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Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge

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I have a Problem. I am on the E.H. with Matilda but I have no Idear what I will do? I will leave the E.H. but this don´t go. The Galaxy Map doesn´t work.


Help please.


Just keep moving around the hawk, go to all the places you can think off.


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Both sleeping quarters, that small medical room, the cockpit, cargo hold...

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Just played through the re-mastered version of the original BoS using the save that came with the download. Only bug I've encountered so far is in the inventory - an item called Gadon's Gloves (I think it's called that anyway) has a big white square for a picture. Minor, but I thought I'd point it out. It's probably more to do with other mods I have installed.

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Just played through the re-mastered version of the original BoS using the save that came with the download. Only bug I've encountered so far is in the inventory - an item called Gadon's Gloves (I think it's called that anyway) has a big white square for a picture. Minor, but I thought I'd point it out. It's probably more to do with other mods I have installed.
Yes, that bug isn't actually anything to do with BoS:SE. It's just an old item that I used to have on that save file, and obviously because its icon isn't in your override folder, it shows up as a white square.
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Oh my god!

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I just can't finish this! I killed Solomon 4 times, killed thos rakatan guardians, killed the ghost Solomon, killed two other Akirakon Sin(sorry if I spelt it wrong) and it just can't end! I can't imagine how much work was this expansion!


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Oh and by the way I see people struggling with that force field:D It only took 5 secs to me to figure out what's going on:xp:
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Does any one know what the "non-cannon" key is supposed to do? You can find this key at a skelaton at the place were Matilda fights Solomon for the last time
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Does any one know what the "non-cannon" key is supposed to do? You can find this key at a skelaton at the place were Matilda fights Solomon for the last time
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It opens the non-cannon footlocker
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That made me laugh:)


Good job Silver

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I'm being serious. It opens the non-cannon footlocker, full of none-cannon goodness. It's not exactly hidden, but it takes some effort to find.
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It opens the non-cannon footlocker



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Well now I just to figure out were that thing is located :xp:


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who did help in someway to create this. Let us all give a big thanks and applauses to: Quanon,DSTONEY642000,Sithspecter,Inryi Forge, Marius Fett,Scott C. Wentworth,Eric Braun,Jules Ismail,Dan "ConVito" Conlin,Max "Vivvav" Dweck,Mike "CornetTheory" Hillard,Qui-Gon Glenn and Daniel "extraction" Nord. Also I would like to thank all who created the tools so this could be possible.


And finally I would like to give Silveredge9 an standing ovation for his work that took many years to complete. I can't messuare how much time it must have taken to create this. You're a briliant modder and you made the best mod I ever played and inspired me to make Call of Aid. This is my way of saying thank you for all the time you spent devoliping this.


Thank You

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Is it possible to get

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The "Republic Commando" armor used in this mod?

All new items featured in BoS:SR are listed in the read-me.


I thouth it would be uploaded to kotorfiles but its doesn´t so I looked here and for my surprise it was released yesterday!
Megaupload is only a temporary host. It will be uploaded to KOTORFiles in due time.


I'm also interested in how long it takes for some of you to find the easter eggs. I can't exactly remember how many there are, but the one hinted at in one of the release screenshots is my favorite. :p

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Just a quick question: if we have the original BoS installed, do we need to uninstall it and then install this? I have read the readme, but I'm just trying to be safe with everything. I've also completed the "Favor for a Rodian" quest in the original BoS. Will that cause problems?

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Just a quick question: if we have the original BoS installed, do we need to uninstall it and then install this? I have read the readme, but I'm just trying to be safe with everything. I've also completed the "Favor for a Rodian" quest in the original BoS. Will that cause problems?

You don't need to uninstall anything.


On a side note does anyone have a male character save they could lend me? Cheats and all that are fine, I'd just rather play a male than female. The male save I have on the leviathan always bugs out after the Malak fight, instead of Bastila jumping off to fight Malak, some conversation starts up with Carth even though he's on the other side of the wall.

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I get an error message during installation (TSLpatcher):

Error: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "D:\Programme\KotOR\backup\modules\ship.mod". System unable to find path (0)

I tried it like 4 times, with a clean install of KotOR... nothing worked so far.

Perhaps I should redownload it? :raise:

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I'm also interested in how long it takes for some of you to find the easter eggs. I can't exactly remember how many there are, but the one hinted at in one of the release screenshots is my favorite. :p


Probably not a easter egg, but from one of my favorite sections of the mod:

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Twi'lek: A what!?!


Bounty Hunter: (angrily) A what!?!


Revan: A dance off!!! Oh wait, I was supposed to say A what!?!

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I get an error message during installation (TSLpatcher):

Error: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "D:\Programme\KotOR\backup\modules\ship.mod". System unable to find path (0)

I tried it like 4 times, with a clean install of KotOR... nothing worked so far.

Perhaps I should redownload it?

I have the same problem (or similar at least), but since I want to play this game ASAP, I'm gonna just install manually and reinstall anything else that uses .2da files.


Btw, ditto on what logan23 said, Silveredge9. Your work is actually my inspiration too.




Lord of Hunger

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You don't need to uninstall anything.


On a side note does anyone have a male character save they could lend me? Cheats and all that are fine, I'd just rather play a male than female. The male save I have on the leviathan always bugs out after the Malak fight, instead of Bastila jumping off to fight Malak, some conversation starts up with Carth even though he's on the other side of the wall.

Couldn't you edit the START_MOD save using KSE?


I get an error message during installation (TSLpatcher):

Error: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "D:\Programme\KotOR\backup\modules\ship.mod". System unable to find path (0)

I tried it like 4 times, with a clean install of KotOR... nothing worked so far.

Perhaps I should redownload it? :raise:

Then that means you've deleted the empty folders supplied with the package which are needed for the TSL Patcher installation. In the same directory as the .exe file there should be an empty folder called "modules", another called "backup", and inside the backup folder another named "modules". So if you've deleted them, you need to create them.


Probably not a easter egg, but from one of my favorite sections of the mod:

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Twi'lek: A what!?!


Bounty Hunter: (angrily) A what!?!


Revan: A dance off!!! Oh wait, I was supposed to say A what!?!

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Probably one of my favourite side quests is the second assassination mission. When you've attached the bomb to the protocol droid and have commanded it to move to Zeven Etta's location, if you activate the detonator prematurely the explosion kills everything within a few metre radius; the player, party members, and any NPCs nearby included. :p
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First order of business: Congratulations on the release!


I'm really glad to see this mod finished, gives me a ne reason to play through again.


I'm sorry that you're retiring, I've always admired and respected your hard work and excellent quality. I know that your work has inspired me to reach for the highest quality possible in modding, and I've redone a thing or two after seeing your excellent screenshots. ;)


Can't wait to play the mod, it looks amazing.


Thanks for creating all this. :)

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Just finished playing through the entire things and I have only found 2 bugs witch I think is a new record for a mod I played. I stated the first one earlier and the 2nd one

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During the battle with Solomon where he is taking power from the Brotherhood if you talk to "Sera, Matilda" she acts like your on the hawk and talks normally.
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During the battle with Solomon where he is taking power from the Brotherhood if you talk to "Sera, Matilda" she acts like your on the hawk and talks normally.
The 1st bug you reported technically wasn't a bug, and was just an unfortunate consequence of Shadow using the Bastila Underwear model as her default clothing model.


For the second bug, Shadow shouldn't respond in any way should you talk to her during the battle. Did you save and reload at any point during the battle? It can sometimes "cancel" the "effect" which stops her from responding.


Also, thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm hoping BoS:SR serves to inspire the creation of a "new generation" of content mods as the "last generation" inspired me (Although not quite in the traditional sense) to create BoS:SR.


And finally, when you've completed the mod, please let me know what you thought. What was you favourite section, favourite character, and so on and so on. :p

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