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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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Bought my Apple Time Capsule tonight.


Pricey... but I did the math on a 1TB drive and a 802.11n wireless, and it wasn't any better. And that solution didn't give me wireless networked printing either.


When I do get my Mac Mini (probably later this month...) I'll be able to do auto backups to it as well.


Day off tomorrow. Sweet. I'll be able to bust my hump doing all the projects I've ignored around here for several months. :dozey:


Then tomorrow night I'm attending a... *ahem*... dance party. :rolleyes:


(With M. and several of her hot friends.. that is.) :D


I'll probably hate it there... but I can't pass up an opportunity to be in with a crowd of hot, sweaty, attractive women just looking for a good time... now can I?



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go ed!!!! ed definitely knows how to work magic and get tons of hot womens :joy:
I dunno 'bout all that.


So far no real payoff from all my efforts.


Guess I'll just have to keep trying and workin' it. What else is there to do?



'Tis a dark day in edlib-land... :(


Just disconnected from my PC and packed away all my flightstick controllers.


They were in the way for the new wireless hub... and the thick layer of dust on them tells me that it's unlikely they will be needed any time soon.


If I ever do get another killer flight sim, then I'll probably purchase a new joystick to go with it anyway.


But I just can't feel like I've come to the sad end of a much brighter era...



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Spent most of the day configuring my wireless network. Being an Apple product, in theory it should have been easier. But apparently, it doesn't play well with my firewall software, which cased a lot of headaches.


I have it working now... as a network device, anyway.


I still don't have full functionality on the print sharing or the hard drive storage yet. I'll have to play with that some more.


Gotta get ready to go out now... just when I feel I could use a nap.

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Shouldn't your router have a firewall in it so you don't need to bother with that crap?
Eh... I'm not sure how much I trust a firewall that never gets updated.


Plus: It would only protect from incoming attacks. If I (stupidly) open something that wants to call out, a router firewall wouldn't stop it.


But whatever... it's not impossible to work around... just a couple of extra steps. Or disable it until configurations are set.


Dance party was a bit of a dud.


Not that many people there, and only one of M.'s friends showed up... and she arrived late and left early. Not much dancing... but the music was loud enough to make talking difficult.


So... at some point a couple of us left and went to a karaoke club down the street... and stayed there until it closed. (2 am)


That was fun... but not exactly the night I had envisioned.

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Hmmm... Maybe at some point.


I wasn't that crazy about the first one. (Or good at it...)


I have a pretty busy couple of weeks ahead. It would be a waste to get it now... I won't get a chance to play if for a while.


I just downloaded a whole bunch of game demos off of Live. I'm gonna try them out when I have time and see if there's anything I really want.



Ugh... gonna be tired today. :dozey:

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dont bother man


iuts 6 hours of SP gameplay, an hour of which is utter ****.


The single player campaign is rather rubbish. COD:MW1 had a much better SP campaign though. Leaves it open to a inevitable 3rd MW game. Which I'm totally not against.


Special Ops is fun if you just wanna chill with one buddy and kill NPC's or do crazy random **** that you can't do in regular MP. It's a nice Co-Op mode they put in for those of us who don't wanna slog though XBox Live and shoot people.


But the slog is TOTALLY WORTH IT. MP is fun, fast, and invigorating. Canning in an AC-130 and fireing off these huge 30MM cannon rounds and killing 4-6 people in one shot is HILARIOUS fun.

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This should have been an easy day... but somehow it was strangely confrontational all around.


I'm covering in the small recital halls today... something I haven't done in years. Both stages are tiny, and neither room seats more than 150 people.


I don't know why both events today got so uncomfortable. One was a acappela vocal group... and the other a trombone recital.


The trombone player brought her own engineer (strictly verboten anywhere on campus...) and leader of the acappela group got up in my face when he showed up 45 minutes late for setup/ soundcheck, and things weren't exactly the way he wanted them.




Seriously?!?? These are the 2 shows that are going to go down as the biggest headaches I have to deal with all year?

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The single player campaign is rather rubbish. COD:MW1 had a much better SP campaign though. Leaves it open to a inevitable 3rd MW game. Which I'm totally not against.


Special Ops is fun if you just wanna chill with one buddy and kill NPC's or do crazy random **** that you can't do in regular MP. It's a nice Co-Op mode they put in for those of us who don't wanna slog though XBox Live and shoot people.


But the slog is TOTALLY WORTH IT. MP is fun, fast, and invigorating. Canning in an AC-130 and fireing off these huge 30MM cannon rounds and killing 4-6 people in one shot is HILARIOUS fun.


and its already full of cheaters with no way to remove anyone from the game


or even choose what server to play on


let alone no mods for the computer users.


I played a few levels of the spec ops, some of it was fun.


too bad the bh and ac130 are 2player only. and I refuse to buy it. I would have, if I thought the SP wasnt absolute **** on a stick.


atleast dice is giving PC gamers something to look forward too. Ill have to get BF: BC before march for the 360



also, it keeps getting yanked off youtube because IW is a bunch of losers.....


but the game is already uber hacked with aimbot on the 360

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I just beat the single player campaign on veteran. it took me 16 hours.


the story was pretty good, imo, i didn't feel like putting the controller down like i did when playing ODST's campaign. i haven't checked into xbox live yet, so i don't have anything to say about the multiplayer yet. there's alot of intense action in the campaign, which is what i like, though on veteran it got annoying at times...getting checkpointed while being in the line of fire led to me dying about a hundred times.



next game i'm waiting for is Splinter Cell Conviction.

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ran at the track this morning. this time i decided to wear gloves so I wouldn't get frostbite. my time was 17:15. first mile i ran in 8:15. wish i could get the first mile to 7:30. might end up getting a gym membership since it's starting to get colder out....and since i'm able to wake up earlier i can actually get there and work out and not have to worry about being late for work. today im scheduled 2-9:30.

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Extreme ski movies at work today. Easy. (Nice money too...)


Good thing... I feel kinda blah, today... but not so bad that I think I have to take work off. But just bad enough that it will put a bit of an edge on the day.


Hope it doesn't get worse...

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