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Choking as Darkside

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There are things we all take for granted. I've always took Force choke (or Force Kill, for the close) as one of those things.


"What, Vader's trademark? For sure it's Darkside!"


So naive. Recently re-watching RotJ, I noticed something that I've never bothered with before. Luke actually chokes the Gamorreans guarding Jabba's palace at the entrance, killing or stunning them.


How many games do classify Kill as a DS powers? And still Luke uses it. Last I checked, only Yoda taught him, I wouldn't think he would teach a dark power to him.

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At the time (In real life, not Star Wars Continuity) there weren't things like Darkside/lightside powers yet, more like just telekinesis, apart from Palpatine's Lightning, but that was just his thing... until AOTC :roleyess:, I think Games the EU and later the Prequels established the rights and wrongs of Force use (I don't think Luke Killed the Gam's though) :)

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The force has no allingment ... so you could use what is known as Dark side powers ... aslong as you can control you're emotions ...


Thats what I've always thought... there are'nt any true dark or lightside powers, just ones that draw more naturally on one side's practices. Anyway I'm also pretty sure Luke didn't kill the Gammorean although it did look like he was choking it. But in martial arts moves today isnt it possible to stun someone by cutting off most, but not all air? IDK maybe I've just been watching too much TV.

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Additionally, Luke skirted the edge of darkside/lightside in battling his emotions... I kind of visioned him like Mace Windu in that he was definitely lightside, but was close enough to gray to be able to effectively utilize what are commonly known as darkside powers. I also believe that's why Mace was so effective with Vaapad.

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At the time (In real life, not Star Wars Continuity) there weren't things like Darkside/lightside powers yet, more like just telekinesis, apart from Palpatine's Lightning, but that was just his thing...

I find myself agreeing with this. It was probably retconed.

The force has no allingment ... so you could use what is known as Dark side powers ... aslong as you can control you're emotions ...

Well, the Force surely don't, after all, Dark and Light are living beings conceptions. But the way you use is as a mean to accomplish a goal, but still inflict pain (I think that being choked or electrocuted is painful), would classify some powers as dark or light. Such as it's seem on many games.

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The New Jedi Order was much different than the Old Jedi Order(before Order 66), the Jedi where more aggresive and there was less rules, marriage was even allowed!(Luke and Mara Jade) Plus those Gamorreans were probably scum anyways.... eventually though, the new jedi get it together.

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The Potentium were a group of Jedi who believed the Force was inherently good... Regardless of your actions, the Force would make things right, Yoda and the rest of the Council did not believe this. Though they neither prove this wrong nor show there beliefs to be right, as 110 years later they watch there order go down in Flames lol.

Regarding my previous post: That is the real world explanation for Luke's actions on Tatooine, my view is similar to Ctrl_Alt's, the Force is the Force, how you choose to use it reflects your alignment in the eyes of the person Judging your actions.

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Well, there are generally 3 more common ways to associate a power manifestation to DS/LS, depending on who you ask:


1) Some powers are DS/LS while some are neutral. Though there are oftentimes LS version of DS power and vice versa.


2) Intention of Your actions dictates DS/LS/neutral/etc.


3) LS(Jedi) calls upon the force going with its flow, DS(Sith) bends the force to the wielder's will.


I personally tend to believe in (2), and considers (3) as difference between Jedi and Sith and not LS/DS. (1) would be too over-simplified and would only be good for kiddies and the like.

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I think using the force is just like everything else in real life - it all depends on your intent. For example, choking is generally considered a dark side force power because it's used to hurt/threaten/kill, but of course it can be used in circumstances where the intent is not evil. It's a bit unnatural for a LS Jedi to use it because, in general, it's more DS-natured. In real life, this could be compared to shooting someone with a gun. In general, it's a bad/evil thing to do, but in some circumstances the intent is not evil (such as self-protection, or saving someone else's life). It's a hard thing for a good person to shoot and kill someone else, but doing so in some circumstances would not make them evil.

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It is... on the moment you determines every gamorrean is not worth the effort.
Was it that Luke determined the gamorrean wasn't worth the effort, or was it a pre-emptive measure taken to prevent more of Jabba's crew from deterring his entrance? Perhaps if he hadn't taken such measures, he would not have had any success getting in. I don't know either way, but I think it's unfair to assume that he did so only because it "wasn't worth the effort".
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I'm not sure how people can debate whether crushing someone's internal organs is evil or not. I may have missed something somewhere, but I don't recall ever hearing that it's healthy for one's insides to get mashed up.


Bottom line: Choking someone with the force is of the dark side, as is electrocuting them, draining their life energy, and so on. Trying to use choke simply to knock someone out and saying it's "for the greater good" is simply a fool's justification for toying with the dark side's corrupting power. Unfortunately, a lot of the EU ignores this fact.

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1)If you look at the games, you can use force choke as a light side jedi and LS powers as DS jedi.

2)During this period, Luke had very little formal training, he studied with yoda for a few days then left to help his friends. The rest of it, he more or less learned by experience...

3)Luke uses a lot of different force powers during that encounter, it may have been just a little arrogance on his part. Did he really have to jump off the plank just to hop back up with the force? NO, he could've turned around and have r2 send him his saber. Luke was "not a jedi yet"

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But the thing is that a lot of these things are in the video games where you can practically choose what power to use. This is in the movies. You really don't see any other Jedi in the movies that actually uses force choke.


I think that Luke more or less 'stunned' the a Gammoeran. Once he got access from Bib to where Jabba was, I think that Luke would have 'let go' of the Gammorean. I see it as more of a stopping a fight before it started. My two cents...

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Was it that Luke determined the gamorrean wasn't worth the effort, or was it a pre-emptive measure taken to prevent more of Jabba's crew from deterring his entrance? Perhaps if he hadn't taken such measures, he would not have had any success getting in. I don't know either way, but I think it's unfair to assume that he did so only because it "wasn't worth the effort".


There are really a bunch of other more effective, quicker, and less crude Force techniques that can disable them, if that was his intentions.

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