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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VI: Death to the Sith

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Wrath looked to Andirrul and than to Tyrannus. At this point he wasn't sure what to make. He could see they were struggling over control but it looked like two children who just couldn't seem to get along; either way Wrath had enough. However before he could speak Andirrul went off about Kalla Kaltas and someone related to Andirrul. He didn't understand the point of love, it just showed weakness. Rather than express what he really thought of the situation he decided to leave.


"I will give you time to take this in alone my mistress, but if you need me just summon me. Lord Tyrannus if I possibly have a word with you in the cockpit it would be greatly appreciated."


Wrath left Andirrul's chambers and headed for the cockpit. He sat in a chair and watched the stars out in space.




Kurt was glad that Komad wanted him to come. He followed after the jedi but did not take a seat when they reached their destination. It wasn't that he felt unworthy or anything, he just preferred to stand. He listened in on what Garrick had said and what Komad replied with. He thought about the situation for a moment and what he would do if he were attacking.


"Sir if I can say something I strongly consider we get on that ship now. If the sith have taken out of hyperdrive chances are they're going for our sheilds and our weapons so we can't fight back. If we can get off this ship quietly, we can turn the autopilot on for this ship and use it as a decoy for the sith to shoot at while we land safely. If need be I'll stay here and make sure they go for this ship."

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"Would I lie?" Tyrannus asked. It was time to show her that she had much more to learn about deceit and pain. "You left her, she was in pain. The closest was the cousin. Logical choice."




"Acknowledged," Jun-la replied. "Komad, I can meet your ship in orbit, we can patrol the area." She was already plugging in coordinates that the navicomputer had brought up.


Andros moved back to the gun turrets to allow Matton to take over piloting. As he had learned when he first met Matton was to let him take over the flying. The man knew more about flying a ship like he knew much about the Force. He said, "I'll ready weapons to be ready."




Tonatius had noted the pessimistic attitude from Kalla. He couldn't blame her really but she had to learn to control her feelings. She would never be Avalonian, but he could at least teach her techniques that would hopefully give her serentity. He said, "Life is a gamble yet it is not. Where there is life, there is the Force, bending it and shaping it to its will. Understanding it takes time." Tonatius then closed his eyes and reached out to feel Jatalra. He suddenly opened his eyes and said, "There is a presence on the surface. Ancient."

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"Yes," said Andirrul darkly. "The choice was logical, but when did love ever have anything to do with logic? If I had let my senses rule the day instead of my heart when I first met Kalla, I would have remained only a comrade-in-arms by her side. Instead, I let my emotions control me, and it appears that I have done so again. No more. That is why I practice skorost' from dawn 'til dusk, and yet focusing on combat has not yet driven all feelings from my soul. Tyrannus? You have mastered something I have not. What is your secret? How are you so cold, and I so fiery, like molten beskar? What am I missing from the essential things I need to know to reach your state?" She stepped closer to him, her hand bathed in sharp pain waves.




Pahro sensed the ruin before she sensed the Jedi. Sure, she hated stinky, decrepit outposts, and this one was no different save the scent of being dead for dozens upon dozens of years. Still, she had a sense the Force was here, and wherever it was strong, there the Jedi were or would soon be.


In order to play the part smoothly enough to fool her intended pawns, Pahro had brought along a slick, black archaeologist's collection bag that she had borrowed from one of the researchers aboard the Phantasm. Carefully, wearing black contaminant-resistant gloves, she picked up broken pieces of pottery and other ruined artifacts, slipping them into her bag and pretending to study them. They were of no importance, no worth, save the ones that tingled distantly with the Force. These she would leave for the Jedi--for what was a trap without bait? She snuck into a nearby cornice to conceal herself and attach her holomike to the lapel of her uniform. This was it...

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"I wonder, why do you not hesitate in greeting me. I believe that the Jensaarai were viewed as isolationist and dark-side affiliated during the old Jedi Order."


"I do not see why I shouldn't hesitate in greeting you. You have not attempted to strike me down with either your saber or with a barrage of force lightning. And I'm sorry to tell you that I never had the opportunity to learn that much about the Jensaarai except of what I heard in rumors while I was on the run."


"Our own records tell that the first who accepted our existence between light and dark was Master Skywalker of the new Jedi Order. And because you have lived during the time Darth Vader was a known figure in the Galaxy, would you not fear when you saw someone with my kind of armor and a lightsaber?"


Alriana had to think on that for a moment.


"...No I don't believe I would. Because I know that Darth Vader is long since dead...and if you did mean me harm...we would not be sitting here having this conversation. Intead we would be battling it out in the corridors of this ship."


Alriana's head shot up from her pillow as a sudden sensation hit her like a thunderbolt.


There is someone else down on the planet with the Holocrons...Someone must be attempting to get to them before the jedi do.


Alriana had lived on that planet for nearly ten years before she had been frozen, she had established a bond with the Wild- life and a somewhat weaker one with the holocrons and right now she knew that something was disturbing them.


"There is...someone else down there besides the jedi...something is upsetting the wildlife down there."


Alriana struggled out of the bed and brought her hood up around her head. "I apologize but I must be going...something is wrong down there."

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(to be fair, Kalla did have feelings for Tonatius before she met Andorra)


"I sense it too. And one not so ancient, yet not of this world." Kalla added. As the ship touched down on the surface, Komad noticed that the landing gear immediately started to sink into the mud. "Not good. We have to get what we're after, and get out of here, as quickly as possible, if we want to get out of here at all." He commented. "The holocrons are here, but probably well hidden." Reyvan suggested. "Then we should start looking." Kalla pointed out. While she and Tonatius searched inside the ruined structed, Komad and Reyvan investigated opposites of the exterior. Reyvan, sensing someone unaccounted for, checked behind a rock an spotted Pahro. "A reporter? What are you doing out here?" He asked.

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It had been nearly a year, a year since his defection from the 'Nex Venators', and a year since going Rogue, and leaving the New Galactic Empire to find some form of solace. And almost a year since arriving on this planet, and a year since he'd seen other sentient beings.


Vector felt them, all of them, the Force Users that had arrived. They weren't on the planet yet, but he could feel them, orbiting above his head, getting ready to descend. And he felt another, one who was on the planet, one who was in the ruins, tampering with his home.


Although a year was short in comparison to most stays, the planet offered little training for Vector, the dangerous creatures no longer bothered him, and no one visited the planet, not after he'd scared a group of scavenging pirates away from the crash site of the transport he'd come in on, putting it in their minds with his Umbaran abilities, that the planet was cursed, thus causing others to steer clear. Instead, Vector had learned to spend his days meditating, a thing few Dark Side users did, or at least had the patience to do; neither was he taught to meditate, by either the Sith order, or the 'Nex Venators'. But with time he taught himself patience, and meditation, and had spent at least ten hours out of every day strengthening himself in meditation, the other hours of the day were spent foraging, or hunting (during the first few months of his stay, but after awhile he learned what was edible from the wildlife in the area, and thus now leaves them alone), practicing combat, traveling, or exploring the ruins, and on occasion, sleeping. A whole year of meditation for ten hours a day, every day had caused his Dark Immanence in the Force to dissipate, and it was almost completely replaced with the wild natural essence of the Force that flowed through the planet itself, thus making him almost invisible to those that wielded the Force. Along with his training as a 'Nex Sicarius', he could make himself disappear into the planet itself it would seem, and keep himself hidden from any who would seek to cause him harm.


'They must be here for the Holocrons,' Vector thought to himself, lifting himself from the ground, where he had been sitting in a meditative stance. He focused his attention on the one who was already on the planet though, he could feel something within this one, something hidden, an ulterior motive of some kind, something dark, his Umbaran blood was what helped him sense that, with some help from the Force and maybe some hidden observation of this person he could find out what they wanted.


Vector focused on masking what little presence he created in the Force, and began to move towards the person's location, if they were after him, in any way, he would soon know, and if they posed a great enough threat, to either him, or the Holocrons, then the person would have to be eliminated, much to his own discomfort.



He'd been watching the woman for quite awhile, before he sensed the presence of others in the area, most of them were quite strong in the Force, and stuck out like sore thumbs.


'Jedi,' he mumbled to himself, then redirecting his gaze to the woman who'd been discovered by one of the Jedi. He didn't like what he was feeling within the woman, but from what he could tell, and decipher from her intentions, she was, by all means, harmless, to him at least.


Vector turned his senses to the ruins, he could sense the other Jedi, they were searching the interior, and the opposite end of the outside as well.


'As would be expected of the Jedi, they've come for the Holocrons. But....I fear if they take them, I'll be left here...alone,' Vector thought to himself. He had been without living sentient socialization for quite some time, but the Holocrons had kept him company, although it had taken most of the time he had been on the planet to even get the Holocrons to work for him. But by now a few of the Holocrons trusted him (if artificial projections 'trusted' that was), some of the projections even called him Padawan, but a vast majority still didn't work for him. But he feared losing them, and as was common with all former members of the Sith, fear drove him, and fear could drive someone to do irrational things. Vector breathed in deeply and sighed inaudibly, gathering himself and getting control of his emotions; regardless of how he felt about the situation, he didn't need to do anything stupid. He would have to try and stop them from taking the Holocrons, and hopefully without violence, but knowing the Jedi, a being with the markings and emanations of a Sith would often provoke immediate hostility, as was the lesson he'd learned roughly a year ago.


Vector grimaced and shot off without a trace; no one knew he was there, and no one knew he was watching, he'd have to use that to his advantage.



Vector stared at the two Jedi that were rummaging around the inside of the ruins, evaluating them and seeing how he sized up in terms of skill, in case it really did come down to violence. He could however just use his "Stealth" Blaster to make them 'one with the Force' in a matter of moments, but he didn't want a repeat of past events creeping up on him, no he'd figure something out.


Vector only knew of one thing to do however, and that was speak, "You two, why do you intrude upon my dwelling? I will give you fair warning, go, before I am forced to remove you."


Vector's voice carried outward throughout the entirety of the interior ruins, thus masking where his voice was coming from. He also remained out of sight, and detecting him through the Force would be quite a difficult task, if not impossible.

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"We have come for the belongings of one who was here before you, so they may be returned to her. We mean you no harm." Kalla answered. Though trying to be diplomatic, she remained on her guard. It was unwise to trust those you could hear, but not see.

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"The Holocrons are mine, they were here when I arrived, and they've kept me company ever since, besides, I don't believe you when you say that you mean me no harm, the Jedi were always good at forging lies after all," Vector hissed in anger, he still had an instilled disposition against the Jedi, even if he no longer considered them his enemy, he had still been literally raised to believe them dangerous, and untrustworthy, not to mention evil, from the Sith point of view, they were - after all. Vector suppressed his subconscious dislike of the Jedi and continued. "What reassurance can you give me that you mean me no harm, what can you do to prove to me that you won't strike the moment you find me?"


Vector slipped on his Phrik Gauntlet, and pulled out his Lightsaber, which was oddly unnatural in length, and it's pummel cap didn't seem to match the rest of the shaft. He sensed the will of the female Jedi, she was ready to strike, he could even see it in her body language, the stance she took while standing. He had to be ready too.

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Durrel brought the ship out of hyperspace, directly above their Republic friends.


He looked out the viewport at the Republic vessel.


"That's a coincidence...well maybe not."


He activated a planetary scan and spotted the ruins of the former Mandalorian base.


"That's where we'll go...there should be some logs and equipment there....and we'll figure out the importance of this...Jatalra."


A nearby analyst nodded, "Perhaps we'll stumble upon some ysalamiri..that may help us with the...paranormal problems on the planet."


Durrel nodded, fingering his blaster, "Well, we'll see. We're breaking into the atmosphere now."




Garrick stared at the command channel, wondering what to do.


We could take the bait, and inevitably fall into a trap. Or we can ignore the sighting and forget the matter entirely...but we need this. Sightings are few and far between, if they occur. We have the firepower...and the allies to do it...


He came to a decision, "Barek, sound Battle Stations and send us to the coordinates. If there's a trap, we'll be ready."

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"I am no ordinary reporter," Pahro replied. "I'm also an amateur archaeologist, though my level of study would be more akin to a professional's. My name is Pahro Utonula, also known as P to the rest of the galaxy. I came here because I'm sensitive to the Force as well, and the Force has told me that there is someone here just as ancient as these holocrons, at least in our time." She paused. The skeptical expressions on her listeners' faces did not bode well.


"I have not come for any of the holocrons. I'm not a Jedi. You can have them. However, I would like an interview with the one who, I sense, has been frozen in time until very recently." She held up her hands in surrender. "Since I am P, and not some hack behind a holomike, will you grant me this chance, or bring me to the one who might grant it?" She stepped back all of a sudden.

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As Alriana struggled off the bed, the Cathar jumped on his feet and slipped his helmet back on over his head. A gentle hiss stabilized the atmospheric pressure inside the suit and began regular air filtration systems, despite it not being all that necessary on board a Star Destroyer such as this. Inside the helmet, a HUD flared up indicating the working of the life support system, suit integrity, proximity sensor readings as well as indicators whether or not the vocoder was on, the radio was being monitored and the status of any translations from one language to the other. The vocoder indicator flickered to the on-position while the large armored humanoid followed the Jedi out of the infirmary.


"With all due respect, Jedi of the Old Order, things have changed since your times. Things are less... sophisticated" the Cathar said and followed her towards the hangar, supporting her if she fumbled.


"I'll pilot you down there" Nandorr continued.


A while later, they reached the hangar and Nandorr led her to a small two-person fighter. It was better to use one of those instead of taking down a large shuttle for no other reason but grandeur. As long as the two of them could squeeze in and out of the fighter with relative ease, it would serve the purpose of going through an atmosphere. Just as the armored Cathar was about to climb up to the cockpit, an officer came up and saluted.


"Jensaarai Nandorr. We have picked up a craft heading directly for the planet with high velocity. It's Mandalorian" the officer said and the Jensaarai glanced back before clambering into his seat.


"Inform Komad if you can contact him. Forward the location of their shuttle to my HUD. And hide the ship once I'm gone. We don't want anyone to know we're here, especially if they discover what we're seeking from here" the Jensaarai commanded before closing the cockpit dome and prepping everything.


"Hold on, Alriana. These things have gotten quite a bit faster since the days of the Clone Wars" he told her, glanced back and flew the fighter out of the hangar and for the planet's surface.

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"We'll see." Reyvan replied. "It's not safe out here. We have an ATT nearby. Wait there for us to finish our business here. Then we'll discuss whether or not you can speak with Alriana."


"Will this suffice?" Kalla asked, raising her ligthsaber, and removing the power supply. "I expect a similar guarantee from you."

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Pahro had not only stepped back because of the sudden lack of personal space between herself and the others, but also because she thought she saw someone she recognized from the HoloNet--and heard about from her Mistress--in her immediate vicinity. She turned to Reyvan and exclaimed:


"Wait! I know I've seen you somewhere before, or at least heard about you. You're Reyvan, right? You're all over the HoloNet! I hate to sound too much like the giddy schoolgirl I once was, but it's so very nice to meet a fellow celebrity! Perhaps if I can't find the one I'm looking for, I can interview you?"


She extended her cocoa-toned hand to shake his. Her nails were perfectly manicured, longer than Andirrul's and twice as sharp. She beamed a smile.




Everywhere Andirrul turned aboard the Phantasm, she heard the mocking words of Tyrannus inside her mind. I have to learn to control my anger, she thought, and not waste it on idiots. No--not CONTROL it, but rather USE it to my advantage. What am I, a Jedi or a Sith Lord?


Once again, she was in her private chambers, and once again, she was practicing the forms of her most favorite combat art. However, this time she was frustrated, because no matter how hard she tried, she could not truly concentrate. The voice inside of her that was Andorra was trying to give her instructions on stances and strikes, but the voice that was Lord Virul was laughing. You are still weak, said the voice, and always will be.


Tears threatened to surface in her golden eyes, but she fought them back.


Kalla no longer loves you. The sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you truly can become powerful. Let her go. She has betrayed you, as you betrayed her when you slew the host that was once mine instead of standing down, as a Jedi would. Kalla does not view your final act as betrayal--she instead sees it as sacrifice--but you, WE, know better.


You are a traitress, Andorra Evenstar, and she will indeed make you pay.


Unless you listen to me now, all is lost. Do you remember your 'sublustrum?' The reason you have not fully perfected 'skorost' is because you have not yet combined it with that complex state into which you fall so completely. This art is not about logic--about keeping a cool head and a keen eye. That is what the Jedi forms are for, and that is why they're weak. 'Skorost' is all about passion, about fury, about rage, and about making the other yield.


Before you even draw your blades, fall into that first stage. You can do it.


Andirrul couldn't believe what she was hearing in the chambers of her mind.


If you can fight in 'skorost' while in Sublustrum IV, that final level that made you slay the body I once inhabited, you will be unstoppable. Not nearly-unstoppable or possibly unstoppable. You will conquer, then and only then.


Now, get to work. I don't waste time with fools, least of all you, little one!

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"Will this suffice?" The Jedi asked, lifting her lightsaber and removing it's power pack. "I expect a similar guarantee from you."


"I agreed to no such thing, but if it brings you comfort, then you have my word, my lightsaber will be disabled, but your friend there must do the same as you ((assuming Tonatious is with Kalla at the moment)), seeing I don't trust either of you at all!"


Vector squinted and glanced at the other Jedi, noticing he hadn't been saying anything, nor did he look like he was going to remove his lightsaber's power supply. This made Vector tighten his grip on his lightsaber, he wasn't going to do anything with his own lightsaber until both Jedi were unarmed, and, for the most part, harmless.

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((I don't think I'll be on for most of the day so I'll get this out of the way now.))


Alriana watched as the familiar grey skies of the planet rose up in front of her and her anger slowly began to rise up.


I...lost so much. The imperials took everything from me and I ended up in deep freeze for over a hundred years, and everything I learned in my travels is now obsolete. Should I not have a right to be angry?


She looked over at the big cathar piloting the craft and her anger began to fade again. But perhaps...I can teach this new Jedi order something about the old...the way we used to act.


"Estimated time to landing?"

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((Boy you guys are going fast. I can only access at night. Day is if I am lucky. Don't forget I am still here. We might want to slow a bit so Tsys can respond on a timely basis too.))


"Practice if you must," Tyrannus replied, "Though I think your time would be best spent if you learned how to break a Jedi. Your former lover would be ample. After all she betrayed you by having feelings for him." He leaned back on the bulkhead, watching her practice her techniques. He loved toying with her mind since she was stuck between two. He would use deception and mental games just to get a rise out of her.




Tonatius explored with Kalla. Even while she was discussing over power cells he was exploring, his senses drawn. He said again, "Something is here. Ancient. Also deception is here in the flesh."


He looked at the stranger and said, "Water flowing looks peaceful but it hides a terrible face. Darkness exists when it rises above the calm." He was warning Reyvan and Kalla, that something was not right. "Of course there are those who can read the currents." He then raised his arms to show his sword hanging at his belt. "Looking for a stick of light here yet there is none."




Andros guided the ship to a stable orbit. They were above Jaltara, orbiting for any signs of danger. His master had seemed excited at the prospect of the Jedi who survived the infamous Order 66. He kept his thoughts to himself as Jun-la activated the comm, "Master Komad, we have arrived. What is your current status?"

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Sam'kil sent the message to his General again. And again. And again.

"Be patient Sam, General Tarsus may be busy, why would he deal with a ship out in the void like us?" Taylor said to him. Sam could care less, he needed to get the message and he needed to get it now, if it didn't work, he'd have to go free lance.

The mercenary coalition. A group he'd been on the verge of making for ages.

No time like the present.

Sam looked around the bridge, then he pulled up the intercom. "Everyone, this is Sam'kil speaking, We are no longer under Empire control, what little they have. We are leaving there group and forming our own. The Mercenary Coalition." Sam let the words sink in before continuing.

"We are now all freelance, and if you wan't to abandon ship now, go ahead, its the only chance you'll get." In the end, no one left.

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"Perhaps later. Now's not a good time. If you really want to help, we're looking for some holocrons and a lightsaber around these ruins." Reyvan explained, starting to get a bit annoyed.


"That's still a weapon. The sooner you set it down, the sooner we can sort this all out peacefully." Kalla whispered to Tonatius, trying to remind him they were at a disadvantage.


"Searching the perimeter. A few extra hands would be helpful." Komad sent out to Jun-la's ship. Sensing trouble inside, the ruin, he made his way in, hoping to catch its occupant off guard.

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Vector hissed under his breath and then sighed, he would have to trust the male Jedi, as he wielded no lightsaber from what he'd said, and what Vector saw.


"I will keep my bargain then, I am removing the power cell," He spoke aloud, doing what he said, he flung his lightsaber's power cell out into the open from his hidden position, to where the two Jedi could see it, and he quickly moved to a new position to avoid detection.


Then something stirred in the Force, the planet's essence was fluctuating, more people were coming, and one of the Jedi on the outside was making his way to their positions.


"One of your friends is coming. I can tell you that if he desires to cause any 'altercations', then he is sorely mistaken; I can sense you all like big red dots on a white tunic through the Force, after all, you Jedi tend to stick out on wild planets such as this, especially ones so strong in the Force," Vector told the two Jedi, flexing the hand that had the Phrik Gauntlet on it.


He looked at the two, then grimaced, he was tired of these hiding games, besides, one unarmed Jedi, and a strange philosophical fellow wielding a sword wasn't much of a threat to him, especially when he still had his Phrik Gauntlet, and "Stealth" Blaster; and if things did turn violent, and the fight wasn't going in his favor, then he'd easily be able to slip away and disappear again, or so he planned, though he'd learned that plans don't always go perfectly.


Vector snarled to himself, and shook his head, forcing himself to move into the open. "There, I am out where you can see me, hopefully this has garnered some trust from you two, right?" He questioned vehemently, his instilled dislike of the Jedi resurfacing in his voice. Vector kept his hands out, but his Gauntlet on, if they weren't too perceptive, they wouldn't be able to tell what it was, and if he kept his hood up, then they wouldn't see his Sith markings, and they wouldn't move to attack, or so he hoped.

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Tonatius knew what Kalla was asking but he refused to be led like a kirath hound on a leash. A warrior never parted with their blade and he was pleased that it wasn't going to be an issue. As a parting shot to the stranger, he said, "You may be able to sense us though why you call me a Jedi is beyond me. Yet can you sense those that have masked themselves within the Force or cut themselves off completely?"




"You know I'm usually the one that goes on missions like this but this will work. I'll keep a minimal distance and if you need me, call me."


Jun-la waved off Matton and turned to Andros. She then looked up at the sky. "Two unfamiliar presences, one Ancient."


Andros listened but didn't know what to make of it. True he had sensed someone other than their companions but the other he wasn't sure if one of their Miako friends had followed or not. He thought it best not to say anything about that so he asked, "Make like the Force?"


Jun-la nodded and Andros began masking his presence with the Force. It was a technique that his master said came from the elder masters of her world and that it went back to the days of the Exile. He finished his task and looked at his master for confirmation. When she nodded they set off following Komad's path to Tonatius and Kalla.

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Durrel landed the ship right outside the ruins of the former Mandalorian base on Jatalra.


He opened the landing ramp and went outside with 2 of the analysts, armed to the teeth.


Durrel began to check reports on HUD, reading age old documents on the objects found on Jatalra.


He read these documents while picking his way through the ruins, until they found the door to the Mando'a Bunker.


"Sir. Are you sure this is wise?"


Durrel looked at the analyst, "I we find what something useful, it will be worth it."


He activated his long-range comm.


"Jedi, Captain Durrel here. We have landed on the ruins of our base, here on Jatalra. We will assist your search by going through the ruins. Stand by for further reports."


He opened the Bunker door and went in. They weaved their way through several passages until they found a door with a peculiar symbol on it.


He checked the reports, this symbol was not only insignia of the facility, but could be found on the artifacts recovered and placed in the Bunker.


Durrel opened the door via it's controls and walked inside, seeing a strange, red, triangle object.


It emananated with a dark aura, Durrel was ultimately afraid to even take a step closer, but he did.


His HUD had reached the final document, the last one before the destruction of the base, it read:


We have discovered the meaning of the symbols we've found on the artifacts. But due to recent events, we have reason to believe that these objects should be destroyed. The artifacts date back to about 10 years after the Mandalorian Wars. We believe it to be....


The rest of the document was destroyed, but Durrel remembered this symbol, remembering his days on studying the numerous enemies of the Mandalorians.


This symbol was that of a Great Sith Lord, known only as Nihilus.

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Pahro snorted. She did not appreciate being condescended to by anyone, let alone the Jedi Order. Did they not know the power of her fame, her celebrity? No matter. She would find a holocron and bring it to her Mistress, perhaps...


It did not take her long to find a tiny one, so small that it could balance upon the tip of her finger, and yet as inexorably hard as a diamond. It glowed red.


Andirrul, said the holocron. I must see her, and become hers, in order to impart the secrets of the Jedi--and the Sith--to her. After all, she is the Dark Lady. I am millennia old, my precious pawn. Do not trifle with me.


The spy's blood suddenly ran cold. "Who are you?" she said via the Force.


I am a Sith Lord, or I was within my time. Now my spirit has been justly imprisoned within this crystal shell for longer than you and your ancestors have been alive. I suspect it is the Force's unique way of punishing me.


Pahro slipped the holocron into her pocket and snuck out of the ruins. She had not done much spying upon the Jedi, but she believed that her catch, her newfound treasure, was far more important to the cause at hand. Returning to her courier vessel, she sent a holocomm message to Andirrul:


"My Lady, I have found something. A holocron this time, and not a Jedi in full flesh and blood. I believe you'll find it intriguing, to say the least."


Silence. "Is that all? Not even the location or whereabouts of our enemies?"


Pahro quickly relayed her coordinates. "I am nearby, but not too far nearby. I wish to stay concealed from our targets as long as possible, Mistress."


This time, a sigh. "If you want to impress me, you must expend more effort."


Her thrall was furious. As soon as she turned off the holocomm, she thought up a plan. If it was a trophy Andirrul wanted, she'd get it, soaked in blood. Pahro herself always carried a high-powered stun-blaster to ward off rabid fans. It had the power to kill as well, but it also had the best silencer credits could buy. Stealthily, Pahro crept back to the ruins, being careful to cloak herself in the Force lest the Jedi sense her return. She leapt behind a rock.


There. If I hit the debris nearby, that rotten crumble of wall, instead of the target, I can kill two gizka with one stone: slay a Jedi and cause chaos.


Without a repentant second thought, Pahro aimed exactly...and hit her mark.

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Alriana watched as the ground of Jaltra crumpled slightly beneath the weight of the fighter as it settled to the ground.


Something is wrong...I sense a presence I have not felt since...Since I grabbed the holocrons the first time...Is it possible that one of the holocrons I grabbed was of sith design?


Alriana turned to the Cathar. "Something is wrong...I can sense a great disturbance within one of the holocrons...It's almost as if a gatekeeper is being activated...but It doesn't feel like a Jedi gatekeeper...it feels much darker."


Alriana nodded to the cathar and moved off on her own to track down the holocron.


After only a few minutes of walking Alriana stopped as she saw a figure blast a fragile wall with a blaster pistol.


That could not have been good.


Alriana extended both of her hands forward in a massive force push that sent the debries caused by the shot to fly off.


"You have a dangerous holocron with you...I can sense it...but I can't sense you yourself...isn't that odd?"


Alriana narrowed her eyes.


"Identify yourself...and tell me what you are doing with the holocron."

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Pahro smiled. Her little diversion had done exactly what it was intended to do: locate her real target. Not the holocron, or the ruins, but the woman standing right in front of her.


"I was removing it," replied Pahro. "The Dark Side taints Jedi worse than anyone, or at least it can from such a powerful influence as this holocron is. I was trying to hide my presence so as not to distract anyone unnecessarily," she said. "With the frequent ground tremors on this planet, everyone has to keep on their toes, yes?"


She removed the holomike from her lapel. "My name is Pahro Utonula, also known as P to the rest of the galaxy. I thought I was coming here on an archaeological expedition in order to get material for my next show, but here you are! Would you mind sparing a few moments for an interview?"


When the Jedi fell silent, Pahro said, "I can sense the cold on you. You have just recently awakened from cryostasis. Even archaeologists and reporters can be sensitive to the Force. From what era are you, exactly, Jedi?"

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As soon as the ship landed, Kurt was already doing a perimeter sweep of the area. Satisfied that there was no danger, Kurt followed after the others. He didn't say much while the others talked. It was hard for Kurt to engage in small talk. He never got the chance to mingle socially with people. He only listened and gave orders, that was it. So rather than make himself feel out of place he just stood there quietly and watched as the group split up. He stayed with Komad when the group split up. When they found a strange woman, Kurt instantly pointed his rifle at her. Eventually he lowered his aim and watched as Komad headed into the ruins to find his daughter. With Komad being his commanding officer Kurt too decided to head into the ruins. He kept up with the jedi with ease due to all the physical training. If Komad knew something was wrong in the force perhaps it was the work of sith. He could be useful this time.


"Master Komad if I can speak freely. If whatever you're sensing is a force user or ambush, I can help. Being brainwashed multiple times messed with my head and it makes me very difficult to detect with the force. If there is a threat somewhere in here, I can take it down."

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