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Easy way to kill Nihilus, Sion and Traya


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This is dark side way. You must be a Consular and when you become lvl 15 talk to Kreia and become a SITH LORD. Then when you need to kill them, just use force crush. I did this with force crush, and it can take off about 140. For Sion and Traya and Nihilus it always said saved, but it was still a 70 off.


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This is dark side way. You must be a Consular and when you become lvl 15 talk to Kreia and become a SITH LORD. Then when you need to kill them, just use force crush. I did this with force crush, and it can take off about 140. For Sion and Traya and Nihilus it always said saved, but it was still a 70 off.


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Erm, yeah. I'm a Jedi Consular and I follow the light side and I don't need that method. Force Crush is one of the overpowered Force Powers in the game and not many people can save it.


Personal rating: 6/10

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This is dark side way. You must be a Consular and when you become lvl 15 talk to Kreia and become a SITH LORD. Then when you need to kill them, just use force crush. I did this with force crush, and it can take off about 140. For Sion and Traya and Nihilus it always said saved, but it was still a 70 off.


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Nah, be a Sith Marauder. I was a lvl 42 marauder once and did 230 damage with a flurry.

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Nah' date=' be a Sith Marauder. I was a lvl 42 marauder once and did 230 damage with a flurry.[/quote']


I was below lvl30 and did more damage. :D

Master speed, The lightsaberform that grants you x3 damage for criticals, plus powerattack that grants you additional x1 for criticals.

x4 Critical with over 300 damage. :)

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I was below lvl30 and did more damage. :D

Master speed, The lightsaberform that grants you x3 damage for criticals, plus powerattack that grants you additional x1 for criticals.

x4 Critical with over 300 damage. :)

Maybe you were using a lightsaber. I used my fists.

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Maybe you were using a lightsaber. I used my fists.


i personally think that's a little silly when facing a Jedi due to lack of realism but that's just me.


Most powerful build IMO!




Equipment --> anything that boosts STR and/or DEX


Weapon --> standard lightsaber (add strength boosters to lightsaber or crit hits)


Force Power --> Force Enlightenment = level 3 speed, barrier and valor


(with one quick cast you will have a warrier resistant to damage with raised stats and +3 attacks per round)


Feats --> max dualing, first 6 lightsaber specialisation points and toughness

FLURRY is the only attack you will ever use



Now by the time you reach the end of the game if you have cast enlightenment, not only do you seem invincible, a standard attack will kill sith guards and two flurry's will kill ANY boss (except Kreia's lightsabers, which still wont hurt you much but they take an extra flurry or two). I had to just enguage in standard attacks to make the final battles seem like a struggle.

Master flurry has no penalties and adds an extra attack. You will hit almost every single time so an extra attack will kill ANYTHING anyway so critical strike (which relies on chance) and deathblow (doesn't equal an extra attack, i'm sorry)



Going darkside seems quite pointless when being a melee master because it is quicker to kill things in a single attack and you have other party members around like Kreia who are specialised in Zapping things with Storm.



None of the enemies ever have enough HP to survive more than one flurry. What the heck is the point on getting the unneeded damage bonuses from double sabers or staff when you spend the game trying to put in points to cancel the penalties rather than go single blade where you are powerful from the word go and you fight with MUCH bigger bonuses (you will never miss). Plus i feel more like a Jedi when i have my sword and nothing else. If enemies had more HP and the level cap was reachable, DEFINATELY double sabers or staff for a weapons specialist/marauder. However, for this game they are unneccessary and you will spend most of the game making up for their flaws (however double sabers you can get double the crystals = more stength points to raise your chance to hit)

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Nah' date=' be a Sith Marauder. I was a lvl 42 marauder once and did 230 damage with a flurry.[/quote']


Oof, level 42 eh?

I've only reached 28, ever, in TSL. And I have plenty accounts w/all side missinos completed and such.


But on topic:

I admit I do use that power all the time, it's cheap, but it's fun. That's why I always do Dxun/Onderon last, so I can use this power at the sky ramp, fun fun.


But when your Jedi you can't get this power, and yes Nihilus / Sion / Traya are all very easy to kill. Although Traya does have massive vitality points.

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Going darkside seems quite pointless when being a melee master because it is quicker to kill things in a single attack and you have other party members around like Kreia who are specialised in Zapping things with Storm.


Why not DS, Sith Maruder, using Rage? You get a damage boost, but a decrease in DEF, which would be fine since you slaughter a person already.


But in fact, who CARES about strongest build? The game is easy anyway, and you can beat the game with even 'stupid' builds like using fists. In fact, using fists and weaker builds would be great, as the game suddenly becomes harder. In fact, I might not even use this build precisally because it is so strong that it can defeat bosses. I want my bosses to be nice, tough, and impossible to kill in one strike.


And, the only reason you would want to use Force Crush is to see someone choking...which is great.


(Oh, and have you tried your build using the hardcore mods all around? Try them, and see if you are indeed a match for the increased AI intelligence and power.)


Oof, level 42 eh?

I've only reached 28, ever, in TSL. And I have plenty accounts w/all side missinos completed and such.


You can level yourself up pretty quickly in the Hidden Tomb. You go into the Hidden Tomb, find the body of the Dark Jedi, and search it. Hissis spawn and you kill them. Search the Dark Jedi's body again and more Hissis spawn. Repeat to gain tons of XP, and tons of levels.


I admit I do use that power all the time, it's cheap, but it's fun. That's why I always do Dxun/Onderon last, so I can use this power at the sky ramp, fun fun.


Oof? How in the world can you use it at the Sky Ramp, when you haven't received the power yet from Kreia, unless you 'cheated'?

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Well, thats one of the problems with kotor2: Some sithlords die too easily, namely nihilus.


If tis Revan against anyone I would understand, cause its one sithlord to another. Exile is good, but not THAT good yet even with her(yes, a female, but NO mical scumbag on the ship) special ability. Zion may be easily beaten every secion, but it shows his resilience still, and trays is tough enough for a non physical old hag.

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Actually PoiuyWired, ALL the Sith Lords die too easily. This game IS too easy. Just like Battlefront II.


So, simply, make the game HARDER. Make a stupid build, and see it work. For BFII, I try to play as Bobba Fett in Hero mode, with the main goal of not getting killed WHILE having the Bad Guys win. It's an impossible goal, since heroes are dispoable in BFII, and life is expendable, but...Man, attempting an impossible goal has never been more fun.

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