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The XWA One Year Thread III: Revenge of the Sh*t


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ed, that sounds depressing. =\ i can't sleep when i am depressed or thinking about stuff, well i eventually sleep but not til 3-6 hours past my normal bed time.


the quickest way for me to get out of a depressed state is to drive, listen to music, and do random stuff.

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Usually the long walks do it for me. Between the all the vigorous exercise and the heavy thinking, I'm typically in an OK (if not great mood) by the time I wrap it up.


Sure, Scar, c'mon up! Bring Crack with you. I'll show you guys the town, such as it is...


I'm actually in a better mood already... although I got to work and found the guest engineer we had last night wiped all of our settings on the digital monitor board, and apparently the backup file we made of the settings is lost or faulty.


So I'll need to spend all day tomorrow manually restoring that. Oh well. Lesson learned: multiple backups, made frequently.


So... my crappy day didn't end with leaving the house, unfortunately.


This band and their crew seem cool though. So today should be easy, if nothing else.

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If you want to plan that trip around my vacation time next year, I'm completely down.


But as of right now, due to the nature of the retail business, I'm in time off request lock down. Yeah, already. Leadership has it's down sides. Yeah, I don't get to request time off until February of next year.


Sucks, but meh.


Back pain is still here. and it's bad. Like, I hurt every time I get up bad. I can barely walk around, just enough to do my job, so i'm greatful for that.


Ed: Yeah, life usually sucks, but you have to keep you head up. You have your health. Mine is uh... kinda failing. :D So at least you have that!


I mean, you have family, and friends. A touch more important than some random woman who may or may not be some complete psychotic b*&$h.


Also: Um.. yeah, when me and Scar drive into town, you better have a marshal half stack warmed up for me. ;D

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The bad day I was having wasn't completely my imagination...


First: There was the monitor desk thing I encountered once at work. Not a huge crisis... but a pretty significant hassle.


Then... upon leaving work, just shy of midnight, my boss and I get on the expressway, pass the last exit before the one we need to get off at, (which is about about 2 miles away,) head around the bend, and hit a sea of red tail lights burning for as far as the eye can see... less than a 100 yards past any hope of escape.


We then proceed to sit for the next hour and a half crawling that 2 miles, only to find the exit blocked, and having to then drive pretty far out of my way to circle back to drop off my boss at his car, before I could head home.


It was almost 2 am by the time I hit my bed,.. meaning it had been very close to a 24 hour day for me.


My boss has a longer drive than I do, and he had to be back up by 5 am.


I felt sorry for him, for getting caught up in the whirlwind of suckiness that was my yesterday.

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ed, you should just put get a ****in portable dvd player, get porn and fap off when **** like that happens. seriously! :p


yeah....i got trashed last night, trashed my parent's house...had like let's see...6 people over, 2 girls, 4 guys. they decided to go down and sleep in my parents' bedroom. -_- i got sick and threw up all next to my bed. i had goldschlogger (chugged it) and vodka+gatorade+redbull mix. definitely good times. my parents called enough times, i finally picked up the phone and just told them wtf happened. -_- so yeah im getting a 'talking to' or whatever when they get home on saturday or sunday or whenever. :(


lol oh yeah a good thing happened yesterday at work...


2 recruiters decided to come into walmart and spam. lol i asked them if it would be possible to get back in and they said i'd have to pass the pt test prior to going in. so maybe...i got a card anyways.


feeling the hangover right about now....went into walmart, had to drop a few of my friends off there.....saw my manager hehe...she's so ****ing hot...my god. i should just be like '**** walmart' and go after her. god damn. -_-

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You totally can't! it's, like, the totally like, cool thing! *END SARCASM*


Seriously, alcohol abuse is bad. I haven't gotten plastered in ages, because it sucks. It sucks balls. And I refuse to put myself through something like that EVER EVER AGAIN.



Unless you pay me like 978,542,798,758,902,165,045 dollars.

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I'll settle for a measly $700 billion.




Today at work wasn't too bad. Spent some time tweaking out the monitor desk preferences... again. :rolleyes:


Oh well... good practice.


Saturday's all-day outdoor gig is supposedly happening... despite all the dire predictions of bad weather... y'know: torrential downpours; street flooding; high wind gusts; electrical storms... nothing to worry about. :dozey:


Not coming home tomorrow night... got the college to get me a hotel room. Tomorrow night's show will go until late... followed by being back in before 8 am? Going home and back is not an option. Especially after the traffic the other night. I am not enduring that again if I don't have to. That sucked.


Wiped out. Bed early. Need sleep. Blissful sleep.



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yeah i don't remember like 2 hours...i somehow changed my shirt, i don't even remember that. yeah i also tried playing beer pong, don't remember that either, that's when i started puking....no tolerance of beer. :( was it worth it? **** yeah. but eh, i'm going to stop drinking for a week or so and try to get my stuff together.


working wasn't so bad today. tho hungover most of the day...had to get FOUR tanks and racks done cause of a freakin inspection tomorrow. goood times. and i got em all done.


met a chick that works the overnight shift...might check her out...


can't wait to go paintballing tomorrow. (saturday) gonna be awesome!!!!!111111 hopefully i get alot of kills.

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Got the spare ball yesterday. Trying it out, I didn't miss a single 10 pin and maybe only one 7 pin (that 7 was already down, so it was kind of a "shadow" pin), with my highlight being the 4th frame, where I picked both the 7 and the 10 clean out of the rack (shooting the 10 first). If the ball allows me an extra spare in a series, that will mean about an extra 4 pins on my average in the long run, so hopefully it turns out to be a good investment in my game. :joy:

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yeah i don't remember like 2 hours...i somehow changed my shirt, i don't even remember that. yeah i also tried playing beer pong, don't remember that either, that's when i started puking....no tolerance of beer. :( was it worth it? **** yeah. but eh, i'm going to stop drinking for a week or so and try to get my stuff together.


working wasn't so bad today. tho hungover most of the day...had to get FOUR tanks and racks done cause of a freakin inspection tomorrow. goood times. and i got em all done.


met a chick that works the overnight shift...might check her out...


can't wait to go paintballing tomorrow. (saturday) gonna be awesome!!!!!111111 hopefully i get alot of kills.





didnt you say you were taking a month off like....2 weeks ago?



oh here it is:



I guess that was two weeks(just about). so nevermind :D

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Hmmm... festival canceled. Now I have a day off. Woot. (I actually feel somewhat bad for all the people involved scheduling and booking this thing... imagine having the last 8 months of your professional life disappear in a puff of smoke. That CAN'T feel good...)


I also wanted that 500 bucks. Damn. :(


Yesterday sucked. Drum divas. Yippee.


I didn't even get a hotel room out of it: The college booked me a room... but now I know that they never agreed to actually pay for it. Big difference... driving home after 1am was bad enough... if I had to get up for this festival in the morning without that room I would have been pissed! I would have really raised a stink about that! (Probably to no avail... but I would have made sure people knew about it!)


So... now I have a full day off with no plans... Hmmm...


Well,.. there is a last-second get-together for a co-worker who is leaving for Cali. I might go to that, if I don't get busy with something else... or fall back to sleep. I'm still exhausted.

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Starting to recover from a cold I had. I dont normally get sick


Started early friday morning and progressively got worse as the day went on. I worked through it but I felt horrid by the time I was done with work. Got some CHicken soup, some drugs, and spent the night in battle with the cold. It was weird because I had a bit of a fever, yet when I removed my covers I got a quick chill, so I was constantly hot/cold through the whole night. Couldn't sleep.


Fortunatly It was the perfect excuse to avoid working today.

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Went to that farewell party yesterday.


It was good to give a proper goodbye (especially after getting the news of a couple of weeks ago of our former co-worker who died right after leaving us... I'd hate to encounter another situation like that without closure of some sort)... but other than that, I had a kinda lousy time, and almost immediately regretted going.


Came hope and napped,... between bouts of mentally beating myself up about still being so utterly socially incompetent.


Weather still sucks. If it clears up at all today I might try to get a walk (I really need it at this point...)


I'm going to start working in the cellar today. I NEED to reclaim that space back, and soon.


No shelters I've called will take this cat... at least not immediately. (A 3-month waiting period is the shortest I've so far found.) Some won't take her at all thanks to her problem, making her pretty much a non-candidate for re-adoption.


So I'm stuck.


About my only choice at this point is to now isolate her to a single room in the house... at least until it looks like she's broken herself of this situation.


I guess it's going to have to be the dining room; since it's the only room I never really use, except for storage, and it has 2 doors I can keep shut off from the rest of the house. However: that means I now HAVE to clean the cellar enough to move everything that's in the dining room somewhere else... and the basement is currently the only option.


It's going to be a long day.

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