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By the screencap, I can determine that:

* You use iTunes and Limewire (shame on you)

* You are a member of Clan Apathy

* Your username on Youtube is thor8808

* You are writing some sort of report on why Screemo music sucks

* Your username on SWOTOR is SpartanPride and your password is 8 characters long.

* You Have both a Myspace and a Facebook page.


@topic: Interesting thought. Last I read, Taris was a completely idustrialized planet, like Coruscant.

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By the screencap, I can determine that:

* You use iTunes and Limewire (shame on you)

* You are a member of Clan Apathy

* Your username on Youtube is thor8808

* You are writing some sort of report on why Screemo music sucks

* Your username on SWOTOR is SpartanPride and your password is 8 characters long.

* You Have both a Myspace and a Facebook page.


@topic: Interesting thought. Last I read, Taris was a completely idustrialized planet, like Coruscant.


1: Your nosey lol


@ Topic: I'm guessing his initial thought on the concept were similar to mine, it's a once industrial or thriving place that has been abandoned or nearly destroyed and the wildlife has made home there... but that could be Coruscant (post Sith sacking) Tython (abandoned since the earliest histories) and of course the wreck of Taris :)


all cool stuff whatever it is

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By the screencap, I can determine that:

* You use iTunes and Limewire (shame on you)

* You are a member of Clan Apathy

* Your username on Youtube is thor8808

* You are writing some sort of report on why Screemo music sucks

* Your username on SWOTOR is SpartanPride and your password is 8 characters long.

* You Have both a Myspace and a Facebook page.


@topic: Interesting thought. Last I read, Taris was a completely idustrialized planet, like Coruscant.


* Yep. But... what's wrong with iTunes? :p

* Yep, but do you know what that is? :p

* Same as my username on KOTOR files.

* Song for my band. Long story :p.

* Yeah. I really don't think you're going to draw a conclusion about what my password is, though :p

* I have Facebook, but I have no idea how that MySpace got into my tabs. It was an accident, I was just looking at my friends band :p


But yeah, even if Taris was rebuilt, there would still probably be ruins from the Sith attack.

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What about those peeps in the Undercity? With their prophecy and the "Promised Land". Maybe they survived the bombing since they were practically in the core of the planet.


Yes, I've always wanted to see that story revisited.


Me too! :xp:


Maybe finding them will be the crux of one of the quests on that world?

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That may be very well the Undercity post-bombing. Notice the columns and the structure that apparently stands on it's top.


I think you're right - possibly the 'floor' of the Lower City, and those pillars may be the various lifts dotted about, down into the sewer system or up to the Lower City.

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That may be very well the Undercity post-bombing. Notice the columns and the structure that apparently stands on it's top.
You're probably right, perhaps this concept is of the Promised Land? The real issue at stake is if the concept art is indeed of Taris, then I want Tarisian Ale to be a usable item. :D
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