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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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Hello all,


thats very Sad News for the Team Gizka:


1.0b8 leaked.


The Closed Beta Tester team has been reduced in size.


Apologies to those let go from the CBT who had nothing to do with the leak.


It is certainly a unique perspective to be on the other side of a torrent that contains all the hard work of talented people who have worked side by side for over 3 years, knowing that it does not represent the quality of work you wished others to see.


The work will continue, regardless.





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Two different points here: Dashus doesn't need to come here - he's got his own site and project and forums. That's the community he participates in. The amount of posts he posts here are irrelevant. Svosh, IIRC, only posted like 400 times and was one of the best modders around when I joined LF.

Why did they open a thread here? Do you speak for Dashus?


EnderWiggin - I am unsure about where your hostility is from. Within my post I agreed with The Exile, and then made some of my own opinions. Dashus can do what ever he wants. He doesn't need to come here at all. He is allways welcomed. I think there is a highly protective group around the mod, but I do not know what they have done to deserve such loyalty. Modding is for complete fun and recreation. When I observed Dashus's low posting numbers, and made such related remarks, I was only making a logical statement about his openess and friendship. Maybe if we got to know him more, we can appreciate the type of restoration he is doing. Within my initial posting, I never once said, "Dashus has to visit". It would be nice if he did though.


As for my other remarks, I think they hold some weight. Dashus mostly visits this thread to push off striffe. I think Team-Gizka needs to keep their issues behind closed doors. I don't care who started it, but I think they need to be adults about this. If you look at their website, lately, there has been some tension building. Will it come over here? Who knows.


Man, I'm baffeled, can't believe certain people are forgetting this is sort of a hobby...


You do this in your own free time and now all of the sudden I should be doing what others want ???


And I'm really stunned by that thread on the codex forum thingy, I wonder why most of those guys even bother with mods for games...


Pfff, I feel like quiting, if this all represents how much respect people give to each other...



I agree with your statements, but I am a little confused about why they were said. I personally didn’t read or give any negative statements. Maybe you could shed some light on this issue. Personally, I have been quite for some time.

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Why did they open a thread here? Do you speak for Dashus?


You're right. Of course I shouldn't speak about the issue because I'm not the head of the team. I can weigh in on issues even if I'm not directly involved. You obviously do it.


They opened a thread here to let people know about their project. They've made it quite clear that they have a site for easier viewing of updates.


They've done what they've done. If it's what they wanted to accomplish, then they have no need to come back here and post trivialities and repeats of things that are already at TG.org.


We'd like to announce that the TSL Restoration Project now has a shiny new website!


EnderWiggin - I am unsure about where your hostility is from.

It's pretty much caused by the comments you made. Is there something I said that made you think that I wasn't actually disagreeing with you? Because I thought it was clear that I think you are wrong.


Within my post I agreed with The Exile, and then made some of my own opinions. Dashus can do what ever he wants. He doesn't need to come here at all. He is allways welcomed. I think there is a highly protective group around the mod, but I do not know what they have done to deserve such loyalty. Modding is for complete fun and recreation. When I observed Dashus's low posting numbers, and made such related remarks, I was only making a logical statement about his openess and friendship. Maybe if we got to know him more, we can appreciate the type of restoration he is doing. Within my initial posting, I never once said, "Dashus has to visit". It would be nice if he did though.

Of course you didn't try forcing him to come, or else you'd really look bad.


The reason they have people (like me and DI and some others) defending them is because they've done a lot for the modding world, and I respect them greatly for it. Respect is even better than loyalty.


As for logic? How does this compute for you?

Large Amount Posts != Friendliness.

People can be friendly without having enough for custom title. Svosh is another good example.


And I can certainly appreciate the restoration they're doing by looking at their site until it's released.



As for my other remarks, I think they hold some weight. Dashus mostly visits this thread to push off striffe. I think Team-Gizka needs to keep their issues behind closed doors. I don't care who started it, but I think they need to be adults about this. If you look at their website, lately, there has been some tension building. Will it come over here? Who knows.


FWIW, it wasn't TG who brought the controversy to here or the codex. So you really can't blame them for not keeping their issues 'behind closed doors.' It wasn't their choice.


My own addition:: At the end of the day, Obsidian and Lucas Arts own the game and its pieces. After reading a few other posts on LucasForums, Obsidian Forums, and Team-Gizka's forums, I can see something on the horizen in which will make some people mad. I will keep it to myself, and take a "wait and see" approach.


Well then, if you're going to keep it to yourself, what's the point in mentioning it? Either stop talking, or make the point. Speaking cryptically makes you sound like an arrogant ***.


On another note:: All I know is that modding is a privilege and not a right. Lucas Arts can come in at any moment, and then they could take everything away.



Relevance, please? So what? Everyone is fairly sure that LA's not going to stop the project now - and even if they try, it doesn't matter! There are torrents of it on almost every site.


That comment was useless.



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EnderWiggin - I think you jumped the gun too quickly on freely giving someone respect and loyalty. They are both earned.


My comment:

"On another note:: All I know is that modding is a privilege and not a right. Lucas Arts can come in at any moment, and then they could take everything away."


I was generalizing about a statement you said:

"With all due respect, **** the patience of the public. It's TG's work, it's TG's project, it's TG's prerogative. I've been watching this mod for years. I can wait. They want to release a quality mod. I understand the feeling of wanting it to look perfect when it is released. Let them do it already."
Yes. Team-Gizka is working on a project, which is of personal preference, freewill, and fulfillment. I was only commenting that there is a privilege to working on someone else's product. We do not hold the rights to do so, and the publisher can easily take such privilege away. Even though this is Team-Gizka’s project, we should also understand it would not be possible without the freedom Lucas Arts grants to us. We are all guests of Lucas Arts.


Team-Gizka has no doubt taken upon a large task. Regardless about what happens at the end, I personally do not hold them to any obligation. If they decide to not publicly release the mod, I will not have any negative thoughts on the matter. Modding is a hobby that is undertaken for self-fulfillment. When advertising the mod to a vast audience, you attract critics, supporters, and anyone else. It is all about rolling with the punches, and how you react to the positives and negatives. People are always going to have an opinion. Some people will view their work positively, and others will have a different perspective. If a person does not have anything positive to say, fans of Team-Gizka will react in an offensive manner. Just because someone says something abnormal in a thread, their statement doesn’t have to be taken in a negative manner. Questioning an individual’s validity is only human. Stepping outside to see what is going on inside is important. As far as I am concerned, the team doesn’t owe me a single thing. If they decided to axe something they promised to include, I have absolutely no problem with a change in plan. What does matter is that they feel self-fulfilled. If they can finish this project and say, “Wow! That was a great ride”, that is all that matters.


When it comes to the tension surrounding this mod, it is easy to attack people who are critical. Since there has been a lot of negativity in the air, I can see why people are on the posting trigger. I truly understand that. Team-Gizka’s problems are their own. How they react to the issues is also their own. If someone is being blamed for a crime, against the group, the individual being blamed and the team should keep it behind closed doors.


Since someone from Team-Gizka opened this thread, and they are not going to use it, maybe they should ask to close it. Just a suggestion.

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As far as I am concerned, the team doesn’t owe me a single thing.
I seem to recall various now-closed threads in the past singing a very different tune. Have you had a change of heart?


Since someone from Team-Gizka opened this thread, and they are not going to use it, maybe they should ask to close it. Just a suggestion.
Are you saying every single thread whose author is no longer posting it in should be closed? I guess that means a lot of threads should be closed. :)


No sense in closing a thread that's still heavily used, is there? Especially when a new thread would pop up as soon as this one is closed.

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I seem to recall various now-closed threads in the past singing a very different tune. Have you had a change of heart?

After I came away from the stress caused by long hours at school, my perception on things has cleared up. I was too stressed over homework, projects that lasted weeks, and other obligations. As a result of being too bogged down, everything was in the negative. Things are different now. My perception has also changed. After reading through several of my previous statements, I can see how stress can be easily extraverted.


Ok my loves, time to cool it off a bit. Don't make me bring out the firehose. Unless you're wanting me to bring out that cute little firefighter outfit, too, but I think that would make Point Man a little jealous....

Firehoses and Females? :)

No problem. I will keep my distance to let things cool down.

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I agree with your statements, but I am a little confused about why they were said. I personally didn’t read or give any negative statements. Maybe you could shed some light on this issue. Personally, I have been quite for some time.


My sentiment has no real connection to this thread really, all posts here are well done and at least area a decent discussion.


I know "modders" don't own the games or any of its propertys and I'm sure that what we create as mods is perhaps not our property aswell, since we use the games as a basis.


Though that still doesn't mean other people have go and take your creation and throw it out there, when its against your will, because you know its not finished properly.


And I was more hurt, not hart broken mind you ;) , that on that other forum, certain people actually had a pride in doing this or downloading it, like it is somesort of heroic act.


There where others who said that this is just not-done and not a nice way to well... interact with each other. I found it lack of respect, certain posts just cracked down modders, on what we do... this made me wonder why those people actually posted in a thread about a mod ???


Anyway, I can't bother with it to much, like I mentioned before its a hobby, so perhaps we shouldn't be wasting to much words on all this.


TG doesn't seem to mind or waste their valueble time on it.

If for one thing, this leak has showed that TG isn't a hoax like that other Tim affair for JA.

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Comparing Tim's "work" to TG's was silly to begin. Tim's was obviously a hoax because he tried to get money out of it. TG to my knowledge had never tried such a thing so there's no real reason to be suspicious (unless you think they're simply spending years of their life to destroy the hearts and minds of a small group of gamers -- that's a bit of a stretch even for conspiracy theorists, I think).


And folks, I really wouldn't worry about LucasArts "coming down" on the modding community. We make their game have a longer shelf life; even they won't can that, even if a few modders 'break the rules.' There's no reason to get overly dramatic about a few unsavory threads; they're not stupid and they know it's individuals that cause problems rather than a whole community. :)

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Anyway, going to free some space here, so EW and Source can go wild some more... I totaly lost track on what their on about.

Allow me to refresh your memory. :D


(In all seriousness, however, I will try to keep this a little bit less intense because Jae used her blue text, which I've not really been on the receiving end of before.) Cyan, darling, cyan. :D ---Jae I'm a guy, Jae! What do you expect?


EnderWiggin - I think you jumped the gun too quickly on freely giving someone respect and loyalty. They are both earned.

...You don't need to bold my name. We get who you're talking to at this point.


As to your argument:

How can you actually tell me that my respect is unfounded? It's mine to give as I see fit. And not only that, but I feel that 3+ years is not a too small period of time for my respect to be earned.


Yes. Team-Gizka is working on a project, which is of personal preference, freewill, and fulfillment. I was only commenting that there is a privilege to working on someone else's product. We do not hold the rights to do so, and the publisher can easily take such privilege away. Even though this is Team-Gizka’s project, we should also understand it would not be possible without the freedom Lucas Arts grants to us. We are all guests of Lucas Arts.

And all I'm saying is that the point you are making is irrelevant to this discussion. It has no bearing at all on what we're talking about. You just decided to throw it in for some odd reason.

Team-Gizka has no doubt taken upon a large task. Regardless about what happens at the end, I personally do not hold them to any obligation. If they decide to not publicly release the mod, I will not have any negative thoughts on the matter. Modding is a hobby that is undertaken for self-fulfillment. When advertising the mod to a vast audience, you attract critics, supporters, and anyone else. It is all about rolling with the punches, and how you react to the positives and negatives. People are always going to have an opinion. Some people will view their work positively, and others will have a different perspective.


If a person does not have anything positive to say, fans of Team-Gizka will react in an offensive manner. Just because someone says something abnormal in a thread, their statement doesn’t have to be taken in a negative manner. Questioning an individual’s validity is only human.


That's true. If you go around speaking negatively about someone that we like, we will obviously defend them. Also, generalizations about skepticism are just that - generalizations.


Stepping outside to see what is going on inside is important.

Not sure what you're saying. All (well, most, and at least you and I) of us here are outside looking in.

As far as I am concerned, the team doesn’t owe me a single thing. If they decided to axe something they promised to include, I have absolutely no problem with a change in plan. What does matter is that they feel self-fulfilled. If they can finish this project and say, “Wow! That was a great ride”, that is all that matters.


When it comes to the tension surrounding this mod, it is easy to attack people who are critical. Since there has been a lot of negativity in the air, I can see why people are on the posting trigger. I truly understand that. Team-Gizka’s problems are their own. How they react to the issues is also their own. If someone is being blamed for a crime, against the group, the individual being blamed and the team should keep it behind closed doors.

The reason that you're being attacked, sir, is because you're being overly critical towards a team that does not deserve to be assaulted. I'm not on the posting 'trigger.' I'm trying to enlighten you as to why you're coming off sounding..... *negative.*


And for the second and final time, Team Gizka has no control over jaylittle or any of the members here. So if, in fact, I want to talk about this controversy in it's relevant thread, I will. It doesn't reflect badly on them that I want to talk about it here. It doesn't reflect badly on them that Jay came to defend himself here.


Since someone from Team-Gizka opened this thread, and they are not going to use it, maybe they should ask to close it. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, but the only word I can use for this is ridiculous. There is on-topic discussion in this thread, so there is no need to close it.


That's all.



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Hm... This thread is transforming into a Moddi Civil War. This is the Vaklu/Talia scenario.



Actually, I think we are having a serious and tame debate. Lol... Since this thread is about Team-Gizka, I think the topic is open to both supporters with critisim and just plain diehard supporters. Enderwiggin has given me a good run for my money. We may have different and conflicting perspectives, but we haven't come out and flamed at each other. He is a good defender and debater. I can respect that.


Plus, I like it when I'm able to stir things up from time to time. Lol... Keeps everyone awake. :)

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When is the earliest significant change in the game, i.e. new/changed quest?


Telos IIRC; nothing to restore to Peragus, I think there are a few added extra's on the space station; check out TG's forums and the Beta team's impressions...

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Telos IIRC; nothing to restore to Peragus, I think there are a few added extra's on the space station; check out TG's forums and the Beta team's impressions...

I would, but there's a risk of spoilers.

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Telos IIRC; nothing to restore to Peragus, I think there are a few added extra's on the space station


Correct. Ulic's Prologue, Peragus and the Harbinger Corrections Mod does all of the necessary bug fixing. And it restores a few weapons. There's also Atton's extra dialogue which you can unlock by setting GamesCompleted=3 in your SWKOTOR2.ini file, I believe.


EDIT: And is it just me or is the TG server down?

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~snipped off-topic content~ --Jae


Stop derailing the thread into a 'modding is illegal, lolz' thread. In fact, enough with the Team Gizka hate already. You have tried things like this before and we (the staff) have told you to stop. This ends now, or your participation in the forums does. Your choice.



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