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A Third Batman Movie Rumors.


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I think they should dismiss all the comic's villains, except maybe one or two that come to my mind, and come up with original characters. The reason why the last two topped every other film before that was because they revised the villains and the plot to something much different from the comics.


Ra's Al Gul was not made immortal and supernatural in the first movie. Scarecrow did not have sophisticated mind-control devices, but a chemical that made people hallucinate and panic. I could believe that much more than technology not even close to what they had for the comic's scarecrow. The two-face in the last movie didn't have two pretty girls pealing to each side and randomly getting a kick out of violence. The Joker didn't fall into a tank of acid and just go insane.


Jack Nikelson in the first film was just a joke. Heath Ledger was not the same joker from the comics... he was truly an original character. Batman being a symbol rather than the crime-fighter was another original idea that played well. The way they made Batman great was by deviating from the comic books as much as possible.


I didn't like Harvey literally becoming the two-face from the comics... he didn't have to have his face burned for that. Still, he was better than any other villain before Batman Begins. Any new opponent should not be like the villain they created in the past, but reintroduced as a more believable character.

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I thought it would be pretty cool if Hush was the main villian of batman 3
That thought occurred to me while reading the RIP storyline recently, I think it'd be pretty cool. I don't think a lot of people are familiar with him as IIRC he's a fairly recent villain (late 90s?) and I had never heard of him before, as RIP was the first Batman comics I had read, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Obviously everybody knows the Joker and Scarecrow, but I don't think Ra's al Ghuul was very well known before Begins and he worked out very well.
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While this is great and all, the site mentioned that only Bale has signed on- not even Christopher Nolan (Director) has told if he'll return or not. So, for now, nothing really has been decided, but I do hope that they make a third movie on par or above the Dark Knight.


Yeah, to me it just wouldn't be right if Nolan wasn't involved. *keeps fingers cross*

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I think they should dismiss all the comic's villains, except maybe one or two that come to my mind, and come up with original characters. The reason why the last two topped every other film before that was because they revised the villains and the plot to something much different from the comics.


Ra's Al Gul was not made immortal and supernatural in the first movie. Scarecrow did not have sophisticated mind-control devices, but a chemical that made people hallucinate and panic. I could believe that much more than technology not even close to what they had for the comic's scarecrow. The two-face in the last movie didn't have two pretty girls pealing to each side and randomly getting a kick out of violence. The Joker didn't fall into a tank of acid and just go insane.


Jack Nikelson in the first film was just a joke. Heath Ledger was not the same joker from the comics... he was truly an original character. Batman being a symbol rather than the crime-fighter was another original idea that played well. The way they made Batman great was by deviating from the comic books as much as possible.


I didn't like Harvey literally becoming the two-face from the comics... he didn't have to have his face burned for that. Still, he was better than any other villain before Batman Begins. Any new opponent should not be like the villain they created in the past, but reintroduced as a more believable character.



How about that Ice Man guy whos name escapes me...All I know is that Arnold Schwarzzennegger...the Terminator Guy, was that dude in one of the old Batman films, you know, the ones with the bad puns and Robin.

I don't know about Freeze. He seems to be a bit... well, cheesey, in my oppinion. :frown:


The Riddler is just the puzzling character needed to spice up the next Batman movie. As long as a good actor is playing him.

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IMHO the best villians are the seemingly timid ones. Bane, for example, comes off as a steroid monkey to me and while he may be able to kick the snot out of Batman, he won't hold any real fear with the audience because he's more of a bully than a supervillian. The real villians are more about using intellect rather than sheer force. A villian who always seems one step ahead of the Hero are the one's to be feared. Of course, giving him an anti-social and perhaps slightly psychotic personality also helps. Look at the Joker. At first glance he seems more like a nutjob than a criminal mastermind but as anybody who's seen the movie will tell you, looks can be decieving. He was as brilliant as he was insane. Now put the riddler in the mix. If you though the Joker was smart, wait till you see what this guy can do.

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I'm going to open this post with throwing myself onto a bomb. X-Men 3 was lame. Spiderman 3 was garbage. The Dark Knight was boring. Now that is over.


I don't think superhero movie sequels work. Batman has taken itself too serious; thus, I'm more likely to get my head examined than to watch a third film. Bale's first Batman movie was sweet; however, his second movie was a snore. Most of the supporting cast overshadowed Bale's performance. Batman 3? Not a snow ball's chance in hell. There has to be a major overhaul in storytelling.

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I don't think superhero movie sequels work. Batman has taken itself too serious; thus, I'm more likely to get my head examined than to watch a third film.


So you don't like films with a serious tone? Batman has always been slightly more serious than other comics (the 60's show and film was a major departure), and Batman is more suited to darker plots.


Batman 3? Not a snow ball's chance in hell. There has to be a major overhaul in storytelling.


What was wrong with the story exactly? And regarding a third film's chances, $500 million at the box office, and 3 million DVDs sold on the first day of release would point to a strong chance of a sequel to The Dark Knight.

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I'm going to open this post with throwing myself onto a bomb. X-Men 3 was lame. Spiderman 3 was garbage. The Dark Knight was boring. Now that is over.


I don't think superhero movie sequels work. Batman has taken itself too serious; thus, I'm more likely to get my head examined than to watch a third film. Bale's first Batman movie was sweet; however, his second movie was a snore. Most of the supporting cast overshadowed Bale's performance. Batman 3? Not a snow ball's chance in hell. There has to be a major overhaul in storytelling.


I think Dark Knight was the best film Hollywood has produced since Gladiator; people talk about Bale being over-shadowed, but that was kind of the point, Batman is basically powerless in the face of events, but fights on regarldess - besides having your best friend being blow to pieces, I don't demands a lively performance.


What was wrong with the story exactly? And regarding a third film's chances, $500 million at the box office, and 3 million DVDs sold on the first day of release would point to a strong chance of a sequel to The Dark Knight.


YE - there are an awful lot of people who disagree with you on this - laws of economics says there will be a 3rd Batman film, as hollywood never misses a chance to milk a cash cow. Besides, I fully expect the Dark Knight to take Best Film and Best Supporting actor at the oscars.

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So you don't like films with a serious tone? Batman has always been slightly more serious than other comics (the 60's show and film was a major departure), and Batman is more suited to darker plots.

I like serious toned movies. I never said I didn't like them. I don't like comicbook characters becoming too serious. Michael Keaton's impression was more enjoyable. Batman Begins was a great movie; however, the sequel was too monotoned for me. There was nothing in the movie to liven things up. I felt dragged from one sidestory to another. I thought it was boring and dull.


What was wrong with the story exactly? And regarding a third film's chances, $500 million at the box office, and 3 million DVDs sold on the first day of release would point to a strong chance of a sequel to The Dark Knight.

I wasn't clear. I was talking about my chances of seeing the film. I wasn't talking about a sequel being created.


Besides, I fully expect the Dark Knight to take Best Film and Best Supporting actor at the oscars.

My impression of why The Dark Knight was a success is due to the death of Heath Ledger. We saw it with the Crow, and now we see it with Batman. People flocked to this movie to see the last character Ledger played. Why wasn't Batman Begins a great success, and then suddenly The Dark Knight was? It was because of Health Ledger.

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My impression of why The Dark Knight was a success is due to the death of Heath Ledger. We saw it with the Crow, and now we see it with Batman. People flocked to this movie to see the last character Ledger played. Why wasn't Batman Begins a great success, and then suddenly The Dark Knight was? It was because of Health Ledger.


Well, I'm just going to ignore this scene then.

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