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Portman In The Next Indy Movie?

Boba Rhett

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Harrison Ford became famous from Star Wars, and then continued to build his notable career by starring in the Indiana Jones films. Natalie Portman might soon be following a similar path.


According to a report at IESB.net, the young actress has shown interest in a part in the upcoming Indiana Jones IV. Portman expressed her interest to Indiana Jones producer and Star Wars creator George Lucas back when she was still working on The Phantom Menace, and with focus now shifting to a fourth Indy adventure, the word is that Lucas might have a use for her.


If true, it's just one more reason to hope that Lucas, Spielberg, and Ford all agree on a script for the new Indy adventure before it's too late.






What do you think about this? She just couldn't be his love interest, right? I mean, jeeez, he's going to be playing a 55 year old in the next one.

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he wasn't getting any younger 10 years ago when they started talking about it... :confused:


I'm at the stage where i'm thinking they should just let it go. Much as i would like a new indy film, i'd rather they didn't mess up the legacy with a lame duck of a movie starring a 70 year old.


I'd have liked them to make Fate of Atlantis, but that isn't gonna happen now.


And with nation treasure & the davinci code coming out its gonna make it hard to do an original indy.


I guess you could pass off natalie portman as his daughter by the girl in the first film and lead to lots of "father and daughter bonding under stress" type situations... a bit generic though.

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Originally posted by toms

...I guess you could pass off natalie portman as his daughter by the girl in the first film and lead to lots of "father and daughter bonding under stress" type situations... a bit generic though.


great, so your saying it will be like a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie


*sigh* that cant be good !





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I thought Indy 4 got put on hold since Spielberg and Cruise are working on their version of War Of The Worlds?


I can't see Indy 4 being made any time soon, anyway. I'm not sure Mr. Ford is up to all the whip-cracking knuckle-dusting goodness these days either.


A son or daughter for Indy would be a good idea to introduce a new character to take up the whip.

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Originally posted by IG-64

Just to clear things up for everyone: Harrison Ford is 62 Years old.


Natalie Portman is 23 years old.


This makes for a 39 year diffrence.


well, I feel more safe in the knoweldge now that homeskooled kids do basic arithmetic :D


also, I hope portman isnt girl indy....she cant run....she runs like.....a girl ! as evidenced by this AWFUL moment in AOTC :


Padme Runnin.gif





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Originally posted by IG-64

Just to clear things up for everyone: Harrison Ford is 62 Years old.


Natalie Portman is 23 years old.


This makes for a 39 year diffrence.










Why exactly did that need to be cleared up for us? Do you think us all so dim as to be incapable of subtraction of multiple digit numbers?



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Originally posted by ET Warrior









Why exactly did that need to be cleared up for us? Do you think us all so dim as to be incapable of subtraction of multiple digit numbers?




Indeed, but remember, he is IG-64. If you offer him $5.. he will become IG-69 :p


*cue queer tecnho anthems*





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*Runs after and pelts with endless bananas and tomatoes.*


Portman isn't a bad actress, but I think she needs to play a lesser part than "Daughter of Legend". I will not go out and see Indy IV If she is. Indy IV should be about Ford .


I just don't want to watch as the "Indy Legacy" is destroyed.


Just my 2 cents.



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there have been a few more Ford interviews recently where he talked about Indy4 begining production. Not sure how that fits with War of the Worlds though.


The more i think about it the less i like the very formulaic "indy meets long lost daughter who doesn't like him, but slowly they bond" plot.

Though i'm not sure what else they can do, as he is getting to old for a serious love interest.


Natalie Portman on the other hand is unfortunately completely wrong for the part of an ass-kicking adventuress... even worse tha angelina jolie for the tombraider films. Too small for one thing.


I loved her in Leon, but she has been pretty wooden recently.


If we have to go down the "indy's daughter" route then i vote eliza dushku, or ashely scott. At least they would look like they COULD do some of that adventuring without getting broken... :D


Ford also said that indy might go bond-like and have a younger actor in any more sequels. Although whether he would do a bond and mysteriously "not age" or whether they would be prequels i don't know.


Indy should maybe die at the end of this one...

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