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Congradulations! Getting your first job is always the hardest. Always keep the job you got BEFORE you start another one, always give a two weeks notice before you quit, and if you stick it out for as long as possible, it looks better to future employers. I speak from experience on this one. ;)
Gamespoot manager FTW.


Also, to Moeller and TK, this was my first application and I submitted it just 5 days ago, lol.




Psst....it's GAMESTOP, you knucklehead! :p


~Groovy ;)


Edit 2:


I think -spoot is better'er. ;)

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Wow, that was quick. You just turned sixteen and already got a job? I've got a few applications out and not even a damn interview yet.


With everyone being out of school, everyone is filling out applications. About 20% of those people are ACTUALLY wanting a job....the rest of them are just filling out applications to keep the rents of their backs. Needless to say...positions are getting filled anyways. When the summer ends, many of those people in those positions will be going away to college, or back to school, or what have you, and those positions will be open again.

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Yeah, a mastermind indeed. RIP.


In other news, I got avacation job working with installing software at a local school. Laziest job ever. :D





Carpathian Forest - F*ck You All!!! (limited metal case edition)



Blue Velvet special edition

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I mean congrats :p

My stupid sister is playing Madden so I'm taking a break from Perfect Dark. My brother and sister got pissed when I kept beating them in DOA4 with Ryu, oh well.


Sister: "Why am I in the mountains?"

Me: "Because you're a hiker."

"A hiker with headphones?"

"Yah, and I'm trying to kill you cause I'm a hiking ninja."

"Why does a ninja bring his sword when hiking?"

"Cause he's hunting deer."

"With a sword?"

"Ninjas love killing deer with swords."



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Billy Talent - Billy Talent II


Extremely good cd IMO :D


Also forgot to mention that I got a local bands cd on friday...




The UTMoST - Great American Death Pop

Not normally my cup of tea, but they're awsome :D


And finally, I passed my drivers ed final exam today. Now I just need to schedule the time for my road test for my license :D

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I got a zero skateboard.



just scroll down until you see the COLE S.O.T.Y. one. That's what I got.(I don't know how to post the pictures without the link.)

If you have FireFox (you should get it if you don't) right click the picture and select "Copy Image Location"


But here it's all one big picture, but it looks cool. :p

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