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Bad Day............Here's why


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Ok first off do you any of you live in Atlanta? then maybe you heard about my how my friend died.


I went into homeroom today and everybody was dead silent. I tried to make someone laugh because I thought everyone was just pissed off to be back from Spring Break.I hear someone say they were going to throw something in 'his' casket. Now I knew someone had died, but I didn't know who. I saw my teachers meeting in the hallway, then my homeroom teacher walked in. You could tell she had been crying. She looke at as when she reached the podium and said, "Most of you know what happened............ But for those of you who don't ***** died. He was on his way back from a hockey tournament with his coach and his son, when they swerved to miss something. They went down into a ravine, and he and one of the other two people were airlifted, and while they were trying to save ***** when he died. The coach and his son are both in critical condition.

I later found out that he had scored the winning goal and was the MVP. Which I thought was sadly ironic.

He was on the football team and so was I. Our whole football team is going to wear black wristbands for the rest of the week in his memory. There was a huge piece of paper in our hallway and I wrote RIP on it. I hope he's in a better place. :(

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Wish I could give you something to go by here... There's nothing really to say when a comrade falls behind. All I can say is that, even though I didn't know him as you did, just keep playing. Obviously he loved to play any sport. I'm sure he would want all of you to pick up the ball and keep running. May God keep him and guide you and your fellow students through this dark times. I'm not a great Christian, but this always gives me hope:


One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also riseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. The wind goeth towards the south, and turneth about to the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to its circuits. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; to the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-7

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I feel really bad, but I'm a facless person on the internet, and life goes on, we still get to go to school we popups and people still go on not knowing about what happens to there freinds. nothing we can say will make you feel better about what happend. all I can say is I'm sorry and feel your pain, I think we have all lost someone that was close before.

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I'm sorry. It's really damn touching. But don't worry. God's ways are God's ways. They're neither good, neither bad and no one can do a damn thing to them. May all gods be with the departed soul and his family. Hope your friend has a better life next time.



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Something like that happened 2 times already now to good mates of me, not to mention all the other family and friends losses. The worse thing is that I got so used to it i didn't care jack shet when someone died, though now i feel the exact same way as in the beginning since you remind me of me then and I do feel sorry again. My deepest condolences, and thanks.

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