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Greatest Gaming Accomplishments


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Yes it's that time once again to post your Greatest gaming accomplishments! *Cue boos*


Heres mine from a few minutes ago at the MBII Server.




I've linked it so the 56kers don't have to click if they don't want to. Now post yours.


Edit: Take notice of the amount of deaths, I was a hero and half the other team were bounty hunters/sith. :)

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Originally posted by leXX

I consider my greatest gaming accomplishment to be completing Halo on Legendary. Now bow down before me, maggots!


Bah. I only have the Halo demo. I so wish I had the full version!


(Is going to steal Dad's game off his pc) *Laughter* In the mean time... *Bows*

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Originally posted by leXX

I consider my greatest gaming accomplishment to be completing Halo on Legendary. Now bow down before me, maggots!

Yah, but try it on Xbox, Thats a challenge!

I did The Maw on legendary in co-op, the carriers are a pain in the ass!



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Originally posted by TiE 23

Yah, but try it on Xbox, Thats a challenge!

I did The Maw on legendary in co-op, the carriers are a pain in the ass!




Try doing Maw on legendary in single player. Man that was hard work, but it is rewarding.

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Originally posted by TiE 23

Yah, but try it on Xbox, Thats a challenge!

I did The Maw on legendary in co-op, the carriers are a pain in the ass!




That was on Xbox. I don't even have the PC version. ;)

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...I dunno. I dont really play games like that, if it gets *too* hard it becomes more like homework than fun ...... I did finish ffix with a lv 90+ character, and I did finish FFX with all the secret aeons......thats about it


and pac man was pretty hard when I was 5(when I used to play it on the atari 2600), so that still counts as a challenge :)



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My greatest moment was when I found out I couldn't kill Dagoth Ur in Morrowind cause of some dumb bug (Couldn't fight the Redorean guy cause I couldn't fight him in the Arena) Or when I enchanted my Daedric Dai-Kantana (1-60 damage) with Azura's Star/Acended Sleeper and payed $70,000 to do 40 more damage each hit, I could use It about 100 times a day, But I had 100 Longsword and like 75 enchanting skill so the power would regenerate quickly.... :p okay, thats not so special

But I did rule at Mechwarriors 4, I was the 15th best in the world



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Playing Capcom vs SNK on dreamcast for the very first time & completely wiping the floor with my friend who had been playing it almost exclusively for several months.




and beating Diablo 2 with the lowest level non-hacked character that I have, so far, hear of (lvl 24 barb)

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Playing Capcom vs SNK on dreamcast for the very first time & completely wiping the floor with my friend who had been playing it almost exclusively for several months.




Does Capcom vs SNK have the fighting groove system?


Capcom vs SNK 2 EO- How I love it so much! :D

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I managed to complete Golden Sun on my own, without the need of any walkthrough or FAQ.


I jumped from the tower of Torlan in UT2004 and landed alive.


I used a Manta to get on the tower of Torlan.


In Midtown Madness 2, I managed to climb a skyscraper and jump off it in San Francisco.


In Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, I managed to perform a Kata, a stab, a double-kick, wall-backflip and backflip swing all in a sequence (Chandrila level)


In Deus Ex, I survived through a firefight involving two military bots, four security bots, one minisecurity bots, fifteen Unatco troopers and Gunther Hermann, who eventually killed me cause he was god.


Am I good or what?

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Playing CS -9 vs 9.


Inferno map. As terrorist.


ALL of my t teamates died, and i was left alive, with dual berettas. I managed to wipe out the entire ct team using the berettas and win the round. the screen was hilarious. seeing all those little beretta icons in the top corner one after another after another.


No camping or laming involved.


Purrrrre skillllllz :p



I'll try to dig up the screenshots. It was a great day :D

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Actually winning a game of JA against really good people.


That's about it.


OH! and beating my friend at NBA 2K1 on teh dreamcast. He always whooped me in that game, and by a sheer stroke of luck, I won.


Oh yeah, and kickin ass at any tony hawk game ever made. That too.



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Originally posted by Pie™

That just means you rushed through it :p


actually I took my time & did a lot of sidequests, it was with my first character as well; I have, so far, been unable to duplicate it


And as far as Capcom v SNK's groove system, I dunno really, that was the first and last time I played (Dark Ryu pwns all)

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Well once while playing BF1942 I was an engineer armed with my no.4 rifle, colt, landmine, blastpack, and or course my knife, and also a jeep. So anyways, It was only me on Guada Cannal against 40 Japanese ground soldiers, 2 planes, 3 tanks, and 2 jeeps.


[Anakin] I killed them...I killed them all...[/Anakin]


It was amazing


Oh and one time I was at this lan party when UT came out and I never died for 3 straight hours, twas pretty crazy :)

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Originally posted by leXX

I consider my greatest gaming accomplishment to be completing Halo on Legendary. Now bow down before me, maggots!


Been there, done that, have the tee shirt and the Elite head neatly cut off and wrapped...


Anyways, around beta 6 of Counter-Strike I went 43-5 on my clan's server, and usually had a high K : D ratio in practice as well as the occasional match. Here's the sad part: I was on a 56k.


And this was before CAL/CPL and the pub scrub elitist **** started up.


Now, my most overhyped gaming accomplishment was getting accepted into the Horizons beta...


... only to tell AE their product sucked ass and that there was no way Horizons would be able to compete.

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