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Avatar/Signature Above You

Diego Varen

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^^^Next thing you know, he'll have Sigma from megaman X as an avatar in order to capitalize on "who has the biggest block chin avatar".


^Bane can has anger management?


Also, because I'm a smart*** sometimes, what?




That's ok, so am I. Let's go take over the world being smartasses. :p

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^^^Get any closer and you'll wish you hadn't. :p


<snip>it's Early Teen Ego Month in Ahto.


Ugh. Noobz. Well, this one seems...impressionable at least. Worse come to worse, there is always that GMOD idiot box series on YT: A "bo schitt" production.


@ Sabre: Yes, I was wondering when the heck you would pop in and tell one of us to ****off. :p You know we the LF gamers are in need of some luvin'.

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