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How to kill 3 jedi masters as a Trooper w/o dying?


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Hey all--


I've been trying to run a single player offline campaign as a single trooper (self imposed rule: no heroes). If I die even once, I have to restart the whole level (second self imposed rule).


I've gotten as far as Coruscant--Jedi Temple, but am having great difficulty with the last objective (killing the 3 Jedi Masters). At best, I've taken down two Masters before being surrounded by 6 or more of the 'renegades'. The Jedi seem to wipe out the troopers fairly quickly. And it only takes one saber throw from a Master to take me down. I typically use the engineer the whole way. Although recently, I tried the standard trooper at the end. It seems to take ma long time to range in with the sniper and I usually get killed by someone else around me.


So, does anyone have any suggestions on how to take out the three Jedi Masters as a trooper without dying once? At this point, assume a basic trooper level (no award weapons).




* SithSpeeder *

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  Relenzo2 said:
... and send allies for do close work for you. Then, take out master from safe distance,

How do you "send allies"? I'm on a PS2 in singleplayer mode.


Where would you go on the map to "take out masters from a safe distance"? They tend to move around a LOT and once I miss even once with my sniper rifle, they come charging at me with their saber block on (i.e., no more shots are getting through).


Thanks for the reply--looking forward to hearing more.


Anyone else?


* SithSpeeder *

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What I usually do is just fire and fire using the Standard Trooper over and over. If you are good at aiming, you can just fire at the head and that's all. Altough, for the most part, I likely died in the middle of killing some of the Jedi or hid behind lots of Clone Troopers and let the Jedi slaughter them.

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I have so rarely played the clone commander. I will give that a try. However, my kids went on a trip with the grandparents and took it for two weeks, so it'll be a while before I can report back.




Anyone else?


* SithSpeeder *

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  • 3 weeks later...



Well, I tried the clone commander and had varying degrees of unsuccess (ok, failure). Clearly, he can take down a Jedi Master if he is in medium range and you can get his gun to start to fire quick enough. BUT, it takes a while to knock him down and during that time he has to be fairly still (he moves slowly to start with carrying that massive gun)--this inevitably leads to getting hit by other jedi.


I tried to snipe from a longer range out (deathclone's "safe distance), but it was hard to keep the gun on target because even small movements by the master cause a large part of the bullet stream to miss (i.e., you gotta put most of the bullet stream on the Master to take him down).


The best I could do was 2 or 3 clone commanders...which defeated my concept of "One".


I tried DarthDavis92's suggestion and he does NOT seem to block rockets. But it still takes two rockets to take each Master down and the reload time is so S--L--O--W that many of the jedi minions easily key in on me and I'm pretty helpless. I tried it a few times and at best was able to to take down 1 and a half of the Masters before getting routed as a Heavy Trooper.


Again, this is trying to make it through the campaign with one life. No "Legendary" status, no heroes; just a grunt earning whatever he gets on the way.


Anyone else have any luck or suggestions?


* SithSpeeder *

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A rebel scum set himself up in the turret by the spawn point where you try to bring back the two holocrons. I should have shot him BEFORE getting the second holocron back to the command post, but he killed me (bastige...where did he come from?). Upon re-spawning as a clone commander, I took him down in fairly short order.


And this is where it gets interesting....


Jumped into the main hall, immediately spotted the first Master on the library stairs and took him down. The other two were "hiding" towards the far stairs, but suddenly one was rushing forwards. I ran backwards, lined up on his head and rat-a-tat-tat-tat--TWO down. The last Master jumped up and hacked down jet trooper as I ran towards them. Rat-a-tat-a-tat-tat....THREE DOWN!!! Then, run for your life for the next 10-15 seconds (seemed liked HOURS) so that I didn't get killed before the blue VICTORY.


So, I know it's do-able now with the Clone Commander doing headshots (I was really beginning to think it was impossible). 2nd lesson learned...never let the turrets into enemy hands. Also, I think it is key to attack and kill quickly, not letting additional jedi help spawn in.


* SithSpeeder *

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  SithSpeeder said:

So, does anyone have any suggestions on how to take out the three Jedi Masters as a trooper without dying once? At this point, assume a basic trooper level (no award weapons).




* SithSpeeder *


Umm... Dodge? You know, at first I sucked at this game and it took me two days of playing after school to beat. But now I'm like, "Is this what I was playing before?" So the more you play it the better you'll be, which at this point you're no doubt thinking, "Captain Obvious to the rescue!". But with the three masters, as with any Jedi, I stay clear of those glorified tooth picks and shoot 'em down. Good luck, trooper!

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  LucasForumFreak said:
Why is everyone into the clone commander?? I just use a heavy trooper and lay down mines.



Exactly. Why waste time. Stay near an ammo droid and just load up when you can. Jedi AI are just as dumb as the regular AI. Mines are like magnets to them. Just lure them in.

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  • 1 year later...

If TK is off (I don't remember if it is in campaign) Then just lay down a det-pack with the engineer right before the master is on top of you, and then det it! Or, get close to them and blow them away with that uber shotgun!

Do a side roll so you come up close to them, then boom!

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  • 1 year later...

ehmm....if i can remember right the engineer had the option of dropping supply packs, and you can drop them for yoursellf. instant re-supplying you with ammo and health.

just stick with that and you'll be fine. atleast that worked for me.

and once almost out or out of those packs just re-supply yourself at ammo machine.

and it helps if you have the special gun, the 1 your awarded with after taking out a certain amount of enemies with the standard weapon.

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  • 10 months later...

Aaaaaah, necrobump.

Does this also contain switching? My term for going to a CP and swapping classes in the same life.

If so, I would suggest Sniper to get through the level, but then switch to Trooper when the objective comes. Jedi have a load of health and a powerful projectile, but if you take a few shots then weave and sprint like hell, they won't hit you ever. That's my strategy.

Or, as LFF suggested, laying mines like a boss. :p

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  • 4 weeks later...
  .:Lord Revan:. said:
Rocket trooper my man. Or use regular trooper and go for head shots and eventually you will get elite rifle.


I,d use a rocket trooper mines or a medic's detpack.Either way that jedi's:chop1:


Once i tried kamakazi-- throw mines on a snowspeeder or whatever and ram your target

ouch:fire11: but you dont find snowspeeders in the jedi temple

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