhaps it is just because it is what I am used to. And I can do without chat and things of that sort. Again, just me.


Originally posted by Aryyn

B. Most sites have to do that

I have no problem with this.


Originally posted by Aryyn

C. Same exact files as pcgamemods i will see to that

How? By just downloading off pcgamemods and hosting those yourself. In any event, if you only have files that pcgamemods has, why not just go to pcgamemods?


Originally posted by Aryyn

D. Not a bold statement but a true statement

An opinion for sure. Not one that I agree with, though. And self praise doesn't really help sway me either.


Originally posted by fome

but people can upload files wuthout making screenshots, i think pcgamemods could of done this so you have to add screenshots first, then atleast you have pictures of the file so the people what they are downloading downloading.

Hell yeah. For the love of all things holy can people please submit screenshots with they mod? This is so annoying, and most times prevents me from downloading. Is it so hard to put up a picture?[/rant]


Originally posted by fome

So they are creating their own problems, IMHO.

That is true.


And Aryyn, who do I have to go to http://www.edgenetwork.org when I try to go to Force-temple.com?

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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry in advance for this post, i couldnt help myself


Force-temple.com is a very cool site for JA mods much better than pcgamemods, i found that they dont care about racey files and that they WILL post your mods, and the guidelines are very lean and will post 99 out of 100 mods


no quality control there, and after that point my mind started putting words into your post. it wound up sounding like this:


i think this because i am a high on myself and my site so if you have a file that shouldnt get posted on pc gamemods for a good reason and you know its really pointless send it to force-temple.com or if you want it posted right away send it to me at sircomvent@hotmail.com make sure you include a description and i will post it right away for you. Im doing this because im just tired of pcgamemods responsible actions. Im just whining because Force-temple just doesnt get as many hits as pcgamemods.


btw, if you check the tread on "how should i improve pcgamemods", i think you will find that your posts dont represent a good portion of the community, or atleast the part of the community that goes to these forums

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Aryyn the site seems to be another option for those files not meeting PCGM standards. But I would still go with PCGM and submit files there. And yes you should have had a readme to the models used in your files. Kengo, I read a remark you said Aryyn's files was a waste of time. I kinda disagree. His files could come in use on one of those days you want to give the game a new look and play it from another character. I wouldnt concider all his work useless. Also top players of JO/JA are around 13 and older, plus PCGM could offer a warning to the file. But a warning really doesnt matter they will click download no matter what. The content is there, and its the parents fault if they dont watch what there kid is looking at or doing on the net.

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there's no problem in advertising a site, but putting it on a benchtable and let the other one come out as ridiculously bad while most ppl are concerned that is not the case, and spam PCGM for your site?


FT is okay, I met the minimizer there for the first time (it was unknown then) in JO


Clicked gameservers, didnt work


the site is okay, put i like the good detailed view listing from PCGM more..plus I notice more files there? Am I right here?

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PCgamermods. That's all to it.


And you Arryn you did submit those files because PCgamermods tell their staff forum members what goes on and you one bad person to do that. If I was incharge of PCgamermodsI would have your member ID banned from the site permintaly along with your IP address.


The people these days.:rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

You do realize Arryn that the only way you can legally obtain files is if the author's submit them to your site. You cant just post files and have everything be ok, and I agree with Lucasfiles and PCGameMods.coms' policies for not posting "Racey" files. Also, both sites have zero-tolerance for stolen work. And I applaud both sites, even if I am a file poster for Lucasfiles.com, i still applaud pcgamemods.com for their commitment.

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