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Lucasforums Users Unite, Let's start our own country!


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Hmmm... I never said that Calvin and Hobbes were gods, so theres no need to be an atheist about it. The religion is simple read calvin and hobbes! Its funny, its cute, and its demented (rather like me). lmao. And its not a comic book. Its a book of comic strips, different style. :p


Oh good, I thought we had to worship them. I read a little (like one book) of the strip, but don't own one.


Yes, the deepest of the deep pits.

Lets throw him in there with a shovel and make him dig to the centre of the earth. Then we climb down and make him dig to the other side :devburn:

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There has been a lack of blood and violence in the country lately. I say we go from house to house and make sure everyone is still loyal to the Emperor. If they aren't, balls will be ripped-off.


I would just like to take the time to say I'm loyal...so stay away from my house...and my balls.

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There has been a lack of blood and violence in the country lately. I say we go from house to house and make sure everyone is still loyal to the Emperor. If they aren't, balls will be ripped-off.



you are seriously starting to freek me out


I am loyal as well

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Love is bad, peace is bad, violence is good, executions are good. Think of it, an execution never hurts anybody, same goes for violence. Public executions also tend to get people out of their homes and into the fresh air (wich is good for your health). So public executions are in fact healthy. Especially if you take your time. So instead of using a razorsharp sword, your should put them on the burning stakes, or use a blunt sword, simply because it takes longer that way.

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Love is bad, peace is bad, violence is good, executions are good. Think of it, an execution never hurts anybody, same goes for violence. Public executions also tend to get people out of their homes and into the fresh air (wich is good for your health). So public executions are in fact healthy. Especially if you take your time. So instead of using a razorsharp sword, your should put them on the burning stakes, or use a blunt sword, simply because it takes longer that way.


I like your style. You would make a good executioner.



Peace is bad. Actually, peace should be achieved in a humongous bloodshed of biblical proportions. Now that would be a fun thing to witness and/or participate in.

See, it's in human nature to seek violence. We have it these days in the form of violent video games, violent movies, wrestling, boxing, etc.

However, in Roman days, we had it in the form of real slaughter. Which is what we should aim for. Afterall, the Roman Empire did last for 500 years. 500 years of bloody conquests and repressions!

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I like your style. You would make a good executioner.



Peace is bad. Actually, peace should be achieved in a humongous bloodshed of biblical proportions. Now that would be a fun thing to witness and/or participate in.

See, it's in human nature to seek violence. We have it these days in the form of violent video games, violent movies, wrestling, boxing, etc.

However, in Roman days, we had it in the form of real slaughter. Which is what we should aim for. Afterall, the Roman Empire did last for 500 years. 500 years of bloody conquests and repressions!


The Roman Empire, now those where the days. Watching a good crusifixion (or however you write that), preferably one that they used ropes, instead of nails, and in the deserts of Egypt (or any other reasonbly hot area). They could last for days, while the executed dried out.


Just imagine this, you sitting in a comfy chair (or one of those roman things so you can just lay down) in the desert. Watching over a field of crosses, while having a nice cold beer (or if you prefer 'while sipping icewater') and having olives or grapes, maybe even popcorn and chips. Making bets with your friends about who dies first. Perhaps even making a very special assasination droid very happy by letting him watch as well. Now wouldn't that be fun?

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Watching a good crusifixion (or however you write that), preferably one that they used ropes, instead of nails, and in the deserts of Egypt (or any other reasonbly hot area).


Always look on the bright side of life!


This makes me think about Monty Python's Life of Brian :D


It was also conquered by the Romans and controlled much less land.


And the Persians too and then came under Greek domination after Alexander the Great took Egypt. Cleopatra was greek.

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