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Tis No Man, Tis A Remorseless Eating Machine!!!.....

Leper Messiah

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Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy!


Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?

Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!


B: Pinky, Are you pondering what I am pondering?

P: Uh, I think so, Brain, but where will we find a duck and a hose at this hour?


B: Pinky, Are you pondering what I am pondering?

P: I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?


B: Pinky, Are you pondering what I am pondering?

P: Wuh, I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels.

One in every episode i think...
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Originally posted by SeleneRayne

My fav Invader Zim quote:


-Gir: I made it myself!!

XD I love that. I heard they actually made bacon scented soap and hat was what inspired that line. *shrugs* dunno if it's true though, but I do know there is bacon scented soap.
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A single grain of rice can tip the scale; one man may be the differance between victory and defeat." ---Emperor, "Mulan




Emperror - DON'T YOU NOW WH I AM?


Yakko- Why? Did you forget?





"They named me 'Pluto'?! What kind of a name is 'Pluto'? I wouldn't call my dog 'Pluto'!" ---Hades, upon finding out his Roman name, "Hercules"





(homer and bart are lost in the woods, homer takes a rope and ties a snare noose from the tree branch to set a trap!)


Bart - What are we going to DO? HANG OURSELVES?





"you don't like you job, you dont strike, you just sit and do everything half-@$$ed! That's the American way"


-Homer Simpson




in x-men:Gambit, Wolverine and Bishop are sitting, playing cards!Gambit attacks Bishop:


Bishop: "I can absorb any energy, and channel it right back! Thats MY mutant power!


Wolverine (whiping out his adamantium claws): "How would you like to try absorbing THEESE! Now sit down! Both of you!

...Or cards won't be the only thing that gets CUT around here!"




(multiple man duplicates himself into TWO!)


Wolverine: "What's this? A two for one sale?"


(multiple man multiplies himsel into a dozen)


Multiple Man: "no, more like a BAKER"S DOZEN!"

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This is from Vice city but its still funny,


Callum: Hi Maurice! Hola. Buenos dias and noches. Bonjour and

buongiorno. Wilkommen. Hallo, hello, hi


Callum: By giving everyone hope... A dream of a better tomorrow. By

encouraging people to grow their own root vegetables. What's the

satisfaction of holding a gun in your hand when you could be holding a

ho, planting seeds in a peasent village?


Callum: ...And, Speaking for the Underdog, the foundation I set up for

my trust fund... We believe gangs are a valid expression of a people's

identity. A grouping... A community within a community. Gangs are a

way to be noticed in the boxy suburbs. You scream out, rather than

urinate at the edge of your camp like a proud native. We spray paint

our names on the walls at the mall to ward off predators.


Callum: No, no! We believe passionately in non-violent solutions to

life's problems. Gangs have to learn to love... To be inclusionary.

We'd award badges to good gangs, and give bad gangs a silly hat to wear.

It would give people something to feel a part of. Kill with kindness,

not a garden tool.

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Homer: His hair is so queer.

Burns/Dracula: I heard that!

Homer: It was the boy!


Shopkeep: I must warn you that this doll is evil.

Homer: Thats bad.

SK: But it comes with a free frogurt!

H: Thats good.

SK: The frogurt is also cursed.

H: Thats bad.

SK: But it comes with free sprinkles!

H: Thats good.

SK: The sprinkles are made of potasium benzoate.

H: ...

SK: Thats bad.

H: Can I go now?

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