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WTF time! (Matrix meets church?)


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I CAN'T SEE IT! Fix it...now


For comfirmation retreat, our retreat guy did a whole thing on the Matrix. This was also when I was 12 with a brain like a piece of cheese and the Matrix already left me shakey...


;P God I was so impressable. I got VERY scared.


now i'm all like "jesus? Is he the guy with the red sea?" j/k.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

So I open up my local newspaper a little while ago and I am greeted with THIS:


W...T...F...:eyeraise: (though I will admit it's pretty funny)


EDIT: The pastor is the one on the right.


If you think that's something, get a load of this!



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Okay, to set the record straight(er), the link won't work for everybody. Some machines just won't go to Geocities links. Like mine. And the people who posted above me.

I've no idea why, but that's just the way it is. It doesn't matter which browser I use, I've got Mozilla and the IE crap. I can't even do it with my download manager. They all just say "connecting to Geocities" and then time out after a minute or two.

• Clicking the link doesn't work.

• Copying the link doesn't work.

• Dragging the link doesn't work.

• Screaming GEOCITIES whilst hitting my machine with a hammer doesn't work.


So now you know. All other sites seem to be fine. This happens quite frequently on message boards, and I know there's probably a logical simple answer to it: does anyone know? Care to share the information? ;)


:) Peace y'all,


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