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WIP - Wat Tambor


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'A consummate industrialist, Wat Tambor was the Foreman of the Techno Union, a galactic institution concerned with technological innovation. Tambor was eager to escape from the choking bureaucracy of the Republic Senate, and readily joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He not only committed his army of battle droids to the cause, but also hosted the meeting of the Separatists minds at one of the Techno Union's droid foundries on Geonosis.


As befitting a technocrat, Wat Tambor is entirely encased in machinery and is even reliant on technology to speak. His deep, resonant voice is strangely mechanical, modulated by a set of dials built into his torso.


Tambor oversaw a number of advanced technology plants scattered throughout the galaxy, and many major corporations, including Baktoid Armor Workshop, Haor Chall Engineering, Republic Sienar Systems, and Kuat Systems Engineering were signatory members of the Techno Union.'


Info from the Star Wars website.

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As to where you see him in the movies, he's the guy who tells Count Dooku in AOTC, "The Techno Union Army...*garbled sounds from suit malfunction*...is at your disposal, Count."


Great idea, KMan. He's one of the more imposing prequel characters and my favorite Separatist leader (other than Count Dooku, that is ;) ).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Thrawn42689

Cool. But the ridges should be more pronounced on top, judging from the picture.


Yeah, I finally found a pretty good front shot of him, so I've made changes to the top of the head and ridges. Looks better now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, it's unwrapped now, and starting on the textures. Since the lower half of his body is mostly raven parts, I've unwrapped the others in the same manner, so there are textures for each region.


Psykosith- if you're reading this, give me a jingle. I can cap him up and send him in your direction whenever you are ready.

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Originally posted by Zappa_0

Looks cool, you think you could do a Chancellor Palpatine model next :p


Ah, well yes. You are on ignore. I can't imagine why.


I have no interests in doing a Chancellor Palpatine model.

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Originally posted by KMan

Alright, it's unwrapped now, and starting on the textures. Since the lower half of his body is mostly raven parts, I've unwrapped the others in the same manner, so there are textures for each region.


Psykosith- if you're reading this, give me a jingle. I can cap him up and send him in your direction whenever you are ready.


Sure, just drop it in my box:






Excellent work as always!

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