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helloooo, cause I'm new!!!!


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Hello, and welcome to LF! Now that you are here, a place called "Yoda's Swamp," you have to worship many people. Let me say that you must worship me first, then comes the admins, such as Boba Rhett, Swoosh, matt-windu, among others, and mods/super mods, such as Darth Groovy, Jed, Darklighter, C'jais, SkinWalker, leXX, and any other mods. You can call us the "LF Pantheon" if you wish. Oh, and I am NOT a mod or admin, I just like greeting newcomers and assuring them that I am important. (;)) Oh, and be careful around here, cuz just follow this linky here: click here! NOW! , and you'll soon quickly find out that Yoda's Swamp's motto should very well be, "The Sanity stops here."


I would have given you a welcome gift basket, but that's Rhett's job here.

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Originally posted by lizza_swfan

Thought you'd all like to know... plus I saw somebody else do the same thing, so I figured it would be tolerated... right?:p


Tolerated? No. This is unacceptable, and as the King and ruler of the swamp I order you to clean my dorm room at once!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Tolerated? No. This is unacceptable, and as the King and ruler of the swamp I order you to clean my dorm room at once!


HEY!!!!! You there, yeah you, ET! I'm ruler too! We can share rule and power, can't we? Or will Rhett come? (If he does, he better reclaim his pants from leXX.;) We don't want the first admin lizza_swfan to see pantless, now would we?)


btw, join the "Cause of the Ewoks" ! Donate smilies!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Tolerated? No. This is unacceptable, and as the King and ruler of the swamp I order you to clean my dorm room at once!


(is obedient)


ladeda lodeedee lalahum didley dum... eww what's this?? :eek:


thanks leXX (whispers) can you get me out of this disgusting job?:p


Thanks to all for the kind (and sometimes not so kind) welcomes... hmm maybe i'll check out that rpg stuff, but I don't know... never been into that all that much

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Good evening, lizza_swfan. I take it I can call you Miss lizza_swfan, judging by your avatar picture and the fact that your name is a modified version of Lisa?


My name is Nikolai Daviolo, and may I say it is a pleasure to know that I'm not the only new user to grace the Swamp these past few days. My advice (you know, new person to new person) is to stay low, head for the exit and don't look back. The smoke grenade wears off after a while and won't cover you for long, plus I only have one left...


And may I guess somewhere in America for your location?

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Originally posted by Nikolai Daviolo

Good evening, lizza_swfan. I take it I can call you Miss lizza_swfan, judging by your avatar picture and the fact that your name is a modified version of Lisa?


My name is Nikolai Daviolo, and may I say it is a pleasure to know that I'm not the only new user to grace the Swamp these past few days. My advice (you know, new person to new person) is to stay low, head for the exit and don't look back. The smoke grenade wears off after a while and won't cover you for long, plus I only have one left...


And may I guess somewhere in America for your location?


Actually, Lizza is yet another abbreviation of the name Elizabeth, but your point there still applies.


as for location... you got that much right, but how much more can you guess? I can almost garuntee that you'll be wrong in your next guess

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Hey. I'm the hottest, sexiest, coolest guy here. Everyone admits that. Well, I am if you don't count Siv or Rhett. *Bows*


Where the hell is Rhett anyway? We can't let a n00b get by wqithout one of his gift baskets. *taps foot*


Okay, I'm done being my random self now. I'm off to put back on my pants. Hmm, maybe I should act a bit more civilized around a female :p *Leaves room*

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