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LF Forummers say the darndest things!

Dagobahn Eagle

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In a fit of nostalgia, I stumbled across this particularly enlightening exchange:


*signs Niner up for millions of credit card junk mail thingies*


There... Now just use one card to pay off another one!

NOOOOOO, I hate those...they're always filled with images of gay pr0n and stuff.....OMG, I think I remember seeing n00t in one of them.....AAAAAAAUUUGHHH!!!!!

I remember that one... My sister pinned it up in her room next to the Backstreet Boys.

The fact that your sister likes gay pr0n is a bit disturbing.

Hey... She's just two guys short of a threesome.

I need to quote you on that.

Isn't it great?
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MSN convo with JasraLantill and ForceFightWMe12.


Me: You know what a stupid saying is? "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." It makes no sense.

Jasra: It makes perfect sense.

Me: Not to me.

Jasra: It makes sense if you're going to eat the bird.


Jasra: One bird is better than the possibilty of no birds (meaning, if you can't capture them from the bush). Ever try to catch a live chicken?

Me: Not lately, no.

Jasra: Well, one in hand is definitely better than two in the coop.

Me: I see...

Jasra: Was just going to ask why your sudden curiousity in avian anecdotes.

Me: I dunno.

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I honestly don't remember ever posting this, but it made me laugh aloud when I read it:

Space monkeys don't scare me!


Lemmings on the other hand...

Those crazy f***ers have nothing to lose!


This made me giggle with glee:

Cirque du Soleil isn't gay, it's just going through a phase.
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It's funny because he likes living in his own little delusion. Plus I told him they weren't lesbians and that it was and is an act type thing.

Maybe Das is just an idiot. And If we can quote darded things we've said ourselves...


I felt up a leg lamp once. It was GLORIOUS. :/
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  • 1 month later...
posted by Darth_Ave

You know who I love?


Our choir. If I had a CD of us singing Carol of the Bells, I would listen to it 100,000,000,000 times on repeat, peeing myself with glee everytime Jordan and Cameron do that "BOM!" thing at the end, which gives me chills.

LOLROFLMAO!!!! that just cracked me up!

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