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Best Buy Must DIE!!!

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Lady rings me up full price, and tosses the card in the bag. WOULD IT HAVE KILLED BEST BUY TO GIVE ME THE LOUSY $5 OFF?!?! IF THE RECIEPT WAS SO DAMN IMPORTANT, WOULD IT KILL THE EMPLOYEES TO STAPLE THE DAMN THING TO MY PRE-ORDER CARD? Now after all the hassle I have had over this game, Best Buy cheats me out of $5....losers.


In reality though, remember it's just five dollars like you said. The stress isn't worth it.


Besides, you have Halo now, don't you? And that five dollars was worth it for knowing that you would have a copy reserved for you, no rush or anxiety.


(btw, I guess you did like the backround I made for your Master Chief avatar. :xp: )

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Originally posted by Tyrion

In reality though, remember it's just five dollars like you said. The stress isn't worth it.


Besides, you have Halo now, don't you? And that five dollars was worth it for knowing that you would have a copy reserved for you, no rush or anxiety.


(btw, I guess you did like the backround I made for your Master Chief avatar. :xp: )


You know, I am actually surprised that even sold me the special edition. Yeah I went home and tried to find my damn reciept with no luck what so ever. If I saved every reciept, my room would be a fire hazzard. I'm not stressing out, I plan to stay up all night playing Halo 2, and probably become submersed in it tomorrow as well.


It's just that this company has screwed so many people over in the past 48 hours, I really think they deserve a law suit or something. I am really tired of the way they treat they're customers. Every visit to the Customer Service desk is like the freaking Spanish Inquisition... It's the prices that keep Best Buy open, because they pretty much suck at EVERYTHING else. :fist:

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Damn Grooves, the fates are working against you tonight. I'm surprised your tires weren't slashed or if your power goes out. That'd suck.


I'd of broke down and CRIED if I had gotten home from sitting out in the cold for a 1/2 hour and wasn't able to play it.


Bad enough I had to deal with the stupid ****S at McDonalds afterwards...talking to their friends and ignoring the )^%)&^$&@%&^%#)%^$)#&^%)#$&^)#*(^$)@^$!@^$_*@#&%_*#^&%_#^&*$_@#^ CUSTOMER THOSE DUMB F*CKS!!!

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

It's just that this company has screwed so many people over in the past 48 hours, I really think they deserve a law suit or something. I am really tired of the way they treat they're customers. Every visit to the Customer Service desk is like the freaking Spanish Inquisition... It's the prices that keep Best Buy open, because they pretty much suck at EVERYTHING else. :fist:

Here's something entertaining for you to see... :D
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i got my copy fine. ebgames is good for preordering, i'll give them that...they ask you for your phone number and input you into their computer so all you do is sign your name. ^_^ cept of course they tried to sell me the damn strategy guide and a warranty for the game. (why in hell would i want a warranty....)


sounds like your best buy sucks. i'd burn the place to the ground.

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Originally posted by Evil Dark Jedi

Well yesterday. Yes I mean yesterday at EB there was a huge crowd outside before the shop had even opened. I watched the doors opened everyone rushed in. I went in after the crowd had cleared and I saw an empty self with a sign saying "Sold Out of Halo 2". Geee atleast I am getting mine this or next weekend.


I actually saw a LARGE crowd outside our local EB on the WAY to Best Buy. I was half tempted to see if they would take my reservation, but like a schmuck, I decided to give Best Buy one more chance, well...not any more.


That would suck if I had stood out in the cold and NOT got a game. I'd have gone totally butt ****ing vietnam raw on some people.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

That would suck if I had stood out in the cold and NOT got a game. I'd have gone totally butt ****ing vietnam raw on some people.


But.....couldn't people just wait a couple of hours until the store actually opened? This is just a game here people.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

... Patience, my young padawan. Patience.


OMG ! the CapNs using SW lines....Hell must be freezing over :D


yeah, Im not into buying things the day they come out either....you're very unlikely to get a bargain price on release day :D



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Originally posted by KBell

But.....couldn't people just wait a couple of hours until the store actually opened? This is just a game here people.




Once again.....you are missing the point. It is not about WHEN I GOT MY GAME, it's about Best Buy NOT taking care of it's customers. If you owned a video game store, and you promised to be open at midnight, and people waited outside your store in the cold, and you never opened...you would have pissed off customers too.


That article about Best Buy....just figures. They have the worst customer service of just about any place I ever heard of.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

yeah, Im not into buying things the day they come out either....you're very unlikely to get a bargain price on release day :D


Actually, that hasn't really been the case for me. CDs, DVDs, and video/computer games generally come out on Tuesdays (in the US that is) and that's when I buy them if I want them because CDs can be quite a bit cheaper (like 3-7$) and computer games usually go for $5-10 less. At least, that's my experience.


Hmm, for some reason Groovy's problems remind me of all the hubbub and anger over Half-Life 2's delays...

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

I want to sell my GC for an XBOX and Halo/2.


But I think I'll just wait for the PC version...


Will definitely get an XBOX2, if only to play Halo, Fable, and Ninja Gaiden.


However, my friend brought the Halo 2 manual to school today.


It is my new Bible.





Sounds like a GOOD plan! :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

I want to sell my GC for an XBOX and Halo/2.


But I think I'll just wait for the PC version...


Will definitely get an XBOX2, if only to play Halo, Fable, and Ninja Gaiden.


However, my friend brought the Halo 2 manual to school today.


It is my new Bible.




Its not coming out for PC

as far as I know of, if it is, show me, I want it

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