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Selene is SO going to hate me.


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i knew the reason this movie was going to suck before it even went into production, what reason you ask? the director, uwe boll, recall a nice little gem of his called House of the Dead? yea, this guy ruins movies for a living, Alone in the Dark is coming out soon, looks just as bad, but i will no doubt see bloodrayne opening weekend, matinee of course, because i like vampire movies and well, i have a think for bad movies :D


the thing about boll's stuff, it looks so amaturish, its like, he is one step below made for tv movies, yet his stuff gets released thru theatres.

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Originally posted by SeleneRayne

Oh, I don't hate cha Gofix, it's not your fault this movie is gonna suck. ;)


I had bad preminisions about this movie form the start. I dunno but it seemed like it wouldn't be a good idea. I am very sad.



firstly : premonitions[/off peak spelling nazi]


secondly : the only way to get Selene really pissed off Gothix is to make love to Kain....I cant imagine that happening ?? :p


thirdly : Bah ! Game isnpired movies suck as a general rule :D



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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

That has a medievil setting... how gay..


Indeed. In fact, I can't imagine another possible scenario where a movie could be so obviously interested in having sex with another movie of the same gender as this one. :dozey:


Originally posted by SeleneRayne

Thanx for the re-spelling there. I thought that was ET's job. :)


Everybody wants to be like me. I guess that's what happens when you're a total bad-ass like I am :cool:

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