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Are people too critical of the new movies?


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It seems to me that people are just way too critical of the new movies. If you claim to be a star wars fan shouldn't you like the new stuff as well as the old? I'm a fan of the old as well as the new episodes. I hear all the time about people complaining about Hayden or that the story line was messed up, in my opionion I say get over it! All the movies were very well done. It feels great to get that off my chest, who is with me????????? :)

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I'm with you! and I'm with you too! I love all of them, in fact AOTC is my favorite along with ESB (and before anyone says anything, I saw ROTJ at the cinema in 83, I was only 3 but anyway) so I was a fan since day 3, it's all good , OT, PT, EU, "super-shadow" (not) LOL

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I think that after the shockwave of negative opinion that arrived after the release of Menace, people have calmed down a bit now with their bashing, thanks alot I reckon to the more more darker style of EP III.


But anyway, yeah. As someone who loved each of the prequels from the first time he saw them, horray for episodes one to three!

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Yes people tend to be a little too critical of them.


But It's no surprise really since Star Wars has such a dedicated fan base that doesn't tolerate ****ed up dialogue and characters with no personality. We should be more concerned if no one cared about the movies.

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I disagree. With the announcement of a series of prequels (not spin-offs, mind you) GL assured a certain quality that existed in IV, V and VI. This turned out to be absent. The performances were terrible, the lines boring, the plain stories themselves didn't maintain the charm of the old ones. The special effects may have been the saving grace, but it didn't hold up, of course.


If people are being too critical, it is because they must. The prequels are part of a saga, not spin-offs like the comics, games, etc. They need teh qu4lity, bebeh.

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Well, I don't dislike the prequels, but I don't like them all that much, except for RotS (being that it's my favorite of all 6 ;) ). I just watched AotC again today for about the 20th time (yes, I've watched a movie I don't really like all that much 20 times), and I still cringe during every scene between Anakin and Padme. TPM was just completely silly, except for the Darth Maul vs. Obi Wan/Qui Gon duel, and AotC was horribly written and acted.


I still like them enough to watch them 20+ times, but there are definitely plenty of better movies out there.

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Don't get me wrong its OK to be a little critical. After all they are just movies, maybe some of the best directed and produced movies, but people are taking their judgements too far. I have yet to see the "perfect movie" but I think that the quality that existed in the OT still stands in the PT. I will agree that the love scenes between Padme and Anakin felt a little sketchy but I'm never one for romance anyways, I like action.

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It seems to me that people are just way too critical of the new movies. If you claim to be a star wars fan shouldn't you like the new stuff as well as the old? I'm a fan of the old as well as the new episodes. I hear all the time about people complaining about Hayden or that the story line was messed up, in my opionion I say get over it! All the movies were very well done. It feels great to get that off my chest, who is with me????????? :)

I'm not with you. Lol... It is all about perspective. I personally hate the first two movies, and I find the third a little tollerating. Star Wars fans are like any other franchise cults. Even though an individual does not like all the episodes, I don't believe that means the person is not a fan. I personally do not like Hayden's acting, looks, etc... If Lucas created an expanded version of Episode I, II, and III, I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it. We are all justified in our personal opinions about how we feel.


If you are a "Crow" fan, did you like all the movies in that franchise?

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No, people are not too critical of the prequel trilogy.


Being a Star Wars fan doesn't mean you must automatically be a slobbering fan of whatever half-baked, poorly thought out, atrociously acted and written movie gets released just because it says "Star Wars" in the opening credit scroll and has lots of expensive, digitally created flashy things where a decent story and script should have been. Go watch Star Trek II and Star Trek V immediately after it to get the point.

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No, people are not too critical of the prequel trilogy.


Being a Star Wars fan doesn't mean you must automatically be a slobbering fan of whatever half-baked, poorly thought out, atrociously acted and written movie gets released just because it says "Star Wars" in the opening credit scroll and has lots of expensive, digitally created flashy things where a decent story and script should have been. Go watch Star Trek II and Star Trek V immediately after it to get the point.

Exactly man. I couldn't agree with you more. Even though I enjoyed the end of "Star Trek II", I do agree with your accessment in general. You make a long accessment, but a very accurate one for sure.


Even though a movie, book, or tv-show has the tittle "Star Wars", "Star Trek", or "Stargate" , it doesn't means that you have to love it.


My thoughts: If you have been a fan of the original trilogy for thirty years, I think you 'have' to be critical on the prequels. There were certain cognitions setup by the original trilogy, which you hope that Lucas keeps consistant throughout. Unfortunately he deviated on some critical key elements, which almost takes away how you approach certain concepts. Some elements that Lucas was not consistant with include, but not limited to: What is the Force, Who saved the day at the end of Return of the Jedi, Why Leia can remember her mother's face, etc... I won't get into the acting. Horrible, horrible, horrible acting in the prequels. Yack!

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Don't think it much matters either way. I think the biggest baggage accompanying the latest movies has been heightened expectations (~20 years worth). I recall the first three being attacked for wooden acting, etc... at the time as well. Visually and technically (for the time) stunning, but not perfect by any measure. That said, I like the old trilogy better, especially ESB. AOTC was kinda like the opposite of Apocolypse Now. The first 40+ minutes of AN was the best part and the last 40+ of AOTC was the best part.


@Mace--I agree that ST 5 was much worse than ST 2. Good thing they went out on the 6th one (old crew).

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I don't believe people are too critical of the new SW movies at all. Lucas tried to add a "funny" character into TPM, which we never saw in the original trilogy and we all know the result/backlash of that. I wish I could edit Jar Jar out of the movie...it would be great without him.


In the AoTC we had those "love" scenes.....now the writing and acting for those were so bad, the only thing worse would be watching Jar Jar more. The scenes were not natural at all. That being said, I understand their importance in the overall series of the movies, I just wish GL had brought in somebody else to direct them so they would be tolerable.


Revenge of the Sith....****ing awesome movie! My only complaint is that it wasn't long enough. So many things they could have added in. I'm glad that some of the things I wanted were at least included in the deleted scene area [ie. beginnings of the rebellion, yoda going to dagobaugh].

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Personally, I didn't have a problem with the favourable (;)) Jar-Jar Binks. I, honestly, don't have a problem with him being a character in Star Wars. I enjoyed the rest of the movie as well. Especially the finale between Darth Maul, Qui-Gonn, and Obi-Wan. I still remember seeing it back in '99 when I was a wee young lad at the age of 9. :drama:


Lucas tried to add a "funny" character into TPM, which we never saw in the original trilogy and we all know the result/backlash of that.


I get what you are saying, but the Original Trilogy had Han Solo, along with the commentary of Leia.


Though, I do agree upon the cheesy love scenes in Attack of the Clones. I'll agree with LT with the idea of having somebody else write those scenes. But, the chase through Coruscant and the Battle on Genosis was fun to watch.


Finally, Revenge of the Sith. Fantastic movie and my favourite in the saga. A good ending to sum up and connect all the Star Wars films. :)

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Revenge of the Sith....****ing awesome movie! My only complaint is that it wasn't long enough. So many things they could have added in. I'm glad that some of the things I wanted were at least included in the deleted scene area [ie. beginnings of the rebellion, yoda going to dagobaugh].
I liked those deleted scenes as well. I wish there was an option to include them in the movie.
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Yes people tend to be a little too critical of them.


But It's no surprise really since Star Wars has such a dedicated fan base that doesn't tolerate ****ed up dialogue and characters with no personality. We should be more concerned if no one cared about the movies.


Absolutely right. PPL are way too critical of them.. and usually looking with the benefit of hindsight a couple years later.

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I'm not sure if I'm critical of them, it's more a case of things like the characters, for example, not being like the ones we know and love. Padme's cool but she's nothing like her daughter, too emo. Anakin was a bit childish (and on that, killing kids? In fact things like that, basically the bad guys win, might have something to do with the criticism), and again emo. Samuel L. Jackson rules but Mace, as well as Yoda and the Jedi, were too apolitical, as well as the films as a whole. There was too much politics. We see this in ANH but it doesn't dominate the film.

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Of course it's all about politics but IMO that is not a bad thing. GL is relating the story of how the Sith were able to take over the Republic and virtually annihilate the Jedi Order. Politics is going to be a major theme when the bad guy is the government's top official. ;)


I enjoyed all of the PT movies, especially TPM. :freakout:

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Well, I think that is partly true.


Here is the problems I feel about PT, ignoring those "over-expcatation-indused-upset"


TPM: JarJar is a bit too loud, and too much of it. Well, Actually I start to feel him being "too much of it" starting from after the deep core scene. But I wont say I Hate him. Cheesy lines (other than JarJar) is acceptable, and actually quite funny for what it is.


AotC: Cheesy Lines... I mean, some of those bad puns are better not said (aka things like "she seems to be on top of things") And the Romance part really needs new lines, oor even a total rewrite so it feels better than a bar pickup, GL is really not a romantic guy I guess.


RotS: Some bad acting and lines here and there, and that insludes the Mace's Scream amongst some other things.


All in All, if someone is going to redo a few lines here and there the whole PT would be even better. And yes, a few less scenes of clumsy JarJar Actions won't hurt either. JJB does not need to be THAT clumsy.

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Well, his case of "exile due to Clumsyness" is due to him trashing Boss's private expensive ship accidently while trying to save it. Bad piloting skills yes, but not clumsy to the point of retarded.


Some of the humor is good, things like the ones on Tatooine is even acceptable, but some of the battlefield attics, while positive, is just a big WTF.

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