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The Return of the King (**Contains Spoilers**)


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Originally posted by IG-64

now what are you doing here? Shoo! Shoo! Fly and read the book now fool! You must read it! In this order The Hobbit, The Fellowship, The Two Towers, The Return of the king, And The Silmarillion. Sure to bring you days and days of exitement!


I did not make myself clear, obviously: I have read The Hobbit, Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers, just not the last two you mentioned. I just meant that it was better that I didn't know the ending, because the anticipation and tension was a lot greater, i.e. I wasn't continually questioning whether it would have been faithful to the book, like I did with the first two films. It being a surprise was a lot more fun, I could judge it as a stand-alone film, as opposed to a book-to-film adaption. Anyways, it was awesome ^^

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Originally posted by Prime

Kick ass movie...




I saw the RotK yesterday... What I say to it at the ending was SWEET...


Especially when Aragorn says to Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, "My friends, you bow to no one" and he starts everyone bowing to them. Awesome.




I think it was kind of pathetic how the Men of the Mountain, the ghost people, could hurt everyone but no one could even touch them physically. They did come useful because of that, though.




Denethor was so stupid. He tried to kill Faramir alive, and poured oil all over himself and Faramir. WHAT THE HECK?!? He knew that his only son left was alive yet he wanted to bestow the honor of "being burned a king" unto himself and Faramir. Stupid frick.



oh and btw, if you didn't already know, Ive already read the Hobbit and the Fellowship... i just dont have time to anymore. im stuck reading high-school novels.

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Originally posted by MennoniteHobbit

Especially when Aragorn says to Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, "My friends, you bow to no one" and he starts everyone bowing to them. Awesome.


That was the worst for me...in an emotional way...I couldn't hold back the tears for long XP I saw it last night again, and I'd go see it again just for that ending. Truly amazing piece of film ^^;

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Well, I saw RotK on Friday, and I was blown away! The movie is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, movie I have ever seen!



The audience in the theatre really got into it. There was a collective gasp when Shelob stung Frodo, and a couple of the females out and out screamed.:D There were also many instances when the audience applauded and cheered at parts, like when Eowyn defeats the witch king and Gandalf lays the smackdown on Denethor. :D


"That only counts as one!" :rofl: the whole theatre went into hysterics! An excellent comeback!


I don't know about you, but the sound at my theatre was rather loud. When the Nazgul starked screaming and shrieking at Minas Morgul, it was unbearably loud and high-pitched. I wanted to cover my ears along with the hobbits and Gollum.


I didn't just get teary eyed, I ended up weeping and sobbing at some parts, such as Theoden's death and Frodo's departure. When Sam thinks Frodo is dead after the encounter with Shelob, I started sobbing along with him even though I've already read the book. The movie did an excellent job conveying the character's emotions.



In all, it was a fantastic movie in an already excellent movie trilogy. I used to like Star Wars more than the Lord of the Rings. Now I think they're about even.

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I went to see it Thursday night and it was awesome. Did anyone notice the Star Wars ROTJ refference? Also there is a MacBeth refference aswell. And there right together too, it was awesome. I loved everything about the movie especially that Gimly line. Hahahahaha gotta love him!

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Originally posted by Zappa_0

I went to see it Thursday night and it was awesome. Did anyone notice the Star Wars ROTJ refference? Also there is a MacBeth refference aswell. And there right together too, it was awesome. I loved everything about the movie especially that Gimly line. Hahahahaha gotta love him!


What reference??:confused:

Gimli's still a poor misguided fool.

And no, I still don't love him.:cool:


NO offense to people who love anyone in RotK.

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Im talking about the Eowin and the King sequence.


Eowin: I must save you father

King: you already have


And the MacBeth part were Eowin is fighting the Nazgul. The Nazgul says "no man can kill me". And she takes off her helmet and kills him. That is a reffernce to the last fight between Macduff and MacBeth. to the "No man born of a woman can harm me" motif. Macduff wasnt born of a woman, he was torn out of his mothers womb and lived.

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Originally posted by MennoniteHobbit



Denethor was so stupid. He tried to kill Faramir alive, and poured oil all over himself and Faramir. WHAT THE HECK?!? He knew that his only son left was alive yet he wanted to bestow the honor of "being burned a king" unto himself and Faramir. Stupid frick.




you must read the last book, see, he actually wasnt controlled by sauron, he was just insane, didnt know what he was doing. he did the same thing in the books. which is explained more. so, get on those books :D


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OMG you haven't seen it yet??!! :o:p



Ah well, the movie was great and I can't wait to buy it on DVD :) Heck, I'm going to watch the first two movies again tomorrow, just to stay in the LotR hype :D


The ending lasted too long though, but I understand 3 of those long movies deserve a long ending too :D Or maybe I just wanted to go because my neck hurts; I was sitting in the 3rd row, looking up to the screen :(



Ooooh those moments when you see Minas Tirith, the big big city, it looks sooo great! Or the nazgûl... The noise, aaaargh!!!


Great great GREAT movie!! I feel really satisfied now, knowing how it ends, don't you?

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Actually, I'd prefer if Jackson were to make "The Hobbit" which he said Is a strong possibility in an interview after the world premiere in Wellington, NZ, back at the beginning of the month. His whole idea was to make the Hobbit, but the major studio that he approached rejected it, saying that $75 million was too much for one movie, etc. So his agent got a hold of a few people at New Line Cinema, and they contacted Jackson and basically said to him that they would offer him +$300 million to make the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. (which I might point out adds up to $100 million PER movie ;) )

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

Now all the need to do is make movies based on the Silmarillion. :D Those would be awesome. Stuff like Fingolfin challenging Morgoth to a duel... They need to do that.

no, that wouldn't work... But in a miniseries it would be awesome! like Band Of Brothers... Because there are so many different stories in Silmarillion ;)
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Well, i just got back from seeing it and I thought it was pretty damn good, however I couldn't help but be a little bit dissappointed with it in places.



First of all, i thought this movie managed to pull off the great feat of making a 3hr plus movie not seem long at all.

In fact my housemate who hated the first one ("Bored of the rings") and refused to watch the second one said even she thought it didn't feel long.


I thought that almost all the Frodo/Sam/Gollum stuff was brilliant, exactly as I pictured it. Gollum deserves the best actor oscar, and i went from disliking sam to feeling sorry for him when he was left behind. THe only minor thing that i thought was a bit poor was the ease and speed with which they crossed mordor (and sam got into the orc tower), but i guess they cut stuff for pacing.


My only real problems with it were as follows:


(a) Chistopher Lee cut out. Enough has been said about this already, but surely they could have put in 30 seconds of him shaking his fist from the balcony or something.


(b) The battle for Gondor... i thought this was a big disappointment. The SFX were fine, but it seemed too quick and easy and they just didn't seem to have the pacing (or the sense of despair that was in TT. They didn't make much use of the dramatics that could of come from the orcs taking the city LEVEL by LEVEL, and they completely and utterly wasted the arrival of the black ships... in the books everyone despairs, as just as they think they have won the black ships arrive. In the movie they pace this all wrong. (a few more people shouting "The black ships!!!" wouldn't have hurt).


© Eoywn? Faramir? Where did they go?? They really should have had some of the hospital scenes with aragorn curing these two, and them seeing each other. As it was they just disappeared from the plot (silly when they were such big characters). It would also have given a nice break between battles, and linked in with the Aragorn/Sam healing frodo scene from FOTR.


(d) The attack on the black gate. This was seriously a bit naff. It was way too quick, they needed more about how Aragorn was trying to convince sauron (and his gatekeeper) that HE HAD THE RING, and that that was why he was so arogant as to attack mordor. Would one "My Precious" from aragorn have been too much???? They also could have played up the desperation of the effort, emphasising how few of them there were, and having them all wounded and so on. Oh, and when the whole of mordor emptied, it wasn't very many people at all.


(e) Too many endings. Ok, so most of them were needed, but people started getting restless, and the last one with sam was pointless. They should have ended it with the ship sailing off into the sunset (and the 3 ringbrearers aving goodbye, the sun catching their rings).


Ok, that sounds all negative, but appart from those things it was great. Eowyn rocked, gandalf remained great, the hobbits got to do more stuff. Loved it, but FOTR is still my favorite of the trilogy.


In conclusion, i thought it was an excellent film, with a few amazingly badly done sections that you wouldn't think were done by the same director.



PS, hang on, they never found denethor's Palantir did they???



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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

I don't know about you, but the sound at my theatre was rather loud. When the Nazgul starked screaming and shrieking at Minas Morgul, it was unbearably loud and high-pitched. I wanted to cover my ears along with the hobbits and Gollum.

that's what made those sequences so much cooler. :D

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

Now all the need to do is make movies based on the Silmarillion. :D Those would be awesome. Stuff like Fingolfin challenging Morgoth to a duel... They need to do that.

Hmmm, nah. The Silmarillion took ages to actually settle into and was written in a completely different narrative (or some such). Plus it was rather boring. *shrugs*


Anyway I think these 3 films have accomplished more than any movies made in my lifetime. :)

I wouldn't honestly see any need to make even the Hobbit. ;)

(Except more money.........)

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

Don't speak of the 'animated' LOTR. It was totally worthless, with bad animation to boot.


Who cares about the animation, as long as the story was true to the book. Look at todays animation, it sucks worse than it did back in the 80's. Even with today's technology, they make the people looked screwed up worse than the hunchback of notre dame.

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