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Its that time of year again.


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Tomorrow I am leaving for the woods in Northern Wisconsin. I'm waking up at 4 in the morning and then going on a 7 hour or so car ride just about as far north as you can get, up by the border to Northern Michigan. I leave tomorrow, June 21st, and return August 16th. I'll be in the woods for just under two full months, and I'm psyched but at the same time so depressed because I'll be going 2 months with no T.V., no internet, no computers, no radio, relatively no electricity, and living in a log cabin without running water or heating. And that's when I'm at the main site. Other times I'll be staying in a tent, or just sleeping outside battling the mosquitoes in a hammock. I mean, I love it up there, but the longest I've gone was 4 weeks, and now it'll be twice that length, and my girlfriend is completely devastated for obvious reasons. The only connection I'll have to people back home is my cell phone, and its rare to be in range of a cell tower that far North and that deep into the woods. Its not like I will be completely alone or anything. But its still quite different from life back home.


Pictures from past years:



That's me ^











So until then, good bye, Swampies. You'll be missed. And if I get a chance to go online while I'm gone (maybe if I go into town for supplies) I'll be sure to give you all an update :)


Wish me luck.


Who knows, maybe I'll run into Jebbers.

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I didn't think I'd have been able to either. But seriously, you'd be surprised.


Once you get up there its much easier that it sounds. You kind of forget about society and life back home...


Oh. And I'll have my zune with its craaaazy battery life :D

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I so wish I could do something like that, but I don't think my family would want to spend the money and effort. :(


Looks awesome, have fun!


btw, do you happen to have a high-res version of the fourth pic down?


So I can gaze at it, and pretend I'm there.





But seriously. :p

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You'd have to keep lengths of rope and any sharp objects that are good for stabbing away from me within the first week or so...


And I sure hope your Zune battery lasts that long... mine seems to need some energy milk from my PC's teet at least every other day. :V

Just be glad you're not bringing a PSP, I brought mine on a school trip and it got home with about 3% battery (PSP shows percentage) life left over three days. Listened to music for about 5 or 6 hours, and gamed for about an hour and a half... It's criminally short.

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Enjoy yourself' date=' can we turn this thread into "what are you doing this summer?" now?[/quote']

Sure, why not?


  MrWally said:
I mean, I love it up there, but the longest I've gone was 4 weeks, and now it'll be twice that length, and my girlfriend is completely devastated for obvious reasons.


I am also taking a trip this summer - but not for pleasure. I'll be in Pittsburgh PA for 6 weeks starting next Friday.... my girlfriend is (as yours) not amused.


  MrWally said:

So until then, good bye, Swampies. You'll be missed. And if I get a chance to go online while I'm gone (maybe if I go into town for supplies) I'll be sure to give you all an update :)


Wish me luck.


  leXX said:
That looks and sounds wonderful. Have fun Wally. ^^


I agree. Good luck... hopefully you'll get to log on at least a couple of times.



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Dude...2 months? I don't think I'd be able to last 2 weeks like that. Something about toilets is a complete necessity. Haha.





What I'm doing this summer, actually in about 2 and a half weeks, is I'm going to Montenegro.


Here's some pics from when I was there in March:














=) I cannot wait. I think we will make our way up to Croatia as well. =)

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We are going to Florida for two weeks in July. We have booked a villa with its own swimming pool smack bang between Universal Studios and Walt Disney World. We plan on mainly seeing as much of the studios as we can because we've already been to Disneyland Paris twice, and a good few visits to the beach too of course. I really can't wait.

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