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(k1) Taris middle city


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This mod looks very interesting, but some things:

1. Wookieepedia says the temple was in the Upper City, rather than the Middle City.

2. The elevator from the upper city... doesn't reach the upper city.


The second issue isn't too important in my opinion, although still a bit odd. The first one, on the other hand... Might be enough to make me personally pass over the mod. But that may just be me.

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If the temple is in the upper city, I can exclude it from my mod. But having a temple would make you skip the mod?...


Thanks guys! I have already decided to add somemore eye candy to the pc level, thanks SS!


And i will make the elevator extend to the upper city with an extrude, dont worry. I did not want it getting in the views of modeling.

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I was thinking about when I used to take the subway in NYC and thought of a texturing idea for you to consider or dsicard as you see fit. The only thing I can think to suggest is perhaps placing a yellow border on the edges of your walkways facing the traffic - as if a "Taris Safety Assocation" wanted to make sure their tourists and citizens didn't tumble over the side.

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Well. Maybe not actually make me avoid the mod, the rest of the awesomeness would just be too much to resist. =P

But just the fact that deep down I know it was actually somewhere else would bug me.

Might be my OCD.

Keep it up! Loving it.

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Get the wording, Czerka presence on Taris, mentioned on Korriban.


Hey, no need to be hostile because I misread your post. I thought you meant that Czerka's presence wasn't on Korriban, but Korriban was mentioned on Taris.


@New screens- I still feel like such a n00b... :p

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I have started playing around with textures. I have textured one building, and the main city block platform. I also started playing arounf with the sky box, but have not yet finished it by far.


Brilliant work so far :)


If I may make a suggestion with regards the Skybox; it would make sense if possible the create the 'middle' section of buildings due to the platform being lower down :)

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Brilliant work so far :)


If I may make a suggestion with regards the Skybox; it would make sense if possible the create the 'middle' section of buildings due to the platform being lower down :)




Also, out of interest, what's the Poly count on that area? :)

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I am still texturizing and its driving me insane. No new screens, just thought I would post that :) I had to remodel a few buildings, as I did not make the door entrance big enough :/


I have made new images for the skybox as well.


More screens coming in the next day or two

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I am still texturizing and its driving me insane.


Don't loose faith !


Area modelling is long and slow: you could rush it, but then you'll end up with crap.


You're doing great for a first time at this :)


Eagerly awaiting those new screenies.

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