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Best game of 03!

Link Antilles

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So, I was wonder what you think the best games '03 are....



Here's my list of favorites I played this year:


Best PC games:

1. Call of Duty - The Best WW II game I've played... evar! Next year, we'll see if Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault can over take it.


2. Command and Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour - So..... addictive...


3. War Craft III: the frozen Throne - I've never been so bad at a game before like this, yet I still play it.


4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Awesome game! The graphic are better than the X-box and the interface is sweet. Also, I've never seen or well... heard so much dialogue in a game before. The only real downside is.. I hear it's really buggy on some PCs. Runs fine on my PC.


5. Halo - Nothing to say new here, except I survive longer on legendary mode than on easy in War Craft III.


Best all-system games:

1. Beyond Good and Evil - I'd recommend it to everyone... if it wasn't so short!


2. Prince of Persia - A classic reborn! The Matrix meets Mario... with a sword!


3. Soul Calibur 2 - This time it's not Soul Calibur I!


4. Freedom Fighters - Third-person Red Alert 2


5. Burnout 2: Point of Impact - Who actually tries not to crash in this game?


Best Gamecube games:

1. Zelda: Wind Waker - Yeah, we had our doubts. This game proves; cell shading + Zelda = FREAKIN' AWESOME GAME!


2. Viewtiful Joe = Just when thought the uniqueness in games died out


3. Mario Kart: DD - It's Mario kart! Of course it's good!


4. Ikaruga - Ahhh... the good 'ol dayz at the arcade... wasting quarter after quarter.... now, no more!


5. Rogue Squadron III - This game was prefect, until Lucasarts decided to add the gimmicky on-foot levels


Best Xbox games:

1. Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic - What's to say? I know…. this the best thing to happen to Star Wars since the Special Edition and Rogue Squadron


2. Crimson Skies - Who knew our grandparents and parents lived in such a gnarly alternate past?


3. Panzer Dragoon Orta - Why didn't people play this game?


4. Project Gotham Racing 2 - Finally, a new X-box live title


5. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War - Resident Evil meets Medal of Honor: Frontline...


Best Gameboy Advance games:

1. Mario and Luigi - Some will feel sorry for Luigi, most will laugh... I did! :)


2. Final Fantasy Tactics - To quote Penny Arcade; This game deserves the: "One more turn, Wow, it's four in the morning award"


3. Fire Emblem - A good challenge... a good challenge, indeed.... "Ok, where's the reset chapter option?"


4. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - I swear the main character looks like a girl! o_O


5. Advance Wars 2 - Comment from X-play: "Orange star! Yellow comet! Blue moon! Yes, Lucky Charms cereal finally has their own game!"


Game of the Year.....


1. Zelda: The Wind Waker - Duh! :p

Runners up

-Beyond Good and Evil

-Call of Duty

-Knights of the Old Republic

-Mario and Luigi


Favorite new characters;


Hk-47 from SW: Knights of the Old Republic - Gamespot:"If C-3PO were to snap one day, he might end up a lot like HK-47, the homicidal yet disturbingly polite combat droid from BioWare's excellent Star Wars RPG. We're prepared to call HK the greatest original Star Wars character in years."



Big disappointments of '03:

1. Half Life 2, Halo 2, Final Fantasy: CC, and Starcraft: Ghost…… being pushed back for release in '04 - Nooooo!!!!


2. Enter the Matrix - You've got a problem with your game if the cheat code menu is better than the main game..... yet since the word "Matrix" is slap on the cover it becomes one of the top sellers in '03.




So, now... it's YOUR turn, what's everyone's favorite games of '03?

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Well, lesse... the only games I got this year were:


Splinter Cell Awesome game, real stealth action! ;) But it sucked when they only released add on levels for XBOX & GC.


Knights of the Old Republic Well, what is there to tell! Its a very, very nice game, as said above;)


The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon Very nice addition the ES collection.


SW: Jedi Academy Not too much to tell here, it was a very nice saber fighting addition the the JK series, and all I play is MP now, almost:)


Hmm.. yep, that's all I got :(

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Clefo's List


1. Soul Calibur II

2. Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark

3. Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht

4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic



Four RPGs and a fighter, seems to reflect my taste in games

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Fergie's Games that he's played top 5. (key words "that he's played")


1. Call of Duty

2. SW Galaxies

3. Battle Field 1942: Road to Rome

4. LOTR: Return of the King

5. Freedom Fighters (This game was really short, but quite fun while it lasted...and it like the only other game I played...SWG took up quite a lot of my time)

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Well, I only have a PC, so here'sa mah list.


1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

2. Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark

3. Armed & Dangerous (SO FUNNEH.)

4. Call of Duty

5. Halo (Okay, I lied. I played this on X-Box alot too this year, but I especially found my calling for it via the PC version, despite the extremely low framerate.)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Heres mine


1) Call of Duty


3) Championship Manager 4

4) War Of The Rings

5) Tropico 2


Worst game

1) Star Wars Galaxies without a doubt!



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My list:


Best PC Game:


Call of Duty


Runner up: Star Wars: Jedi Academy


Best X-Box Game


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


Runner up: Soul Calibur 2


Best On-line Game




no runner ups


Best Game of the Year


tie: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic & Call of Duty


Runner up: Trogdor!

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Best pc game of 2003:


1 Starwars Galaxies

2 C&C Generals Zero Hour

3 Rise of Nations

4 Knights Of the old Republic

5 Age of Mythology: The Titans


Why starwars galaxies is at the first place?

Pepole who say starwars galaxies is crap have never ever played a MMORPG before. there was no other (mmorpg) game on earth that ever keeped me playing a game for 5 mounth in a row whitout any interest in any other game...As all games starwas galaxies gets bored to in the end (trough i am still playing).


C&C Generals is just great for a hour ofOnline fast piece action strategy whit the 9 sub sides this game is the just the best RTS of this jear (not that many good rts this jear trough)


Ron is just a great 2d yes 2d whit some 3d effects you can just biuld your city and then go to the great battle this game is not fast just nice for pepole to have some rest and i like to have some rest in a while


KOTOR is probly the best singel player RPG if ever played (exsept from fallout) trough the game is a bid short it has all the sw feeling in it and this game is just the best rpg from 2003 if you have not played it yet go do it NOW!


AOM Titans

The Titans is a great game at its core and its recommendable to any fan of Age of Mythology. and for those who liked the idea of the game but maybe had trouble getting over the learning curve.

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Here's mine :


1. KotOR --- if you don't agree, then you just s***!

2. WC3 : TFT --- Nice expansion to a nice game (or should I say the best strat game? just to piss Ackbar off ;) )

3. NWN : HotU --- Adds a load of new stuff. Really great.

4. LotR : RotK --- Nice game. Good old carnage, without the DnD rolls and the like : you click and your char hits.

5. SC4 --- I don't play a lot, since the reqs are so high. It's really great though.


Great games (IMO) comming in 2004 :


1. Battle for Middle Earth --- Looks 10000x better than War of the Rings

2. The Sims 2 (!) --- Graph looks awesome. Added new stuff to make the game more realistic.


That's all I can think of right now...

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Favorite games of 2k3:


Morrowind GOTY

Knights of the Old Republic

Armed and Dangerous

Deus Ex 2

GTA 3 for xbox. omg that game is fun!!!




Clone Wars i mean..cmon..only not enough vehicles...grrr...i was expecting some AWESOME xbox live mp, i even preordered it!! the sp compared with rogue squadron, it's pretty fun, cept....you can't choose your crafts and vehicles when u want to replay a level!!!! DUH!!!



Ninja Gaiden and Fable being delayed!!!!!!



anticipations of 2k4:



Ninja Gaiden

Halo 2

Doom 3

Half-Life 2


Splinter Cell 2

Full Spectrum Warrior

Republic Commando

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Best game??? Can't pick just one.


In no particular order


Halo for PC

Star Wars Galaxies

Natural Selection 2.0 (yeah yeah it's just a new version of an existing mod, but I spent more time w/ this mod last year than anything else)


Never got my hands on KOTOR or CoD. If I had you would see me on the forums for another month.


BTW - that's the reason you haven't see me in over a month. I got an internet connection in my room. :D I've been playing games online all the time and w/ my new job I don't have as much free time to read the forums. Plus I just discovered the joy of SWG! I don't care what others say...w/ all the new features the game ROCKS!!! I'm addicted almost as bad as I was to BF1942 and NS. I'll still be around, but not as much.

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Originally posted by Eets

I'd like to alter my vote..


Prince of Persia > KOTOR

*pats* I'm glad you're coming out of the closet, sonny. Must be very... liberating, isn't it?


As for me, I think it's a very hard choice. I've played many games, and enjoyed most of them very much: KOTOR, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun 2, Hordes of the Underdark, Soul Calibur II.


The biggest dud of 2003 for me was undoubtely Jedi Academy. Although it was a completely expected dud, it's a dud nonetheless.

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Hold on there, Eets. I love PoP just as much as the next guy but go play kotor some more, use the force powers, get into the story and then reassess all this. :eek:


Maybe would could compromise and call them a tie.






The GotY Edition of Morrowind. An Excellent deal at 29 bucks!

Uhhh.. what else came out last year? O_O


Seriously, I'm drawing a blank o_O

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Hold on there, Eets. I love PoP just as much as the next guy but go play kotor some more, use the force powers, get into the story and then reassess all this. :eek:


That's the problem! I've played KOTOR so much that I've begun to notice things wrong with it and things I'd rather have seen included or not included..


Maybe the same thing'll happen once I've played PoP a few times, but even so..


PoP's graphics are just so much.. smoother.. than KOTORs, too!


There's one main thing about PoP as compared to KOTOR, though.. PoP is just.. so much FUN.


KOTOR is fun too, but it's more of a dramatic fun.


PoP combines the fun of drama and the fun of just PLAYING all in one! The game just keeps getting better as you go through. It's like Zelda for today's generation. And yes, I know it's a remake of a game older than Zelda. :p

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Originally posted by Eets

Oh yeah, and as for Morrowind..


That game SUCKS. :D


It couldn't hold my interest for more than a few hours. It was just too much work! O_O




No dude.... YOU suck! :mad:



I don't think you were playing it right or something. :D I mean, you loved kotor, right? Morrowind is like that but more open ended.

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I have the first release of Morrowind and I played it and played it and played it and then dropped it and haven't picked it up since. I got so wrapped up into it for awhile and now I just can't keep going with it, I got bored. So the game doesn't suck, but it doesn't beloing with the best, either IMO.

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