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90SK's SUPER Content Mod


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90SK/CaptainSkye: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/developer/90SK_CaptainSkye;21930



This is my pet mod that adds robes and armors in cascading quantity to integrative KotOR II. It is primarily designed to be a standalone mod, as is completely compatible with vanilla base K2.







It's fully compatible with the TSLRP. Just make sure the TSLRP's appearance.2da file is in Override, and not in the Override/TSLRP folder. I've put pretty detailed instructions in the readme on how to install the mod. You need Svosh's collar fix too: I've provided links to that.

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Why is it I have a feeling this going to be nearly as sexy and good looking as Kristin Kreuk?


[searches name on Wikipedia]

[gets no image]

[searches name on Google Image Search]



...Damn. So true, so true...This mod is gonna ROCK! Hopefully, this will be remembered long enough to be nominated (and hopefully win) as SWK's 2008 Mod of The Year! :D

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Wheee! 300+ downloads!


I'm glad you guys like the mod! If you have any questions about errors or how I did something or even if you want a feature removed, be sure to e-mail me.


By the way, I'm afraid about TSLRP compatibility I might've missed something. See, I edit the Dantooine enclave sublevel onenter script (to spawn the new containers). BUT I think the TSLRP does that too. The file isn't in the TSLRP folder, but it might've been included in one of the modules. I need double-check to make sure that module isn't included in that mod... and I'm pretty sure it is, since Kaevee is down there now.


It's not a BIG deal... it's a little frustrating, because I didn't want to have to release a patch for the mod, but it gives me an opportunity to add more content I guess, so it's not a big deal.


I'll ask you guys this though: when the TSLRP comes out, and if I do need to do more to make the mod compatible, should I release a patch, or rerelease the mod?

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I'll ask you guys this though: when the TSLRP comes out, and if I do need to do more to make the mod compatible, should I release a patch, or rerelease the mod?


I would rerelease the mod, because patches can become confusing for some users :)


Or you could do both, seeing as how some of us don't really like the fact that we might have to download ANOTHER 49 Megabyte file. :xp: Rerelease the mod with the updates and and release just the patch with said updates as well. You could even add a rather large note with the patch saying that "YOU DON'T NEED THIS PATCH IF YOU DOWNLOADED MY RERELEASED MOD! NOW STOP BOTHERING ME YOU DARN KIDS! *grumbles*" :D

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I don't think I'd need to. The only conceivable issue I can foresee is a script conflict. Namely in the Dantooine Enclave sublevel, with the onenter script. ...Such a friggin lousy small little thing. I mean, I couldn't've included it in the mod: the TSLRP version does new things with the onenter script that would screw up a normal game.


There might be a way out. If I can plead with Dashus to append an "O" at the beginning of the onenter script for that module, and then put it in the Override install files, I can just ask someone at filefront to edit the description of the mod and say "If you want it to be TSLRP compatible, delete this file from the 90SK filder" and then they'd delete MY version of the onenter script (which is the original, with an appended "O" on it... hence why Dashus would append an "O" on the new one: it's kinda hard to explain why, so just bear with me).



Ummmmmmmmmmm. He'd never go for that though. They're refusing to go out of their way for making the TSLRP compatible with mods. If they did it for me, they'd have to do it for everyone. UURGH. Well, maybe I'll ask anyway. I need to determine if it's even an issue first, actually. But I bet it is.




OH. By the way:




Wheeeeee! I'm so proud of my baby! :D

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Looks fantastic, just like the Metastasis version. You're some kind of machine. But since I'm using this in conjunction with a whole lot of other mods I don't want to disrupt a delicate balance by installing this too. I'm using everything from the Metastasis version but the robes, as I prefer oldflash's Final Touch skins at the end of the day. Did you do the voice acting for the Onderon merchant or reuse existing clips? It actually sounds professional.


Something to note: In the Metastasis version, I had to delete all the new .utcs for all the Neo-Crusaders involved in the battle circle fights and reload a save before I entered the Mandalorian Ruins. I discovered that Davrel's new .utc was preventing the duel scripts from firing and I killed him (and could loot his body to top it off) instead of the match being ended before I landed the deathblow. Upon his death the Sergeant treated it as though the match was still going on. What do those new .utcs even do? I deleted them all and they didn't seem to change a thing.


Anyhow, excellent, excellent work on the whole. I don't find the new female heavy armors to be all that bad. They're loads better than the originals, for sure.

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Something to note: In the Metastasis version, I had to delete all the new .utcs for all the Neo-Crusaders involved in the battle circle fights and reload a save before I entered the Mandalorian Ruins. I discovered that Davrel's new .utc was preventing the duel scripts from firing and I killed him (and could loot his body to top it off) instead of the match being ended before I landed the deathblow. Upon his death the Sergeant treated it as though the match was still going on. What do those new .utcs even do? I deleted them all and they didn't seem to change a thing.



Yes, I noticed that too during my playthrough. The UTCs change the appearance of the mandalorians from normal to the modded ones included in the mod. I'm glad you were able to figure out how to fix that issue: I wasn't sure what was causing it.


Thanks for the praise, though! I really do appreciate it. This mod is a culmination of years of tinkering, and I'm really proud with how it came out. The voiceovers are mine, yes. They're heavily edited so the quality is better. I used Goldwave, which is a free program, and gsccc's tutorial on voice recording and setting up VO's.


Just a word of caution, I'd be careful with the Metastasis mod. There's a lot of issues with it: I really didn't test it at all. Aside from the mandalorians, everything in the Metastasis mod is in this new mod, so I'd recommend just using the new one and uninstalling the old one, if you can.

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You've got a knack for writing. Usually when I download a mod that edits dialogue files/item descriptions I'll go through them myself and rewrite them extensively because I'm real anal about sloppy writing, typos and all that. I didn't even have to touch yours. I wouldn't have been able to stand playing through USM, for instance, without editing it because most of the writing was filled with typos, grammatical errors and just plain sloppiness. A lot of people probably don't care about these things when they download a mod, but it meant a lot to me as a player that you made a real effort in that area.


I seriously did not notice a difference between your Mandalorians and the default Mandalorians after I reloaded. Maybe I just wasn't observant enough, or the difference wasn't big enough, or it could be something to do with the fact that I may or may not be using T7nowhere's Shiny Mandalorians mod (it's hard to kept track anymore, with maybe a hundred mods installed...).


As for updating Metastasis to SUPER, I think it's out of the question at this point. I've played through half the game with only one incident (the battle circle Mandalorians). I've edited so many UTIs (descriptions, stats) and have so many different mods installed I'm afraid updating your mod may overwrite stuff, mess things up. I think I should be fine. I already deleted the g_mandalorian files (can't remember exactly what they were called), and that seemed to be the most significant issue with Metastasis, according to what I've gathered from speaking with other users of your mod.


Yeah, it's pretty amazing how after four, five years, with games that aren't widely played anymore, mods for them still come out on a daily basis.

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I'm using the droid planet mod so I sure hope it is.


Captain Skye, I've encountered the worst possible bug in the Metastasis version. The merchant on Onderon doesn't show. Tragic, because he was the character the mod adds I was most looking forward to meeting. I tried bringing over all the scripts and .utc/.utp files from the SUPER version, but no dice when I reloaded before the Merchant Quarter. He definitely doesn't spawn. There's no way I could miss someone who looks like that. What are all the files are associated with him? I may have missed something. Or maybe it's not even a bug with the Metastasis version. I'm crossing my fingers that it is and not some terrible conflict with another mod...


I can't wait any longer, so I'm going to carry on playing the game and improvise by reload ing an old save if it is indeed a bug with the mod. Reload the save and talk to the merchant. Then reload the current game, add the items to my inventory and deduct the credits spent with KotORTool and pretend like he went away to another unknown planet.

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The merchant is spawned by the Vaklu/Tobin conversation. You need to trigger that in order for him to show up.


Did you have the mod installed the first time you entered that area where he's supposed to be? I can't imagine any other reason why he wouldn't show up.


I think so. Is it 90SK?


I'll have to check. If the M4-78 edits the Korriban sith academy onenter script, than there will be some conflicts (but it's just a matter of deleting the onenter script I included with my mod from the 90SK folder, that would clear it up). That's the only one I can think of, at any rate.

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My bad then. I haven't had the Vaklu/Tobin conversation yet. I haven't even come to the point where I talk to Vaklu personally yet. Hell, I haven't even met Vaklu. Good, it just means I expected the cool merchant guy to turn up way too early. I can continue playing in peace now.

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I'll have to check. If the M4-78 edits the Korriban sith academy onenter script, than there will be some conflicts (but it's just a matter of deleting the onenter script I included with my mod from the 90SK folder, that would clear it up). That's the only one I can think of, at any rate.


I can save you some time ,the onenter for Korriban sith academy is not edited for the M478 mod.

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