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Spawn campers. A real pain in the ****

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Having played the game for a few weeks now, i have to say that the biggest problem are those that spawn camp. Before your foot even touches the ground, you're dead, over and over.


I'm not sure where the fun is in that. The amount of people that leave a game as a result of it doesnt surprise me.



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As long as you are not able to shoot while invulnerable it's going to lessen the spawncamping I think. Though it will be harder to capture that last command point. :)


But if you are able to fire when you are invulnerable then it's going to become near impossible to capture the last command point. :(

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I agree that spawn camping is is lame. However, don't most spawn "areas" have multiple spawn points within? So when you pick the area you want to spawn in at, sometimes you appear in one place, and other times another? That seems to be a way to diminish the effect of spawn camping. That is, unless the other team is making a concerted effort to camp at every spawn point in a certain area. In that event, it might be time to visit the anxiously awated "ban" functionality.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Tip for those who can't think outside the box:


If someone is spawn-camping, spawn at a different Command Post.


If someone is spawn-camping at every Command Post, it isn't that hard for someone to escape and grab a vehicle.


It's not that simple....in strategic terms spawning at a different point would give them ample time to capture the point they were camping. Depending on the situation (ie what's camping your spawn), you might just have to let it go, but in most cases it's not a viable option.

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That's just it... you have to camp to capture the spawn point. Anyone that spawns, prevent capture. What do you do? You kill them. Capturing continues.


I've never had a problem with spawn camping. If my spawn point was getting captured, I spawned there as long as I could. Sometimes I killed the person capturing the spawn point, sometime I didn't.


I really don't think it's a big problem. People just babies, and cry when they lose ¬¬

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I don't know how many times I have been killed by spawn-campers. I completly agree with the 5 second time limit to get out of there, but..... Wouldn't the enemy just follow you until the 5 secs are up or hope that (very uncommon) a Veichal would still be there. I know more enemy's want to take my AT-TE for a joy ride then my sis perms her hair :rolleyes: .

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

That's just it... you have to camp to capture the spawn point. Anyone that spawns, prevent capture. What do you do? You kill them. Capturing continues.


I've never had a problem with spawn camping. If my spawn point was getting captured, I spawned there as long as I could. Sometimes I killed the person capturing the spawn point, sometime I didn't.


I really don't think it's a big problem. People just babies, and cry when they lose ¬¬


I think you're missing the point... the problem is people camping a spawn in vehicles. People in vehicles cannot capture, therefore they can camp all day if they like.

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The same problem happened for Battlefield Vietnam and lots of people wanted a 5 sec invulnerability.


Other who could think about every single situation knew that there would be heavy balancing problems.


First off, if you're down to your last spawn point and you're getting raped, shut the f*ck up. Your team just got their asses kicked so stop complaining. You deserve to be rape like that.


Second, you always spawn at a different location. If that's not an option anymore, find another spawn point and rush there to defend or retake. If you're stuck at your last spawn point, read the paragraph above.


Third and final, a 5 sec delay would be just annoying for those who are there to capture the spawn point. Gee most of the time I go for a spawn point, I happen to kill someone who just spawned. Oh my lord I'm a spawn camper waa waa...waa give the defenders big advantages waaa...pff crybabies.

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Originally posted by Ranre

I don't know how many times I have been killed by spawn-campers. I completly agree with the 5 second time limit to get out of there, but..... Wouldn't the enemy just follow you until the 5 secs are up or hope that (very uncommon) a Veichal would still be there. I know more enemy's want to take my AT-TE for a joy ride then my sis perms her hair :rolleyes: .

Well, it should be adjustable by the server admin, either maks spawn invul or no spawn invul or something in between.


Also, the spawn invul time will give you a few, but pressious seconds to orient yourself and get a better picture of what is going on around you before you can engage ... or get killed. :D

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Personally, I agree that spawn invulnerability isn't the solution. There's nothing wrong with people trying to cap a spawn point and killing anyone who spawns in the process. You just need to make vehicles able to capture spawns to stop the vehicle camping.

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If someone is spawn-camping, spawn at a different Command Post.

Right. Why put up a fight. I mean, you're acting like this is some sort of war game...:rolleyes:


Yes, you may have to camp to take an outpost. My opinion is that camping is a result of short spawn times: People want spawn times of 0-4 seconds, but don't want to get shot as they appear on the battle field. Well, too bad for them.


If spawn time was about 30 seconds, you could actually take an outpost without "spawn killing". I know most people go "aah, but I have to wait for an eteeeernity!", but come on, thirty seconds? What's the big hurry?


I don't kill people for points, I kill them because my mission is to capture flags. On servers where they come right back, well, what are you supposed to do, leave the control point?:rolleyes: I want it to count when I shoot somebody, (unlike most people on the Internet).


Another gripe I have is that on the few servers where spawn times are actually long, there are always people who whine. Come on, most other servers have short spawn times, so leave the ones that don't alone and shut the (...) up! Realize that the game becomes a million times more realistic and tactical when you actually can secure areas rather than feel that you're in a wasp's nest trying to kill all the wasps at once.


Let's take a siege on a base. If you've got a delay of two seconds, several things happn:


- There's less of a need for thinking and tactics. You can go anywhere you want because you know that if a base is attacked, tons of people can spawn there immediately. There's no need to lay mines or set up defenses.


- The said horde of people who do spawn there gets killed immediately.


- Eventually, the outpost is secured, but only after heavy loss of life.


Long delay:


- You actually have to play as a team (scary thought?) and guard those flags.


- People at the outposts are not quickly replaced and reinforcements will most likely come from other flags.


- Communication and tactical thinking is needed to take an outpost.

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Originally posted by subs0nic

I think you're missing the point... the problem is people camping a spawn in vehicles. People in vehicles cannot capture, therefore they can camp all day if they like.


Then you spawn at a different point, and resume play. If that's your last spawn point, you basically loI'll be happy with the temporary invincibility, but only under 2 conditions:


1 - Once they move, the lose it.

2 - Standing at your spawn point invincible does not prevent players from capturing your spawn point.

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They should include a peace stick. If someone spawns and uses the peace stick, you may not kill him. If you do you're a lamer and everyone will shout at you (LAMER!) and call the admin, who will slap you.



True dat SWPhreak, you can't be angry at em just for killing you cause they're capturing?


Personally I use the vehicle or stealth (in bfv and swbf) to spawnkill a few times, so people will stop spawning there (instead of desperately trying and trying) and then I capture it, makes the job easier.

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Originally posted by subs0nic

Personally, I agree that spawn invulnerability isn't the solution. There's nothing wrong with people trying to cap a spawn point and killing anyone who spawns in the process. You just need to make vehicles able to capture spawns to stop the vehicle camping.


I was actually thinking the same thing... at first I was going to post this, and then changed my mind because I thought there would be too many people against it.


When I get a vehicle, I rarely get the huge pile of kills others get because I move in, clear out a CP and then try to capture it. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I die.


The mechanics of the game, however, let me hang out there forever killing people if I want to, and the point never changes.


Another idea I had was if the game focused more on capturing the points than getting individual kills, camping might subside somewhat... right now, the only meaningful points to most people are number of kills. Few people actually go out of their way to capture points.


When the new servers are released where you can raise the ticket count, that might help too - having 1000 reinforcements per side will be harder to simply "out kill" the other side for the win where it's quite easy with just over 200 per side now. Capturing points to reduce reinforcement count may be necessary.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Then you spawn at a different point, and resume play. If that's your last spawn point, you basically loI'll be happy with the temporary invincibility, but only under 2 conditions:


1 - Once they move, the lose it.

2 - Standing at your spawn point invincible does not prevent players from capturing your spawn point.


You have to be able to move, otherwise what's the point of being invulnerable? If I'm in a vehicle and you spawn, but can't move, I'll just outwait you.


If you can spawn as a vanguard, run behind a wall, then shoot rockets at me, then there's a point.

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In this conversation I aggre compleatly with StarWarsPhreak and Jet Black


Got cry don't try to boot the guy in the tank either just stop spawning there or even better spawn anti tanks, in all spawn areas there is cover vehicles can't get to, use it. A few well placed rockets from a guy strafing in and out of cover and the tank is dead, simple.


Quoted from Dagobahn Eagle

"If spawn time was about 30 seconds," No one would play the game, assaulting teams would always win

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No one would play the game, assaulting teams would always win

That is definetly incorrect.


First of all, many would play the game. That much has been proven by history: In Battlefield 1942, people do play on servers with a 30 seconds spawn time.


And second, how come the attackers would always win? Did you actually read my whole post? Spawn time is increased, yes, but come on, it takes more than 30 seconds to get from flag A to flag B (it should, at least, even on those midget maps of SWBF). And who says defenders die faster than attackers anyway? Nobody I know... As you said, in all spawn areas there is cover. So if people actually bothered to guard flags instead of rushing around like a demented Rambo, they'd perfectly well be able to take down an assault force of similar size.

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