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Drewton's Skins


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Thanks for the comments!


memarik: You may have seen an earlier version of Sion did. The latest version I posted is much, much less green and more like the colour in TFU although still not perfect.

jedi7000nathan: I'd have to modelling for that, and have to animate all the cap movements as well. I'm not sure if I'd be able to add any vertices to the model either. Maybe in a later version if I learn to model someday.


I've taken a short break from TSLMIM to work on a few TFU skins. While I'm still going to do the multiple-costume Galen Marek pack, I'll be releasing the Training Gear first a "preview". I've switched the model to Jolee, but now I can't do the "bolt" on the left side of the grey plating and the varying details on both arms because of the UV mapping. Would a modder more experienced with UV mapping be able to edit it so that both sides can be done?


The Juno Eclipse skin is nearly finished. I'll be doing high collar, open jacket, and rebel versions. Here's what I have for now:





I'm hoping to be able to model an Imperial officer hat (simply editing the Sith officer hat) and to add more hair coming down with that. Here's what I plan for it to look like:



I'll be doing PROXY and Kota as well. This might be what I use for PROXY:



The both look amazing, but will this be strictly for TFU? Or is this for KOTOR/TSL? I think I'm having a bout of stupidity, because even though I read the first post, it still confuses me...

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Thats more detailed then the Wii Juno ;(


LOL, yeah, the Wii version was pretty terrible...


I was only going to do a few minor fixes and alternate Sith eyes for the next update of my Darth Malak skin, but I've ended up doing up much more than planned. Changes from v2.0 so far: the body texture is three times the original size, the head texture is two times, the armor has been completely redone (still using the Batman armor), the bat logo is gone, the face and jaw covering have more detail, and alpha channels have been added where they're needed.. This is a very early WIP - I still need to redo arms and legs as well as some more on the head.





A better view of the head in Gmax. This version was earlier than the above screenshot, in which I toned down the rough-looking-ness of the jaw covering. The face and the rest of the head are separated, the reason why I haven't yet reskinned the rest of the head.




Heh, compared to this version, the old Malak didn't really look evil at all...



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Thanks people. :)


Quanon: I'm hoping to have TSLMIM (I'm assuming that's what you meant by "pack"?) done next month...but plans are fragile things. :p

fenix3279 and Lord of Hunger: That's exactly what I'm trying to do with this, glad you thought that. I always thought that Malak looked wimp-ish since the game was released back in '03. This version uses the idea of him being about brute force.


Not much new here, but I was just taking some more screenshots to see what didn't look right in-game and decided to post this one with the Sith trooper reskin as well...




I'll probably add the same shine as the jaw covering uses to the "collar" to match them up better. I'm also thinking about adding gloves. If I can get them done fast enough, I'll release both the new Malak and Revan reskins within a week.

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May I make a suggestion?

I was thinking that you could make The Sith and Republic Troopers look more... commandoish? Like more detailed armor, add a few peices to it, like Radios or Blaster Power Packs or something.

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The new Malak skin looks sweet man. Is there any chance of it coming with a jawless version? I know it only shows up in once cut scene but I actually just got done playing through the whole game again and was using your last Darth Malak reskin when that scene came up his armor was still your version but his head was the default Bioware. Nothing real major just kind of a strange inconsistency.

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Thanks people. :)


Quanon: I'm hoping to have TSLMIM (I'm assuming that's what you meant by "pack"?) done next month...but plans are fragile things. :p


Tell me about, I still got mods in the pipeline, but its hard to tell what life will throw at you... or teachers and parents :lol:


Though one little critique, yes unbelievable o_O

Do you still need to work on the sleeves on Malaks suit.


The red doesnt match the one of the torso that well IMO.

Both seem a bit to "off" of each other in style.


But I have no doubt you're on top of things :)


Great work.

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These skins are very good. Especially that Malak skin, the difference is just astounding. I must say, yours is much better than the original. You do an incredible job with detail. I do agree with Quanon's critique however, the sleeves need a little work, but the detail on that torso is jaw-dropping O.O



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KOTOR and TSL are definitely going HD thanks to Drewton. Seriously mate, your textures just jump out at me. It almost feels like a restoration project in that you are making Malak appear the way he should appear. I can't wait for TSLMIM, and KOTORMIM if you are still planning on doing the latter.

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