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What should KotOR3 be called?

Darth Windu

The title for K3 should be "Knights of the Old Republic III:..."  

249 members have voted

  1. 1. The title for K3 should be "Knights of the Old Republic III:..."

    • The Fate of the Force
    • Fate of the Jedi
    • The Last of the Republic
    • Return of Revan/Revan's Return
    • Tales of T3
    • The Unknown Regions
    • The Forgotten Empire
    • Warriors of the Force
    • Battle for the Republic
    • No sub-title

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Hi folks. Now before anyone says 'hey, theres already a thread about this!' yes, there is - but this thread is for people to vote on the suggestions in the other one, which can be found at http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=157038


Anyway there have been some good suggestions so far, and I've listed some of them. Incidently, they are from


- "The Fate of the Force" - Darth Windu (me)

- "Fate of the Jedi" - Ztalker

- "The Last of the Republic" - Vladimir-Vlada

- "Return of Revan/Revan's Return" - Venom750

- "Tales of T3" - PoiuyWired

- "The Unknown Regions" - Hallucination

- "The Forgotten Empire" - RobQel-Droma

- "Warriors of the Force" - The Doctor

- "Battle for the Republic" - JediMaster12

- No sub-title



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Well, I think KOTOR III should be called something like "Battle for the Republic". As you remember after TSL Republic was disorganised, corrupted. I think Revan will return, and creators (Obsidian, Bioware or someone else) will add to the game a little feature like choise which side Revan will join. I mean if you are dark then Revan will join Dark side, and if you are light one, Revan will join Light side (maybe creators will go another way and in the game player will confront with Revan, fight against him).

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