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Favourite Game Quotes


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I was just playing AvP2 and I was laughing at some of the things they say, and it made me think about all the funny game quotes there are. Post your favourites. Mine are:




Marine 1: Someone tell me thats just a boot, that better be a boot!

Marine 2: Hey, its a boot!


Duke : This is no accident man, Rykov's leaving us here to die!

Jones : You picked a hell of a time to be right about something.


Duke: I don't think open sessame is going to work.





Security Guard: Roger that, lets run like hell!



Duke Nukem


Your ass is grass and I am the lawnmower man.





Marine: Get up so I can kill you AGAIN!



Jedi Outcast


Trooper 1: Then I blasted the second one from behind.

Trooper 2: You fought 2 Jedis?!

Trooper 1: Lots.

Trooper 2: I don't believe that!

Trooper 1: It happened. You should've been there, they're not so tough.

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Day Of the Tentacle

Hoagie(to self) Great. Tentacles are taking over the world, I'm stuck in colonial times, and now the toliet is backing up!


Manic Mansion

Nurse Edna: How silly of me! I should have chained you to the bed! :xp:


Ed: Hey! Where's the cheese?!?!


MediEviL I

King Perigin: Good God Fortesque...what happened to your jaw??


And...*spamertizment*...i'm planning to make a game called "Sparky's Journey". A qoute of his is in my sig...


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Hmmm. Well, time to open up the ol' archive.


Activision's 1st Spider-Man title, after and before I unlocked "What If?" mode:


Random Spidey quote:"Gee, I wonder who those pumpkin bombs belong to?"


"Hans was here" (enscrolled on the wall of the safe in the bank level, in "What If?" mode.)


Random Spidey quote 2:"I wonder if Wolverine's bones are really made out of adamantium?"


The Back-Alley Brawl map:


Venom:"Where'd Spider-Wuss go? OH SPIDER-WUSS?!?!? COME OUT AND PLAY-AY!!!!!"



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Oh man, mine are probably from Call of Duty.


Sgt Moody: Elder, you know how to jumpstart a car?

Pvt Elder: No sir!

Sgt Moody: Yea, well learn fast!


That game rules :D

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Blood Omen

Kain: Ah, Nupraptor, I knew him well. Well, not really.


Soul Reaver

Kain: Tell me, did it trouble you to murder your brothers?

Raziel: Did it trouble you when you ordered me into the abyss?

Kain: No.



Kain: At your every fatal move, I will be there.


Kain: First your visions, now your powers. Your slipping badly.


Kain: *gaping hole in chest where his heart used to be*I always WAS considered heartless.


Moebius: Is that how you solve things, Kain? KILL?!

Kain: This is not a debate! And this time, you've got nothing I want. *impales Moebius*

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Originally posted by leXX

I was just playing AvP2 and I was laughing at some of the things they say, and it made me think about all the funny game quotes there are. Post your favourites. Mine are:




Security Guard: Roger that, lets run like hell!




Marine: Get up so I can kill you AGAIN!



heh....those are the two best quotes I would have put.

Especially the things the soldiers say in halo....its funny as hell ^^

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Duke Nukem -


"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but i'll all outta gum !"


JK2 & JA -


Anything the Stormtroopers say. :D


The Getaway -


Thug 1 - He's here !


Thug 2 - Who ?


Thug 1 - Hammond !


Thug 2 - Ah **** !


The game is loaded with funny things...and rude things

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The Back-Alley Brawl map:


Venom:"Where'd Spider-Wuss go? OH SPIDER-WUSS?!?!? COME OUT AND PLAY-AY!!!!!"




That was a very cool cut scene.


But my favorite game quote has to be from Final Fantasy VII:


"There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!!" -- Barret

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many hidden jems of dialogue

are hidden with several games I own.

Grim Fandango

have Manny try to Reap the hamburger or milkshake in the dinner, or have him talk to the living, so funny.

and so manny more, there is like 7,000 lines of dialogue packed into the game.


Starcraft or Warcraft

Aleria: "you never touch the other elves like that."


American McGee's Alice

cheshire cat :

"here's a riddle,

when is a croquet mallet

just like a billy club?

I'll tell you

whenever you want it to be."



"can you get me inside the fortress of doors?

and if not there may be more than one way to skin a cat."

cheshire cat:

"hmm interesting phrase, never use it again."

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Gotta love Monkey Island.



Guybrush - Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!


Guybrush - Hmm, a rubber chicken with a pully in the middle. What possible use could that have.


Wally - I'm a cartographer.

Guybrush - You do open heart surgery? In here?


Guybrush - Where are your pants?

Herman - What pants?

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JO StormTrooper 1: These Blaster rifles are going to be the end of us.


StormTrooper 2: Mine works fine.


StormTrooper 1: Once you've fired a Blaster carbine you wont want to come back.


StormTrooper 2: What's the difference?


StormTrooper 1: It's all in the feel of the kickback, you can't stay on target with these things, you miss your first shot and your lying on the ground with a hole blasted through your ammor.


StormTrooper 2: well we don't need to worry about that, this place is so far removed from the core planets, there is no way we are going to run into any resistence.


StormTrooper 1: Keep talking like that and your going to be the first man down when something happens.

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Originally posted by ZBomber



I don't remember that JO quote. What level is that? :)


You expect me to remember what level it was? LOL



Some more from Halo:


Hit it Marines, go go go! The Corps ain't payin' us by the hour!


Aw, crap. Let's get the hell outta here, man! Somebody call the dropship!

You stow that garbage right NOW, mister. You're a Marine, so act like it, dammit. We've got a job to do.


(nice little tributes to Aliens there ;))


SERGEANT: You monkeys almost look like golden boys!

MARINE: Damn straight!


BISENTI: I got a bad feeling about this...

SARGE: Boy, you always got a bad feelin' about SOMETHIN'.


MENDOZA: Yo this is loco!


And my favourite Halo quote:


343 GUILTY SPARK: A construct?! In the core?! That is absolutely unacceptable!

CORTANA: Sod off!


Gotta love Cortana. :D

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