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Ep3...And the title is???


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yeah he was, i was mad he died in the first one he was in, i was was also mad boba fett died in the first one you see him in action, i mean come on he is the most powerful bounty hunter, he gets owned by some stupid luck of han whacking him in the jet pack(yes i know he doesn't actually die).

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Well, I havent ever seen a SW movie, except for Ep 1, and that movie sucked. So, I never wanna see a SW movie for as long as I live.


IMO = The SW series sucks.




Seriously dude...the um, CounterStrike forums are over there....


*points in random direction*


Anyways, I think the title fits. Can't wait to see how this ends, and at the same time, it will be sad, because there will be no movies left to wait for... :(

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

Revenge of the Sith eh...


I think I should quote Kain here:


Star Wars: Episode III: The Utter Failure of George Lucas, May His Credibility R.I.P.




The movie had better be good. Or this bloody plastic lightsaber is all that will be left at Skywalker Ranch.


*plots to get a better director*


WHAT!? This is coming from a man who has never seen Empire Strikes back or Return of the Jedi people :disaprove

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

You're, like, fat, or something.






Maybe if you're retarded, yes, but you're WRONG.


Anyways, when I said the SW series sucked, that was a major typo. Something else was on my mind, and I meant SW Episode 1.


I dunno, some of my friends were like "Hey, wanna watch STAR WARS???? " and I replied with a big "no."


So, I don't like Star Wars. Never did. Never will.


The reason I came here was for the people, not SW. :rolleyes:

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I like the way you've lined up all your gameboys. Why have you got 3 different versions of the same thing?


Back on topic:


Revenge of the Sith is a title that hasn't disappointed. The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones seemed to make people go "what the f*ck!?".


It may not be to adventerous or unexpected, but it's cool by me and any title with "revenge" and "sith" can't be that bad.


As IG-64 says:




There are more important things in the world to moan about

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Originally posted by Codja X

I like the way you've lined up all your gameboys. Why have you got 3 different versions of the same thing?



Well, the clear purplish one I bought from my cousin for $25. The white one, a friend gave for my Sammy Hagar CD, and I bought the NES GBA SP Cuz it looks so damn cool.

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The title is fine. I'm not totally thrilled with it, but it doesn't make me cringe either.


2 things to remember:


1.) The SW series was GL's updated answer to all those early sci-fi serials (Buck Rodgers, Flash Gordon) he saw as a kid. They always had pretty cheesey episode titles ("Invasion of the Mole People of Mars" "Flash Fights The Venusian Squid Monster" etc...) In keeping with that tradition, the episode titles have been pretty genre accurate.


2.) The prequels were suppose to mirror the original series in content, style, and theme, so "Revenge of the Sith" being the mirror of "Return of the Jedi" is totally in keeping with his stated objective for the series.


Besides, who really cares what the movie is called as long as it's good. We'll all get used to the name in time anyway. I remember the furor over the other prequel titles supposedly sucking. But now that everybody is used to them they can go on to be critical of other parts of the films. :dozey:

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Well, I havent ever seen a SW movie, except for Ep 1, and that movie sucked.


NO NO NO! You did it all wrong!


*bangs head on keyboard*


I'm a firm believer that people need to watch the Star Wars movies in the order that they came out, not by episode number. The original trilogy explains many things that the prequels don't even bother reflecting upon. The prequels were made with the assumption that you watched the original trilogy.


Go and watch Star Wars Episode IV, Acrylic. Then watch Episodes V and VI. They're excellent movies, honest. Then go back and watch the prequels. Things will make more sense, trust me.


originally posted by Darth Tepe

Maybe Lucas will end up making the Yuuzhan-vong-or-whatever-attack as the three last episodes...


If you even suggest that again, I shall personally beat you to death with a stale meatloaf.:indif:

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

OT: Eh, pardon me Neverhoodian, but Pie never told me that he designed Red X's. And one thing that sorta pisses me off is when people don't bother fixing broken images.

The damn hosting ended, and I lost the image in a format :(

I think I uploaded it again and pm'ed the link to him though, but I don't remember the adress...

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