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A Test


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Meh. 49.

Beware the Dark side!

Ooohh - you must tread very carefully on the path of life. The battle between Light and Dark is raging over you. Your soul is finely balanced and you are vulnerable. You can feel the force - but you are also weak to the powers of the Dark side. It is hard to see: easy and tempting. But once you start on that path your fate is decided. Be wary!


Anyone want a padawan/sith apprentice? :D

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Jedi Knight



Ahh… you are a rare positive force in the world - a true Jedi who knows that his talents must only be used for good. _Your powers are strong - you will never be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force. _Stay true young padawan on the path to serenity. _We are blessed to have Knights like you protecting us.


Got a 31, nice:D

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Now we know what RedHawke likes to do in bed :D



:roleyess: That plopping sound you all just heard was lukeiamyourdad's brain falling into a gutter. It just floated by mine a few minutes ago! :p


*Insecurity in voice* Answer the test with the following;


1. Satan

2. Red (3)

3. Cow Tipping

4. My freinds are like puppets in my evil game...

5. Pulling legs off of spiders, and burning ants with a magnifying glass.

6. Carefully coiffed hair do

7. Darth Malak (3)

8. Of course I've been in a couple of scrapes.

9. Yes, and the more I practice the more my aim will improve.

10. Ebon Hawk (1)

11. Seduce someone you fancy and have your wicked way.

12. Push back in front, and tell them you were there first

13. Steal their pets, and serve them to them a l'orange.


That'll net you a 69 too! :D

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