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honor the Insane - and the Sith


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For all of us there will be coming a time, a time when we ask ourselves: What for, goddam**t!? These harsh times, throughout which we are troubled by most intense fears and worries are to come upon all of us during some part of our life.

But there is no need for true worries, since the cure is so close!


All you need, poor haunted human is a relief! And we all know about it: It is the urge to " set fire to his (someones) groin really bad " that keeps us up and going! Have a good donkeys ass to kick and all will be fine in the end.


So long, my dearest Jedi-masters!


AN "homage" to the insane and the sith





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Clemens would be me =). Now you know and I hope you will find a good night's rest, now that you know !!!


I was a member of this board quite a while ago, but I left and went hitch-hiking in the mountains where I then lived by the great oak tree, near the river which the natives call "water that runs far".

But there was no point in staying there so I came back!

I hope that cleared things a little.


BTW. thx for welcoming me so friendly - hi sith ^_^

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Originally posted by dodgehtis.50

near the river which the natives call "water that runs far".

But there was no point in staying there so I came back!


so your the one my tribe called "Slice of Wonder Bread"? lol



nah im kidding.....























if you didnt get it the wonder bread joke its cuz wonder bread is a white color...get it? white?

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Originally posted by InsaneSith


YOU HAVE RETURNED!!!!!.... with a new account. ;_;



Welcome back. :D


Its good to see 19th century author Mark Twain in the forums ;)


this homage"to the insane and the sith", I thought it was sithys birthday and was starting to reach over for the KY... *drats!* :p


well, welcome Clemens, I am Astro...... I am one of the most handsome and virile men to ever grace LF.... :D



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I can only thank again for your very warm and amusing welcome-messeges! About the new nick... times change and so do people.. but people never change so: I change without the change. Confuzzeling sometimes how this wicked world works I know, but I am certain you..know.. what I mean =)


Your dodgie


PS do not wonder about the "dodge this" being a dodgehtis.50.

The nick consists of many features and each ad every part represents another thing which i cherish, like, use, think about and am... so yea ;-)

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