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Battles in KOTOR 3


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Somthing i would love to see in KOTOR 3 is a massive land or space battle involving alot of npcs for both sides, complete with tanks :tank1::tank1: and mucho kick A@# soldiers :twogun::twogun::twogun: and mass jedi on sith fights :lsduel::lsduel: no more of this 1 guy killngs entire armys crap.



So i was wondering if any of you had any more ideas regaurding this topic :ang2:


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Why? It would be pointless, and would slow your computer down to a snail's pace, aside from being unnecessary, unoriginal and the fact that it'd just be a single-player version of Halo online...


Besides which, the whole point of being a Jedi/Sith/Daft Lord is that you can kill off entire armies by yourself...

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Why? It would be pointless, and would slow your computer down to a snail's pace, aside from being unnecessary, unoriginal and the fact that it'd just be a single-player version of Halo online...


Besides which, the whole point of being a Jedi/Sith/Daft Lord is that you can kill off entire armies by yourself...



First off a jedi cant kill an entire army, Show me that ever happening in the movies, Second it would not be point less because they have alrdy had 2 battles in kotor. What im saying is you organise an attack or defence of a planet, actually get to fight in the battle, not just watch a lame cimatic about it, and actually have an army at your back while doing it.

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First lag with even only 50 npcs in the area u will lag like no other and unless u are on the side lines u will probbaly die before u can even fight because of lag. You say were did the jedi ever take on armys well i havent seen it or just dont rember it but jedi try to sneak around not stand out in front of a army.

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First lag with even only 50 npcs in the area u will lag like no other and unless u are on the side lines u will probbaly die before u can even fight because of lag. You say were did the jedi ever take on armys well i havent seen it or just dont rember it but jedi try to sneak around not stand out in front of a army.



Yes lagg would be a problem. But it dosnt have to be that big and can also be cut into different sections by load screens. lagg realy depends on how advanced the npcs are too and if halo can handle it im sure kotor 3 can handle it.


Btw the jedi totaly got owned on geonosis, if it wasnt for the clones the would have gotten killed.

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Yes lagg would be a problem. But it dosnt have to be that big and can also be cut into different sections by load screens. lagg realy depends on how advanced the npcs are too and if halo can handle it im sure kotor 3 can handle it.


Btw the jedi totaly got owned on komino if it wasnt for the clones the would have gotten killed.


It might but still KoToR has always been about finding stuff with not every one know about it and the battle of kamino pretty sure that isnt in the movies and i dont read much comic books what jedi fought that battle?

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It might but still KoToR has always been about finding stuff with not every one know about it and the battle of kamino pretty sure that isnt in the movies and i dont read much comic books what jedi fought that battle?



komino was typo i meant geonosis.


But there have been battles in kotor such as the battle on dantooine and onderon and the one on telos station so a large scale battle is not that far fetched.


what i was thinking was like a defence of dantooine mission but times 10.Like you have to gather the soldgiers,euquiped them,setup defences and even be in charge of the stratagie.


A good plot line would be you have to lead an attack on a sith outpost or defend a colony from a pirate or sith attack.Or you could participate iin the battle indirectly say a planet is in a large battle and you use this distration to infiltrate a base to steal information. But in order to do this you will have to get involved in the battle at key points like getting in and getting out.or you could incite a rebellion on a planet to set up a leader more sempethetic to your cause.

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First off a jedi cant kill an entire army. Show me that ever happening in the movies.


Second it would severve a purpose because they have alrdy had 2 battles in kotor such as the one on onderon and dantooine but on smaller scales. What im saying is you organise an attack or defence of a planet and actually get to fight in the battle and not watch a lame cimatic about it and actually have an army at your back while doing it.



Third I said positive ideas :tank1::tank1::tank1::tank1: LOL


Actually Mace Windu took on an army of droids in the Clone Wars TV show. The last time I checked that was cannon according to George Lucas.


I don't want large scale battles in an RPG. That type of battle belong in either a FPS or RTS.

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Somthing i would love to see in KOTOR 3 is a massive land or space battle involving hundreds of npcs for both sides,complete with veichles :tank1::tank1: and mucho kick A@# soildggers :twogun::twogun::twogun: and mass jedi on sith fights :lsduel::lsduel: no more of this 1 guy killngs entire armys crap



So i was wondering if any of you had any more ideas regaurding this topic :ang2:


1) By positive ideas you mean comments on why we love this, don't you?

2) As someone else said, it would be very laggy.

3) 'veichles' isn't a word.

4) What is a 'soildgger'?

5) It's a video game, not a movie, so we're allowed to kill armies by ourselves.


To conclude this I shall quote the great Darth Vader: swb251lt.jpg

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Ok first of all battles are nothing new to rpgs i have no idea where this crazy notion came from. Plus kotor has had several battles already. And maby your lame pcs cant handle the battles but im the sure the xbox 360 could.

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and by large scale i dont mean that big at the most 100 npcs not like im talkin about the battle on geonosis here. Im just talking about a small urban war that you directly or indrectly take part in.

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One piece of advise for future reference don't double post and I'd consider that i'd say die crap spam. Just to my opinion the battle of Endor was a little bit like that 60 npc thing. I do beleive that it's perfectly fine as it is anyway..

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Xl33, please make yourself aware of the Forum Rules.


Also please refrain from posting multiple posts in a row this is called double posting and it isn't allowed except in the rarest of cases. Make use of the 'edit this' post feature and add your new content to your previous post if it is the last one in the thread. Thanks.


Welcome to the forums though! :)

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Well, it would be laggy, and even for the Xbox 360, they would have to lower the model quality to make it flow smoothly with any more than 100 NPCs (a REAL battle would require like 1000).


Also, RPGs and FPSs were meant to be small skirmishes where u sneak arround and fight small battles. Plz, plz leave the large battles to the RTS games, since that is what RTSs were made for...

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Leave the massive battles to the cutscenes. They're cool to watch, but it would be pointless for the player to fight an army and it would cause a massive lag. In most video games, the player will be at the battlefield but just fight through a few enemies before confronting the guy who's in charge. And it would also get very boring fighting through thousands of enemies, and it would take a very long time.

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I can't see any way you could manage 50-60 characters without letting the AI do it all. That sounds to me like Battlefront, which I find boring for precisely that reason. Sure, I get to wander around and do my damage, but the computer usually wins or loses the battle for me. Where's the fun in that?

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It's called expanded universe....


Also, look and Darth Nihilus, he wiped out enitre WORLDS. So Jedi/Sith can kill off armies.


Nillus wiped out worlds by sucking all the force life out of them he didnt go with a light saber and kill every one single handedly.

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Just my opinion, FWIW.

If I want a game where I direct an army, I'll go buy a WWII reenactment game or something like that. :)

Kotor's more like running a Special Forces team than a battalion.

I like the role-playing aspect of the game, and I just don't want it to turn into something where I also have to be a field marshal--that's just not why I play the game.

I appreciate the desire to have a battle royale with a bunch of Jedi whirling around lightsabers, but it's not what I want in a Kotor game.

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To quote Han Solo: Bring em' on, id prefer a straight fight to all this sneekin around.



How is fighting through several groups of enemies to reach the guy in charge 'sneekin around'? The definition of that would be avoiding all possible combat and ambushing the person you're supposed to kill. And wouldn't it get rather repetitive and dull to fight through thousands of enemies?

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