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Homeschoolers Sound Off

Boba Rhett

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XD. You noticed?


Homeschooled 2nd-half 8th, 9th. (No first grade, I was precocious.) Went to high school, repeated 9th to be with kids my age. (Not a problem having skipped first grade.) High school 9th-12th. 2nd year college now.


Note: Past the very first grades (can't remember exactly, maybe 4th-5th?) I taught myself using ordered cirriculum. My dad was a fairly messed up person, quite unintelligent and my mom worked. Another reason I repeated 9th was that my dad wouldn't give me enough time to do any schoolwork that year, was doing super-complex-OCD-ritual-enhanced-chores full time.


High school made me 'stupider', but it gave me my friends, who are the greatest people ever. :)

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Well I don't know where you went to school but mine was just terrible. :( It was a sports school. We were all sharing thirty year old text books while the school built a new gym and bought equipment for our football team.


Even really early on. I was forced to try and learn to write right handed in my first year there despite my protest that I was a lefty. Not until 8 months in when my teacher brought my terrible writing up to my parents did she finally realise I wasn't just dumb. She totally screwed me up for life and it doesn't feel natural to write with either of my hands to this day. You should see my handwriting, it looks like I stroke out anytime I touch a pencil. :(


And we didn't even really have an English class ever either! :o

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Originally posted by Redwing

....High school made me 'stupider', but it gave me my friends, who are the greatest people ever. :)


therein lies the dilemma.... Its the social interaction part that homeschooled kids miss out on that terrifies me..... plus, last but not least.... THE LADIEZ !!! what is high school without the perv and sleaze at the hotties in your year, followed by the kick in the nuts when you try get fresh :D


*ah, memories*



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

And we didn't even really have an English class ever either! :o


j00 N3ver H4d 4N 3N9Li5H CL@s5? pFFT, Wh@+ @ No08 !


My current school is almost the exact opposite; it threw so much into education that my school can no longer support the football team (which I play on...:( ) and may close down Orchestra (which I play in), band, and our basketball program. Still, we are getting a serious education here...which explains why im up at 1:30 doing homework right now...

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Homeschooled, ALL my life, NEVER a day in a public school. And No, I didnt miss anything of importance, my socail life is thriving, and I never regret a moment of it.


It's good that you don't regret it, but it seems to me that you really have no idea whether or not you missed anything of importance. ;)


Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Well I don't know where you went to school but mine was just terrible. :( It was a sports school. We were all sharing thirty year old text books while the school built a new gym and bought equipment for our football team.


Even really early on. I was forced to try and learn to write right handed in my first year there despite my protest that I was a lefty. Not until 8 months in when my teacher brought my terrible writing up to my parents did she finally realise I wasn't just dumb. She totally screwed me up for life and it doesn't feel natural to write with either of my hands to this day. You should see my handwriting, it looks like I stroke out anytime I touch a pencil. :(


And we didn't even really have an English class ever either! :o


:x Holy crap.


I really, really hate sports schools. ><

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Homeschooled, ALL my life, NEVER a day in a public school. And No, I didnt miss anything of importance, my socail life is thriving, and I never regret a moment of it.


How would you know if you never missed anything if you weren't there to know what you are missing...:eek:


:EDIT: that's two times in two minutes that RedWing's stole my thunder...:mad:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

It was a sports school. We were all sharing thirty year old text books while the school built a new gym and bought equipment for our football team.


I hate schools that specalise in a subject, in yr7 (dunno how that works with the american grade system but I was 11 at the begining of the year I think) I went to a language college, I had to learn french, japanise and english (of course) but I can't do languages. I moved house at the ende of the year so I coudn't stay at the same school, [sarc] what a pitty [/sarc].

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Homeschooled, ALL my life, NEVER a day in a public school. And No, I didnt miss anything of importance, my socail life is thriving, and I never regret a moment of it.


That explains your title. If you barely ever get in touch with believes different from yours, you won't get any perspective (other than your own brainwashed one) on matters either.

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I'm a staunch advocate of not public schooling kids. I have met FAR too many homeschooled kids who have NO idea how to properly interact with kids their own age. Occasionally you'll find a homeschooled kid who has learned social skills through other outlets, but in my experience the majority of kids who are homeschooled have their ability to interact socially completely screwed over for life.


And I think public school made me smart enough, I made it into engineering school :dozey:

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whoa... america is such a weird place... :eek:


The thing about home schooling is, that you are only going to be exposed to the viewpoints that your parents believe in. (unless they are very open minded parents).


School might be a sucky experience in many ways, but it does expose you to all different types of viewpoints, people, races, beliefs and so on.


I'm not saying that everyone who is home scooled will get that, but i just keep remembering some sucky tv series i watched ages ago about american nazis... with all the kids being taught at home about how to hate other races, and how everything was the fault of the jews and so on... now those kids will probably not be exposed to any alternate views and those views will stay with them for the rest of their lives (and be taught to their kids in turn).


In smaller ways the same thing will happen in any home schooling environment, tho hopefully the internet will go some way to allowing kids to be exposed to a wide range of views, whatever their parents to prevent..

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I've experienced all 3. first i went public school k-mid second grade...then private school half of 2-6th grade.....i remember my first year of that christian school......the ****ing teacher wouldn't leave me alone....i must've been in the principal's office like 4 times that year. >=( all was not bad in that school though, i had some friends. then i moved to florida and was homeschooled 7-12. that wasn't too bad, except i had like absolutely no way of making any friends...after homeschool and i get my ged we finally move to PA....i still have no "real" friends to this day. life sucks. :cool:

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Even if you are the closest of pals with someone, how can you judge a person and decipher their "social skills". Shut it and worry about yourself. If I was home-schooled all my life I DEFINITLY would not someone saying "Oh poor _____. He was home schooled and will never really be able to interact like a good normal person."


Originally posted by Gothix

That explains your title. If you barely ever get in touch with believes different from yours, you won't get any perspective (other than your own brainwashed one) on matters either.


Home schooling explains the title "Jesus Christ Hard Core"? Alriiiiiiighty then. So, if a person is home schooled, that means they don't get in touch with society? They live in the confines of their house their entire youth? Stop assuming. Really. It makes you look like a complete ass, especially when you are "blaming" someone’s personal faith on his lack of a public education.

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When you're young, school and homework WILL take up most of your time. And at young age, kids are easily manipulatable, which then affects how they grow up. If soimeone is homeschooled in a Christian way, there's a 90% chane he'll and up as a Christian, and quite a blind one as well. Being with lot of people does give you more perspective on religion, wether you like it or not, and it makes you more open-minded about it as well.

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I have been homeschooling all my life... of course I'm only in 6th grade... Anyway I have quite good social skills and I don't just talk to people on the internet. I have friends, and I don't hate anyone for waht they look like, it is who they are. :xd: EWWWWWWWW! I SOUND LIKE A GIRL! :xd: BLECH!:jab1:swear::edeaths::lechuck: There, gross smileys. AM I a boy again now?:D

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If soimeone is homeschooled in a Christian way, there's a 90% chane he'll and up as a Christian, and quite a blind one as well.


I find that hard to believe. Show me those statistics you spout so freely.


Being with lot of people does give you more perspective on religion, wether you like it or not, and it makes you more open-minded about it as well.


I agree.


Now tell me how are you able to judge whether or not a person "has been with a lot of people", especially considering the fact that this is an internet forum and I highly doubt you know the ins and outs of ZDawg's life.

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Those statistics were taken froma psychology book I borrowed from the library, brought it bakc a week or two ago.


And I never claimed to know the ins and outs of ZDawg's life, I merely stated that at this age, schol takes up more than half of ones time. I'd be surprised to find this any different for ZDawg.

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Originally posted by GothiX

And I never claimed to know the ins and outs of ZDawg's life, I merely stated that at this age, schol takes up more than half of ones time. I'd be surprised to find this any different for ZDawg.




Originally posted by GothiX

That explains your title. If you barely ever get in touch with believes different from yours, you won't get any perspective (other than your own brainwashed one) on matters either.



Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is that home schooling's results are each unique and should be viewed individually.

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