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How to be a good wife [all chicks please read]

Dagobahn Eagle

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  Halo_92 said:
I'm totally against the fact that When I'm In the Mall Some dude will say "she's hot" (not to me but a girl) I think Girls would want to be called Beautiful instead of "hot".


There's a big difference between hot and beautiful.


And I've asked many girls about this and they said that they don't really care if someone calls them hot, it depends on who says it. But yeah, they probably do appreciate it a little more if you say that they're beautiful, it has more meaning.

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I know quite a few girls who despise the word "hot" and who definately prefer "beautiful" or something along those lines.


I don't think I've ever called a girl "hot" because I think it almost has negative connotations, in a way, while beautiful/gorgeous/pretty have much more meaning.


But meh, that's just me, what do I know about the female mind?

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  Emperor Devon said:
A very complex thing you did there, realizing : and D can go together to make a smiley... :D


Oh, my! I didn't know these little things could do that. What a cute little accident I had!! :D



  Emperor Devon said:

Anxiolytic benzodiazepine derivative anticonvulsant skeletal muscle relaxant insomnia sedative! It can be used before endoscopies, is also known as diazepam, is a benzodiazepine, causes inhibitory effects, and can be administered orally, intravenously, and intramuscularly. Withdrawl effects can indlude dysphoria, insomnia, REM rebound, hyperthermia, hypotension and some other things... :D


Gosh, what an amazing list of big words!!! You must have studied years and years and years to understand all that. I don't think my little female brain could _ever_ comprehend these silly medical things. The only ones I really understood were 'orally' and 'some'. I noticed that it could also cause diplopia and changes in libido. Do you know what those mean? I just can't figure these things out, sometimes.



  Emperor Devon said:

Yes, Sith Lords who conceal their faces behind large black hoods and people with very strange grins must look wonderful! :xp:


My mother taught me that all men are wonderful, no matter how they look. She always said never judge a book by its cover! My wonderful husband has since declared that he's now the only wonderful one. Perhaps they're all wonderful, but some are more wonderful than others? It is a little confusing, but he knows best!


  Emperor Devon said:

There it went again! :p


You were going to speak with all the woderful men here about something, though you were carried away with describing your lifestyle. :D


Oh, I thought I did talk to you all. My femininity makes it a little difficult not to get side-tracked sometimes, you know. By the way, the cookies turned out wonderfully. I'm very proud of the fact that they're exactly 2 inches in diameter and perfectly brown on the bottoms. My wonderful husband will be very proud if he notices.

What I wanted to say was men should buy washing machines and dryers for all their lovely wives. I know that sounds rather modern and perhaps a little expensive, and we women know we have to work in the home and earn our keeps. However, we'll have more time for cooking you special meals, and we'll be less tired at the end of the day and therefore less apt to have those special headaches at bed time. That can only be better for you wonderful men!!


  toms said:
I can't believe Jae managed to type all of that with perfect spelling, punctuation and grammar! Not sure I've EVER managed a post with all of those! Though I guess she might have been taught typing at school, it's one of the few skills a good woman needs, along with cooking and cleaning, of course.


:) Oh, I did have typing in school, how kind of you to notice! It was a very helpful skill to have when I was a secretary for several years after graduating high school. I always got A's in English class, but that's just something we females seem to excel at. I'd never be able to handle the difficult subjects of biology and physics like you men can. Oh, I didn't want your boss to be mad at you about your grammar and spelling in your posts, so I fixed it for you. I hope that my little brain caught all the problems!

College seemed just a little too much for such a simple female mind like mine. I just couldn't bring myself to be a nurse (touch all those yukky things and have to learn all those medical terms? I'd never be able to do it), and I didn't want to be a teacher and get attached to all those cute little children. Once we're married and get pregnant, you know, we just aren't allowed to work anymore. I suppose it's for the best so we can devote our time to keeping a clean home and a warm dinner on the table for our wonderful husbands.


  Darth_Ave said:
Jae. I'm partailly inspired to throw away all my independant hopes and dreams, get over my fear of childbirth, find an adorable husband and become a housewife living the suburban mid 1950's lifestyle!!!


Oh, it's wonderful! No worries about the boss at work, no worries about driving those big nasty machines to and from the place of employment, no worries about balancing the checkbook or bringing home a paycheck. It's just terrific!!


You don't have to be concerned one bit about childbirth, dear. The doctors are all men, and they know best! They gave me such good drugs that I don't think I woke up for an entire week after giving birth.


I only have to worry about making sure my wonderful husband's slippers are out where he wants them, make sure I don't burn the cookies, have good homemade lunches prepared for the children to have at school, have dinner on the table when he gets home (with no lumps in the potatoes--he hates lumps!), have clean and freshly starched shirts and underwear for him in the morning, and participate in his evening 'constitutionals' as long as I don't have one of 'those headaches'. What more could a woman ask for?

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This thread easily rivals Male or Female in humor... :lol:


  Jae Onasi said:
I noticed that it could also cause diplopia and changes in libido. Do you know what those mean? I just can't figure these things out, sometimes.


Dilopia is the perception of two images from one object. Some other forms can include binocular diplopia, which can also occur in esotropia and exotropia. Diplopia also contributes to loss of depth perception, binocular vision, and amblyopia. Strabismus is another form. Other forms include monocular diplopia and temporary diplopia... :D


And libido is part of why your wonderful husband loves his constitutionals... But women don't need to know more about that. :D


  Jae Onasi said:
By the way, the cookies turned out wonderfully. I'm very proud of the fact that they're exactly 2 inches in diameter and perfectly brown on the bottoms. My wonderful husband will be very proud if he notices.


Heh heh, that's about how large the ones that come in boxes are.


  Jae Onasi said:
What I wanted to say was men should buy washing machines and dryers for all their lovely wives.


  The Good Wife said:
Remember' date=' he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him. [/quote']


Tsk tsk, that was rather bold of you to suggest.


  The Good Wife said:
(touch all those yukky things and have to learn all those medical terms? I'd never be able to do it)' date=' [/quote']


Misspelling alert!


  Jae Onasi said:
What more could a woman ask for?


How 'bout a legal document that classifies you as a piece of property? :p

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  Prime said:
Jae, can you talk some sense into my wife?


Just drive her over to my house. I'll make a pot of coffee and some zucchini bread and we'll have a little chat on the proper care and feeding of men and families.


@Emperor Devon--

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Good thing my wonderful husband helped me with those silly spoiler tags!! My little feminine mind would never have been able to figure them out.

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  Jae Onasi said:
strabismus, where one eye is not looking at the same thing the other eye is, can cause binocular diplopia. Diplopia is the result, not the cause.


What are you talking about? I never said such a thing! :xp:


  Jae Onasi said:
You got 2 of the 5 different kinds of strabismus--very cool.


For someone who's only read it in an article since who knows how long, I was a bit surprised myself. :)

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  Jae Onasi said:

Oh, it's wonderful! No worries about the boss at work, no worries about driving those big nasty machines to and from the place of employment, no worries about balancing the checkbook or bringing home a paycheck. It's just terrific!!


You don't have to be concerned one bit about childbirth, dear. The doctors are all men, and they know best! They gave me such good drugs that I don't think I woke up for an entire week after giving birth.


I only have to worry about making sure my wonderful husband's slippers are out where he wants them, make sure I don't burn the cookies, have good homemade lunches prepared for the children to have at school, have dinner on the table when he gets home (with no lumps in the potatoes--he hates lumps!), have clean and freshly starched shirts and underwear for him in the morning, and participate in his evening 'constitutionals' as long as I don't have one of 'those headaches'. What more could a woman ask for?

XD!!! Does this mean I get to watch cooking shows too???


If so, just not Rachel Ray. I hate her. I don't know why, but I hate her. Gianna DeLorentis is my home girl.

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