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Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]


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By the way, why don´t you find the prothean ruins on Feros illogical? And the one Liara is rescued from? Maybe when they say that reapers destroyed all trace of prothos they mean they just killed everyone? (yes, im going to use a different nickname for protheans every time i mention them from now on. Why? Because i feel like it)

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  Alkonium said:
Except that there's an even bigger flaw in that...

I’m sorry I did not mean for my response to seem that I was implying that your conclusion was in anyway flawed. I happen to agree with it wholeheartedly. I was just pointing out where I remembered that it was shown in game that the Reapers could have harvested early humans when they did the Protheans, but did not. I was attempting to show that the ME universe was not on “speed or something.”


I do however think with the technology the reapers have that they could harvest all life and still spike the primordial ooze to seed the next harvest, but like DarthParametric pointed out they would have to wait a bit longer. Still that is not what they do in the ME Universe because it is established in the game that they don’t harvest all life just as you stated in your post.

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I wasn't suggesting that they stripped every planet back to the bedrock and started fresh. But expecting sentient life to evolve to the point of interstellar space flight every 50,000 years seems a bit much to me. Especially multiple simultaneous occurrences of it, as is the case in the current ME universe cycle (at least a dozen species). For that to happen you'd have to be literally tripping over organisms at various states of evolution in virtually every system you visited, which is clearly not what you see in ME. It's much more in line with what you'd expect - 99% barren rocks/gas giants/otherwise uninhabitable environments.

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  Drunkside said:
By the way, why don´t you find the prothean ruins on Feros illogical?
@ me?


Feros was one of the original examples I provided, no?


  Drunkside said:
And the one Liara is rescued from?


I intentionally kept the list of grievances short to avoid tl;dr. This is yet another. There are lots more.


  Drunkside said:
Maybe when they say that reapers destroyed all trace of prothos they mean they just killed everyone?
Either "all trace" means "all trace" or it does not. Liara emphatically states that it's as though they never existed.
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  DarthParametric said:
But expecting sentient life to evolve to the point of interstellar space flight every 50,000 years seems a bit much to me.

This post is pure speculation on my part as to how I explain away the short technological evolution. If I look at the history of how mankind (in the Mass Effect universe) achieved interstellar space flight as an example, it was because they found a Prothean ruin on Mars that enable them to learn how to use the Mass Relays. So like the Mass Relays and the Citadel itself. The Reapers leave enough fragmented information behind to speed up the technical advancement of future livestock and leaving the technology behind ensures that the advancement progresses along the lines that the Reapers attended.


Either that are it is just a huge plot hole. :D

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They still had to evolve from monkeys to being able to undertake manned trips to the edge of the solar system (something we haven't achieved yet) before reaching the relay and having the Reaper tech kick in, jumping their technology forward. The first true hominids appeared about 3 million years ago, the first modern humans around 200,000 years ago. The current status quo in terms of racial types and continental distribution probably stabilised around 12,000-15,000 years ago (having begun 50,000-70,000 years ago). That's somewhere between half and one full cycle I guess, but it took about 60 cycles to get to that point from the rise of hominids, and a further 40,000+ cycles before that from the beginnings of cellular life. That's a hell of a lot of reaping. The ME universe sure is fertile.

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You do know it is a science-fiction game, right?


What is the problem now? You already said they are not killing all life in the universe. Early humans were not killed the last time the reapers came. So as a fact, in game, man did not go from monkeys to trips to the edge of the solor system in 50,000 years. He went from wherever he was at the time of the last harvest to interstellar travel. We do not however have a clear understanding at what stage of evolution mankind was at during the last harvest. We know the Protheans were watching man from the base on mars and we know from the orb they were watching Cro-Magnon, but we do not know how much time passed between the time the orb was recorded and when the reapers last appeared.


Also if man lived for 1000 years how fast do you think that would speed up technological advancement? Also how much faster would humans advance if they lived about 150 years?


If you still want to look at science fact while judging science-fiction then 50,0000 years ago homo sapiens had been around from about 200,000 years already. 50,000 years ago homo sapiens were checking out central Asia. Mass Effect takes place in the year 2183. Check out the difference in technology between 1839 and 2011 and get back to me.


Again most of this is speculation on my part. If you have a problem with comparing science fact with science fiction in ME, I suggest you take it up with the BioWare writers.

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I think it's pretty obvious that the Reapers are not interested in non-advanced Sentient Life. They could care less about the cavemen of 50,000 years ago, tens of thousands of years before we discovered metals or even agriculture. Humanity was a hunter-gatherer culture 50,000 years ago, we were nothing to the Reapers. It's pretty clear the Reapers are interested in more than just meat. Considering the interest the Reapers take in Humans in general and Shepard in particular in Mass Effect 2, I think they're looking for a race that can fight them.

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Humanity really had terribly bad luck in the ME universe. If they'd just been ~30 years slower tech-wise, they would've arrived just after the Reapers reaped everyone, and would be the first citadel race of the next cycle. Then humans would have had a whole 50,000 more years to develop tech before having to avoid getting reaped.


Edit: Guys, I've been thinking. Just in case, maybe we should try to cut NASA's budget or something. And shut down any remaining trace of GW Bush's goal of a Mars landing (since that's where we find the prothean stuff that turns us into catnip for evil sentient spaceships), for at least a decade or so.

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  Primogen said:
Considering the interest the Reapers take in Humans in general and Shepard in particular in Mass Effect 2, I think they're looking for a race that can fight them.


Exactly. I think we'll find out in ME3 that Sovereign was a test to find out which of the infants is the toughest. Reapers "evolution" is building a new model based on the baddest of the existing races and integrating the "hero" of said race into said model.


Obviously speculation on my part, but seems to be the way we're being led, based on the clues.

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Not really, Liver. Even the Reapers need time to finish a Reaving, so unless it took us a couple of extra -hundred- years we would have still been boned Reaper sideways. Consider, they're searching and purging an entire galaxy, and at this point even the Asari haven't come close to fully exploring the galaxy, just a handful of systems scattered around various Mass Relays, with most Relays remaining closed for fear of a new invasion, Rachni Style.

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Most hate Arrival, so even though I like it I would go for Lair of the Shadow Broker and Overlord first. Kasumi –Stolen Memory is also a nice DLC, if you don’t get upset over her limited dialogue and pretty much useless in a fight. Check out Zaeed – The Price of Revenge that comes with the price of the Cerberus Network .


If you hate the way he is you’ll hate Kasumi. I’ll admit I hated both at first, but she grew on me.


The rest is pretty much weapons, armor and appearance packs. I have them all and use some of them, but I can’t really recommend them.

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  Prime said:
I'm going to be starting my first playthough of ME2 pretty soon. What's DLC is worth getting? Keep in mind I am rich. :p

I'm a fan of Zaeed and Overlord. I suspect that that the outcome of LotSB will play into ME3 and I think Arrival is worth it, if for no other reason than continuity.


As far as other miscellanea, the Kestrel armor is nice (Aegis Pack), the Firepower Pack is worth the scratch, and I will recommend the first Alternate Appearance Pack simply because "Archangel" looks like crap in his default armor.

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I'd agree that Zaeed is pretty useful combat wise, but basically useless for dlg outside of mission related banter. Though I've only got the dlc that came with the Cerberus Network when I got ME2, I'd be inclined to consider LotSB. Watched it played out over YT and it looked pretty decent (didn't care for identity of shadow broker, though). Will have to check Overlord as I'm not too familiar with it. Don't know if the wepaons packs are probably really worth it (other than aestheitically) as you can tweak the existing stock weapons in the Coalesced file (just get a copy of Notepad++ if you go that route).

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The solo gameplay was really an annoyance for me, i was very "shooter rusty" not having played one for months, and they forced me to go alone... bad idea to make the thing unique IMO.


Other than that, the amount of "auto dialog" was really disturbing, the original game had those but on few occasions and i could live with that, in Arrival it feels a lot like a fixed character and not "my" Shepard, i hope they cut back in auto dialog for ME3, because i'm not liking it right now.


The thing does have a story, but it's not very involving or interesting...

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  Taak Farst said:
The battle for object rho, even on casual, was a b*tch to do. That was pretty dang difficult. I managed to do all 5 waves and get the achievement. JUST. The Geth Plasma shotgun saved my damn life, on top of the m5 phalanx hand cannon..

Yeah, I will give the DLC that.. thought that sequence would never end.. hehe


Sentinel's "Super Shields", Arc Projector & Heavy Slam FTW.. saved my arse :lol:

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It took me several attempts on Hardcore (Soldier), but once again, I learned that it was hard because I wasn't being aggressive enough. I slapped cryo ammo on my shotgun and changed cover every time Adrenaline Rush cooled down; once I did that I got the achievement first try (a couple of close calls though). Obviously, I tried to take out one or two baddies each time I moved, too. :)

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  ChAiNz.2da said:
Yeah, I will give the DLC that.. thought that sequence would never end.. hehe


Sentinel's "Super Shields", Arc Projector & Heavy Slam FTW.. saved my arse :lol:


The Arc Projector is AMAZING on heavy mechs, so I took that down easy with that. plus the enemies were very tightly packed together a lot so yeah. trouble is i had 4 ammo and 3 went on the mech. one went on a big group but then I just got swarmed.


Anyway overall I would give Arrival 4/5. I'd hoped for more man on reaper action and badassness but really it was just a disguised mercenary massacre just like the rest of the game ^^..


What I didn't like is the choice to warn the batarians or not. Because either way, no survivors, which p*ssed me off and made me think they are forcing you into canon here. Still, it left a great cliffhanger and it left a great picture of what is to come in ME3.


I predict shephard being the bad guy a lot here, making sacrifices here and there, just like in Arrival with the batarians. ME3 will be a treat.


I expected more of a bridge into ME3 though..which I feel I didn't get..It was just delaying the reaper invasion..that's all I saw. No ME3 love really.


Earlier on, around mid 2010, I had a prediction that ME3 was going to consist of a lot of "oblivion portals" from Oblivion or "Borgia Towers" from AC:B. You know, because you had to go inside the reaper and destroy the core (on the Reaper IFF mission) and I thought, hmm..Why can I see myself doing this a hundred times in ME3.


Unsure now.

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