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Prime's bright idea #1: Mario Cart should be an Olympic Event


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I think that Mario Cart (or potentially other games) should be added to the Olympics. There are several reasons why this would be a good idea:

  • There are no judges who can be bribed or otherwise influenced into affecting who wins the gold.
  • Performance enhancing drugs would be much less of an issue than in other sports. Such enhancements would be of little use on the Official Olympic Couch.
  • It would be no sillier than Olympic ballroom dnacing.
  • It would instantly turn perhaps millions of geeks and nerds into potential Olympic althletes.


The game also seems to fit the criteria for inclusion in the Olympics. These criteria are:


To be added to the Summer Olympics, a sport or discipline must be widely practised by men in at least 75 countries on four continents and by women in at least 40 countries on three continents.


I don't know the exact numbers, but isn't it safe to assume that Mario Cart is played all over the world?


In addition, it must have been included at least twice in world or continental championships.


Well there was a World Championships of Super Mario Brothers. Isn't that close enough? I'm sure that there were other such events involving Mario Cart.


There's a little-noted rule that sports, disciplines, and events that depend essentially on mechanical propulsion are not acceptable in the Olympics. That excludes aerobatics, air racing, auto racing, powerboat racing, motorcycle racing, and snowmobiling. (Although powerboating was briefly an Olympic sport, before that rule was in place.)


There is no physical propulsion at all while playing Mario Cart, mechanical or otherwise, so that isn't an issue at all.


So as you can see, Mario Cart has a rightful place in the Olympic games. I think you will agree that hearing your national anthem while wearing a gold medal after a winning a world class game of Mario Cart is something we can all appreciate.



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If we are to get video games into the olympics (which is a great idea IMO - far more people play video games than many of those silly sports, not introducing video games would simply be discrimination), then why don't we get some that are a little more popular than Mario Carts?


Let's say Olympics in Warcraft/Starcraft or Counterstrike - those I'd definatly see. At least compared to gymnastics and ballroom dancing (booooring - let's get some Zerg action already!). And as far as I know, there has been World Championships in those games plenty of times, so they'll meet all criteria.

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never been a mario kart person..... I would support NWN being an olympic sport..... Me and my crew of Aussie ragtags would PWN all those cocky Lvl 40 Wizards from Team USA :p


seriously though, surely there must be a 'video game olympics' held somewhere, and if not, whoever starts it is gonna make a sh*tload of money.......


*runs to patent idea*





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Originally posted by InsaneSith

thumb muscles the size of kiwi fruit!


That would be kind of.. Sick. Just imagine thumb muscles that are as big as kiwi fruit. Ugh.


I would have Halo as an Olympic event, that would be great.

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those rules seem pretty lax... under those rules almost anything could be included. Arm wrestling? That must pass all rules. Extreme Ironing must be getting close... Chess? Darts? Frisbee? They must all be eligible...




PS/ i like MK, but was never much good at it.... can we have Mortal Konbat 3 or Goldeneye so i have a chance of winning a medal?

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I certainly agree that this would be great afterall. Just like to see the follow games:



Call of Duty

America's Army

Unreal Tournament 2003/2004

Counter Strike/ Counter Strike: Source

War Craft 3

Rainbow Six: Raven Shield



Halo 2

Project Gotham Racing 2

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow


That's all I can think of for now. :)

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