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Hk 47 for TSL as he should have been ;)


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HK47 for TSL




from my readme..


This mod was something I had done for a much larger mod project with T7 however due to life and other events it had been put off. Anyways it fits right in with the storyline in tsl , so I’m happy to share this with you all.


: Kneel meatbags before I commence assassination protocols :


This mod must use the every popular appearance . 2da : Ah, wonderful!: I have included my own. It also has the Mandalorian armour edit in it as well so you will need to install the .txi’s and .tga’s that are need to complete that mod if you haven’t already, I don’t know why someone wouldn’t…..flat Mandalorians look awful


See this thread for further info on the Mandalorian armour fix



Basically all the appearance file is needed for in this case is to add the CM_Baremetal lines under the envmap column



In this .rar are the fallowing files:



PO_PHk47.tga My hk portrait

[ K2 ] Apperence.2da **if you have your own then under the envmap column change default to CM_Baremetal for hk47


P_HK47_01.tga My hk texture

P_HK47_01.txi the texture shader info



Intall :






if you haven’t yet made a new folder in the tsl root dir make one now


Right click choose new > folder , and Call it Override done; Now open with winrar and drag + drop my files in your new override dir\


4 kotor



open with winrar and drag + drop all but appearance in to your Override dir\


**if you have your own k1 appearance then under the envmap column change **** to CM_Baremetal for hk47


if not, then extract appearance.2da with Kotor Tool and do the same thing I just mentioned above



To destroy my work :



Select the files installed from my .rar and hit delete :(



Disclamer :



If you can’t get this working in your game take up another hobby :p




download from my site , the links in my sig below


enjoy ;)



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Wow, I mean WOW Svosh that is great.


My first inclination was to ask to use it in my Painted Droid armors mod. But The only way to not degrade this skin is to make it HK's baseline skin and all other skins including his stock one be paint schemes to add-on. Because this is that good.

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Thanks guys :D , this is one of many mods I had yet to release..


Damar Stiehl how about this, download any of the kotor Mandalorian armour mods from PCGM copy over there alpha channel remove the flat white one in the tsl image and replace with the alpha from the texture you downloaded and it’s all taken care of ;) save at 32 bit don’t rename.


with psp or Photoshop you can swap alpha's in or out .



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svösh good to see you again buddy, and I'm definetly glad to see you re-skinning/texturing again, I have missed the outstanding quality ;) I think I may have to actually use an appearence.2da file now, great work as always svösh.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Now with this Skin you really get the sense HK has gone through Hell and survived, even if he is a little shy of Assassin Protocals. ;)


[HK-47] Correction: Hell and judgement day. [/HK-47]



My first post here in a long time! Felt like i had to post here cause....


*This owns!

*This PWNs!

*This is the best HK-47 reskin in the galaxy!



(Do i always have to be sure? Did i spell that right?)

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Thanks everyone I’m really happy you like it , :D and thanks for the very nice compliments :) it’s really great to know people enjoy my work.


It’s good to be back, I was laying low for heath reasons , and I also really didn’t want to have anything ruined by accidentally reading a thread that could have contained TSL spoilers.


Anyways I have every intention of finishing up all the mods I started a while back, and when the time comes for our models in TSL ;) I’ll have a few to add.



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