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WTF of the Week!

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Druid Bremen

Ever heard of these nutters who put glass shards on their kite strings and attempted to cut each other's kites out of the skies with the shards? Well, in the end, the kite strings came down and slit some of them on the throats. And its a true story. What do you all make of that?


I think they need to find less violent hobbies like duck hunting or something...:(

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett



She was obviously sent from the future to plant the evil seed of kite flying into the hearts of our young! :eek:


TEH POPPINATOR! :eek: :eek: :eek:




you want proof? how about the fact that Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is in fact an anagram of...


acid trip is cool, fag sex pie, CIA i slur


coincidence? i think not

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Three people were electrocuted when metal wires they were using to fly or catch stray kites fell on live electric lines,


"hey, we need some kind of rope to catch that kite flying against the electric lines!"


"how about this pice of metal wire?"




Ill leave it to you guys to figure out hoe to catch a stray kite with metal wire...

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It's not the end of the world... bunnies haven't become overpopulated and no Dark underlord has been named Peaches... wait a second...


Ok, well bunnies haven't overpopulated and taken of the world yet.


Xerxes don't give terrorists ideas... I can see Taliban sending out kites right now.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

It's not the end of the world... bunnies haven't become overpopulated and no Dark underlord has been named Peaches... wait a second...


Ok, well bunnies haven't overpopulated and taken of the world yet.


Xerxes don't give terrorists ideas... I can see Taliban sending out kites right now.

kite bombs...hehe
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...This is only the beginning....

What's next? "12 die at sprinkler party"?

*srinks down in chair*



Originally posted by BongoBob

Wheel of morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we shall learn. And the moral of the story is...


When trying to light a fish on fire underwater, always remember the futon.



Animaniacs/Chef Brian :rolleyes:



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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Looks like I am not the only one that picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


MMMMMMMMmmm... Seabiscuit!


Ray joins provides an interesting point, who would hold a kite festival near electrical wires and main roads... the kites could take out a car!Or cause a major wreck!




Do de dooo do de dooo HOLY CRAP IT'S A KITE!


*truck swerves out of control*




It just so happened that truck had to be carrying nukes for the President...


Wheel of Morality turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn: On a fine day, a small selection of cheeses will do a happy dance.

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