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Developer for KOTOR 3


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Why not? Lucasarts worked with them already, since KOTOR was sold on a Microsoft exclusive console.


Well, think of it as this: Does every game/software application for Windows work with them? Not really ;) Other than assuring it runs on a platform etc.


Leave it to Microsoft to buy up the darn planet :rolleyes:



General Kenobi

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I agree, Microsoft and Lucasarts now that would be a pair...lol


I can picture it now...


Take 1

micro:that way

LA: no that way.



project leader: Whos idea was it to DOWN-GRADE kotors engine?

micro: he did it.



Micro: i got the brain.

LA:nuh uh I got it


but anyways can we span beyond OE and bioware i get it every1 likes them id rather hear new ideas than just some posting OE and BIOWARE are my choices my nickname is gene aric. *picks nose* my MY mOM says that... *Picks nose furiously* falls asleep.



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  Achilles said:
I think Obsidian should do K3. Considering the position they were in, they made a hell of a game in record time. Was it the game that they wanted to make? No. But it was a great game nonetheless.


Come to think about it BioWare made 80% of the game, so Obsidian had very little to do...

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  The Grey Ranger said:
I'd like to see Obsidian do it, honestly. The storyline they did showed promise, but their developement timeline was too short for what they were trying to do. With a little luck they'd have a longer developement cycle and will have learned to better allocate the time they do have.



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The source, if you don't like the work Obsidian did, you can always vote with your gaming dollars and spend them somewhere else. I mean if you don't enjoy their games why waste your money on something you don't like? I personally will buy others products they publish (with certain reservations such as good reviews). I'm not trying to be insulting, just curious.

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  lukeiamyourdad said:
More like ignorant comments.


They used the same engine to make a sequel.


It's as intelligent as saying id software made Medal of Honor Allied Assault.


His post(s) has to be literally one of the dumbest I've seen on any forum.


By that estimation, Troika didn't make Bloodlines, Valve did.


All those Infinity Engine games? Then I suppose using his logic the only one that was actually difficult to make was the first one. The rest of them were basically 80% complete and just needed finishing touches.


Ignorance at its best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OE needs a break from power hungry LA, they would probably like to create their own original titles after NWN2


Even though they said they were going to focus on their own ip, I'd love to see Bioware work on kotor3, finish what they started with a grand conclusion.


If those two won't do it, then maybe Blizzard could be given the task, after all, Starcraft is being ignored (SCG is hardly anything special), so why not head into Star Wars


lol, going off topic with the blizzard comments, sorry:rolleyes:


anyway, K3 needs a great developer and as little input as possible from LA

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree...


The Revan trilogie should be ended porperly by Bioware, and they should make a spin-off, too. I think they will choose for a whole new era. A Knight of the Old republic is a Jedi trained before the rise of the Empire. Maybe playing a Knight during the uprising of the Empire?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe Bioware should make KOTOR III, but they won't. As stated earlier and to be seen in BioWare's own news they don't want to work any longer on licenses stuff. That's why Obsidian has done KOTOR II and is up to make NWN 2. And I hope they will make KOTOR III too. Why, because Obsidian is working together with BioWare. In that relationship BioWare takes the role of an advisor or maybe Quality Assurance. But in the end it doesn't matter if Obsidian will do it or anyone else. LA will ensure that any Software developer getting on KOTOR III is a professional in the business. Experience in making good RPG's is fine, but if you have a given background and a given RPG system, experience is not so essentially. More essentially is that the future developers are Star Wars fans :-)


Concerning the story as far as I know LA - if not George Lucas himself - keeps track of all stories in the Star Wars universe. It doesn't matter if someone is writing a novel, a comic, sourcebooks for the pen and paper RPG or developing a Star Wars game. The story has to be accepted by LA, and nearly all of the stuff besides the films can be classified as canon for the expanded universe. (Kyle Katarn made it into the RPG sourcebooks).


The idea that Microsoft and LucasArts may work together on the development of the game itself sounds some kind of ridiculous to me. Did M$ developed one of their games themselves or did they only bought the companies that originally invented the games release my M$ (well, my most present example is Freelancer, my favourite game besides KOTOR I+II)? So I would M$ classify as a game publisher, not a game developer (and if they are developing games theirselves ... damned ... they should make use of their videogame rights on Shadowrun and make an awesome MMORPG).


Just my thoughts :-)




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Obsidian and Bioware should do it as a joint effort combining the best of both worlds even though both are on the the bioware engine. Bioware came up with a better story but obsidian came up with some cool items and game play animations my only complaint about 2 was some of the trigers in the mech factory were left in and I kept feeling I was missing something.

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  GalacticCowboy said:
Obsidian and Bioware should do it as a joint effort combining the best of both worlds even though both are on the the bioware engine. Bioware came up with a better story but obsidian came up with some cool items and game play animations my only complaint about 2 was some of the trigers in the mech factory were left in and I kept feeling I was missing something.
That would make for an amazing game, I do admit. I doubt it would happen for money-related reasons, but it would be very cool if it did.
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