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What is the best Star wars game?


What is the best star wars game?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the best star wars game?

    • Knights of the Old Republic series
    • Jedi knights series
    • Battlefront
    • Galactic Battlegrounds/ Clone Campaigns
    • Galaxies EAW/JTLS
    • X-wing series
    • Bounty Hunter
    • Clone wars
    • Rogue squadron series
    • Other?

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so far, i have yet to see a star wars game come close to how good the kotor series is. i'm not saying the others are crap, because there are a couple of brightspots. but on a whole, the kotor series is much better than everything else.


i will admit that games like republic commando and empire at war look very promising, but they haven't been released yet.

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I remember the first Super Star Wars game. Remember the part where you're on the swoop and you run over the jawas and they scream "hades!"? What was up with that? O_o



I hated the NES Star Wars game. It was just too freaking hard. Plus the crappy keyboard versions of the star wars songs were annoying. :p



Shadows of the Empire was a good game. How many times, in how many ways did I and my brother attempt the _Wompa__Stompa cheat? :yodac:


Good times. :D


I remember the first computer game we ever bought was Tie-Fighter. It was so awesome. It had so much dialouge which was unheard of back then. I would play the training level alot because i've always sucked at video games, but I did play the main game, which was amasing. My brother played it far too much. :p The cut-scenes and storyline were great, the levels were complex. They captured the vastness of space perfectly, you could fly in one direction for hours. The ships were all cool. Plus you play as the bad guys, how cool is that? It was just a great game, and it ended up getting #11 on IGN's top 100 list of games. Go figure.

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Bounty Hunter. Uber Hard, Uber Fun! Seriousley, I I got it fro christmas the year it came out, and one night, I stayed up till about mid night trieing to beat this lvl! CHapter 6 lvl 1, EVIL lvl. KotOR series comes in a VERY VERY VERY close second. I hated that

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Originally posted by LukeKatarn

Bounty Hunter. Uber Hard, Uber Fun! Seriously, I got it for Christmas the year it came out, and one night, I stayed up till about midnight trying to beat this one lvl! Chapter 6, level 1, it's an EVIL level. KotOR series comes in a VERY VERY VERY close second. I hated that

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Fixed a few things in your post, hope you don't mind.


Meh, Bounty Hunter wasn't really that great. Of course, anything is better than Clone Wars, that just plain sucked.


And, that' not a sucky death, that's an awesome death. :D


Btw, midnight isn't that late at all. :p

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Super Empire Strikes Back is and forever will be, the best Star Wars game ever.


The replay ability on that game is never ending. Same with all the "Super" series.


Oh GOD yes! I still have all of them.


I'm ashamed to admit I voted for the Jedi Knight series now...:o

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